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Life is good



From Friday night to right now, life has been great. For about the past week, two weeks, me and this girl have been flirting, nothing special. Then Friday we hit things off at a friends, resulting in us being in my friends basement for an hour and a half, with the lights off (Did I mention I have some great friends with amazing sense humour?). She described it as "frolicking", and I can only agree. The next night was poker and UFC, more importantly GSP (I love watching him fight, his style is just pure calm), with about 16-20 of my friends packed into a basement bedroom. Great time. Sunday I was kinda lazy for most of the day, watched some Boardwalk Empire (Just getting into, and I love it), then went to see a movie with friends, The Tourist. Pretty good movie I'd say, although I wasn't paying complete attention to it, flirting with Vivian most of the movie. Went to a friends after, we all played Pictionairy, got closer with her, came home and watched the Dexter season finale, sooo good.


Yeah, today was just a pretty lazy Monday, chilling in spare with my friends + Vivian, easy classes, coffee at lunch made me jittery the entire afternoon. Just spent the last couple hours playing with my 4 month old puppy in the snow, and drinking hot chocolate. Damn it feels good to be 17 right about now. Holiday break in 4 days!


Oh, and if you're a guy that's quite ticklish, it means that you have a very good way to flirt with girls and get some very good body contact going. Tickling is definitely playful, and usually ends of in wrestling. It only really works if you're more ticklish than the girl, since as a guy you're probably able to overpower her. That really does sound bad, but I mean that it levels the playing field. And makes her that much more enticed to try and start the tickle war. It's gonna become a game you two play quite a bit, or at least that's the case for me.


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