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New Blogger / Old Runescaper



Well, I figured I'd start a blog.


This blog will have snippits of my real life and RuneScape events, I am willing to share personal details (obviously not too personal, but personal to me) so please show respect when posting comments.


I will start off by introducing myself to those that may not know me, I hope it doesn't bore you too much.



I am a 26 year old female living in Wiltshire, England. I am not married but have been with my partner for over 9 years and we are expecting our 4th child in August. Currently we have a daughter who is 8, a son who is 6 and a son who is 5. The 2 eldest children play RuneScape, and the youngest usually plays on one of the many consoles we own. We are deffinatly a gaming family. In our home we have a laptop, a desktop PC, a Wii, PS3 a PS2 and a DSi.


My RuneScape "career" has been on and off for 6 years, real life has got in the way of things or I have needed a break from the game out of boredom. I was leader of TET a few years ago before my break from the game, so my level's aren't fantastic because I was working hard to bring events to the community, but I am slowly working on them and improving them. I am not a skiller as such, I prefer quests as they encourage you to think and have more skills than just clicking something (no offence to skillers intended, this is just my personal opinion).



Stats when starting this blog:






Stats currently:





I hope you enjoy my journey


Recommended Comments

Heh, not so obscure typo in the title there :P


Welcome back, I thought I remembered your name from somewhere, TET eh :smile:


Good luck on your goals :thumbsup:

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LOL! Thank you for pointing out my typo. <3:


I am glad to be back, thank you for the lovely welcome. Alot of the "oldies" recconise my name, nice to see you are still around!



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