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Get Smashed Gate Crash?



Omg. Omg. Omg.

I'm very excited atm, cause I'm going to Oxegen tomarrow until Monday! Here's what it is if you haven't found out yet:


http://2010.oxegen.ie/line-up/ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


It's a music festival in Naas, just outside of Dublin in Ireland. It's just brilliant stuff like! Even though it's suppose to rain; that doesn't matter...I'm gonna be drunk and having an amazing time! And to cure the hangover each morning = I'll drink some more! :thumbup:

Hopefully all goes to plan and I actually survive until Monday morning without gaining an STI or alcohol poisoning etc. :shame:


But on thing has gone to plan; and this IS runescape related (Only doing this cause i realised my past few blogs have been me blabbering on bout stuff@)

I managed to get from 76->85 Smithin in 6 days with gold ore + goldsmithing gauntlets :D

and a few other things...I didn't realise i rocked :rolleyes:





Yeah, short and sweet blog this time.. BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THE OXEGEN LINE UP TO SEE WHAT FUN I'M HAVIN


Slán ya muckers!

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The Stranglers shown in small font under the main stage? SMALL FONT? WHAT IS THIS BLASPHEMY


If you step foot inside the Dance Arena, I will personally ferry myself to the festival and brutally kill you. Have fun :thumbup: (don't forget to see The Stranglers)

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