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Before I start, let me introduce myself... Wait, no, that sounds stupid.

In this blog, I'm going to.. No, no, that's even worse.

I'd like to start by.. uh.. well... Crap.


This is a blog. I'm Norriie. And clearly I don't really know how to start my first entry. I'm a veteran runescape player with a big mouth, a lot of opinions, and I love to talk about them. So I'm going to just jump right in and start my first blog post with a review of today's (and yesterday's, I guess) updates.





misc_races.jpgBEHIND THE SCENES ~ November 2010 misc_races.jpg

1. Dungeoneering- Warped floors

Every time we get a dungeoneering update, I feel a twinge of guilt at the fact that I still haven't really started the damn skill. I don't like it much. If I wanted to go play a dungeon, I'd go renew my Warcraft subscription (which I'll probably be doing next month anyways.. Cataclysm, anyone?). But when an update like this comes out, it kind of makes me want to give dungeoneering a second chance. Because honestly, I don't think anyone could argue with the nearly-unlimited-prayer-point goodness of a bonecrusher+bone necklace combo. Of course, the warped floors don't interest me much yet, but that's mostly because I've barely made it out of the frozen floors. So it's going to be a while before I see the apparently beautiful graphics of the warped area. But for those of you who are hardcore dungeoneering elitists, I hate you hope you enjoy your new content.


2. Herblore Habitat

I don't get it. Is it a minigame? Distraction? Something else? Whatever it is, it sounds like free (yet overly complicated) herblore exp. I think I'll have to wait til this one comes out to see what I really think of it, but it sounds promising so far. We've been in dire need for herblore exp that doesn't give you carpal tunnel or cost over 20 gp/exp since those elusive extreme potions came out. Which reminds me, I'd like to see an update where I can kill that irritating desert phoenix and yank out a few hundred of his feathers at once (Jagex's thought process: "This secondary ingredient is really annoying to gather. Let's keep it untradeable."). But I digress. I noticed a mention of clothing rewards related to this weird new herblore-hunter-farming game, so even if the update doesn't live up to expectations, I'll still play it anyways for the sake of my ever-growing wardrobe.


3. Do No Evil

Runescape's monkeys are kind of a pain. Monkey Madness is widely regarded as one of the top runners-up of the Most Annoying Quest Ever Award, and I can't say I really enjoyed Awowogei's subquest of RFD, either. But, on the other hand, they are pretty adorable (See also: Really Cute Monkeys). But on the other other hand, they also kind of look like little freaky hairy people. So it looks like this update could really go either way.


4. And some other odds and ends

The bank/equip screen update sounds magnificent. We've been waiting for an update like that for a long, long time. I'll hold the final verdict until I see the new interface, but I'll go ahead and give Jagex a digital high-five for this one.

I love that the potion decanter now takes noted potions, but I would have liked this a lot more yesterday when I was attempting to run back and forth decanting several hundred potions on a laggy computer.

I approve of the new homepage design. It'll take some getting used to, but it's nice. And I was just thinking yesterday that the whole "Runescape: Dungeons of Daemonheim" logo thing needed to go.


And that about wraps it up for today. I hope you all enjoyed my first blog post, if you made it this far. Comment if you want, and I'd be glad to respond.


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Yeah, 6 months of that logo, it needed to be stopped.

Much agreed. I was beginning to think that they were trying to change the name of the game from RS to RS:DoD.

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I'll still play it anyways for the sake of my ever-growing wardrobe.


You gotta be female :-D (Said another female RS-addict who hasn't really done a lot of dung, and contrary to popular belief has a very miniscule in-game wardrobe).

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I'll still play it anyways for the sake of my ever-growing wardrobe.


You gotta be female :-D (Said another female RS-addict who hasn't really done a lot of dung, and contrary to popular belief has a very miniscule in-game wardrobe).

You caught me, haha. Dressing up is my runescape addiction. I keep a bank tab reserved just for clothing, and it's my biggest tab XD

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