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Shazarabbit told me I should make a blog for my graphics.. so I decided to do it :lol: I'll just occasionally post my new digital paintings or photographs. I don't know if I'll even keep this up, but hey, I'll give it a go.


To start off, I guess I'll share a little bit about the tools I use. For all of my digital paintings I use PhotoShop CS2 and a few months ago I bought my first tablet: a Wacom Intuos 4. The time it takes for me to complete each picture varies greatly. I have spent 5-10 hours on each of my 'best' pictures. I've been drawing my whole life but only started taking it seriously the past year or two.


As for photography, again, I've always loved taking pictures but for most of my life I used a cheaper point and shoot so my pictures were never that great. In November of 2008 I finally got my first DSLR camera, a Canon XSi. With that, I got the kit lens (EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS) and I bought a 100mm f/2.8 macro lens as well. Since then, I have bought a few other goodies (like a flash, filters, etc.). Winter is my favourite time to take pictures because I have an obsession with water drops.


Recent Digital Paintings


This is a digital painting of my Lore-Master on Lord of the Rings Online. Lore-Masters can summon various pets so I included my character's Raven. Very unoriginal background and hopefully I'll get around to replacing it with something better some day... =/


Time spent: ~6 hours.

29 June 2009





This is actually "version 2" and what you see here is probably ~25% of the original image size. Maybe even a bit less.. Version one was drawn with a mouse and took about 10 hours. When I decided to retouch the image, I redrew the sky, made the sand a bit more detailed, redid the head of the horse as well as the mane and tail and added more detail to the ocean.


Total time spent: ~13-15 hours

28 May 2009 (for version 1. Version 2 was sometime in June or July)



Recent Photography


This macro photograph was actually taken for a contest in the Tip.it Gallery forum. This is probably my favourite photograph of mine like this (water drop) beceause I love the reflection in the drop.

19 June 2009





Taken in Alaska.

14 June 2009





Water splashes are equally as fun to photograph as water drops! Though they do get a bit boring after you've taken several hundred... Anyway the colours in this photograph have NOT been manipulated. I had two different bowls of water: one with yellow food colouring and one with red food colouring. The yellow bowl of water was placed on the ground and the bowl of red water was the water I used to fill up a cooking baster. I then held up the cooking baster a few feet in the air, squeezed it and the red water fell into the yellow water, creating this splash. The red water stayed red for the splash, which is why you can see that red drop of water. Pretty cool ;)

31 January 2009






Not all of these are terribly recent. All of the digital paintings and photos I post from now on will be brand new. If you want to see more of my artwork or photography, you can visit my deviantART gallery. I am currently working on a new digital painting which is almost done but I won't be posting it until November.


Recommended Comments

Wow tripsis! Your artwork is amazing. Do you have any plans for later on to work in the art field? I am learning 3D modeling right now. It is for my interest in game design and programming.

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Wow tripsis! Your artwork is amazing. Do you have any plans for later on to work in the art field? I am learning 3D modeling right now. It is for my interest in game design and programming.

Well I just started university and I declared Pre-Art, so we'll see where that takes me :)


And thanks to everyone for your comments!

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