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So, we've finally seen the release of Fairy Tale III. I thought the quest was a little weird, but it was definately an interesting way to wrap up the quest line. The final battle was fun, even though my mouth was sore through the whole thing! The quest rewards are really good too. The Xp isn't really all that much, but I'm happy to finally be able to use the Fairy Ring Network without having to drag my Dramen or Lunar staff along with me. The magical watering can that never runs dry is a huge addition to farming, as well as never having to weed allotment patches.


Then we have the whole DirectX and new Zanaris graphics. Simply amazing. I was surprised how well the new graphical update turned out. From what I can tell, there weren't too many major bugs with it, unlike the release of RuneTek5.


The System Update podcast is still going strong. I was on yesterday's episode of it, but I didn't talk all that much. I had just woken up and was asked again at the last minute to be on the show. Don't get me wrong - I love doing the podcast and being a guest on it. Just it takes me a while to wake up sometimes and yesterday was one of those days. That and I always seem to talk more before and after the actual recording lol.


I've also been very busy recently doing a lot of website related things. I just launched a brand new RuneScape clan today called The Phoenix Knights. Feel free to come check us out! For those interested, we are a skiller clan mainly, but we're more relaxed about it, for now anyways. We're looking for new members to join our ranks!


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Hey Carl :)


It's a RuneScape Twitter account so what do you want me to do? Tweet about Halo? Pfft get real. :)

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