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Chapter 4-5



Training was the first time I formally met Silversheen. I also met the high and mighty Grayfur in my training, that was en experience I could have lived without.

They were probably the best months of my life and I wont go threw all of it, only whats important. Well by now you probably will be getting tiered of my ramblings so here is more of the story.




Chapter four: training


Silversheen crouched low to the ground, slowly moving turds her target. Her target, a young deer that had gotten separated from the rest, was grazing not five feet away from her. This was her first test, to use her skills to catch a live animal then feed her training group. She had been training for almost five months now and she felt a twinge of anticipation at the prospect of bringing the deer down.

She was not three feet away from it now and it had no idea she was there, she got ready to spring at it and sink her teeth into its neck. She paused as the deer heard something and looked up. It seemed to know danger was near and she knew this was her only chance to catch it. She sprang. She flew out of the bushed and hit the deer, and scrambled for its neck. The deer was thrashing around trying to get away from the wolf but it was to late, Silversheen got a hold on its neck and bit down hard. She kept her bite locked until it stopped moving.

Very good Silversheen. Blacktail said walking from the trees to her left were he had apparently been watching her hunt. You are already surpassing my other students.

Thanks. She said releasing her hold of the deers neck.

This she make a good meal for us tonight, better than that rabbit Grayfur brought back yesterday. He said with a chuckle.

I don't suppose you will help me bring this back to our temporary den? Silversheen asked already knowing the answer.

Nope. He said with a grin. You will have to do that yourself, its part of the training.

I was afraid you were going to say that.

Silversheen started dragging the body of the deer to there temporary den, it wasn't too far away but still a good five minute walk from were she was and she would have to drag the deer witch would make it more of a ten minute walk.

Well I might as well get going. She muttered to herself.

She groaned under the wait of the deer and wondered why she didn't just kill a rabbit like Grayfur did. She put that thought out of her mind, she was much more skilled than Grayfur and that's why she had caught the deer on her first try.

She relay liked hunter training, she got to wander around and learn the secrets of being a hunter. She wished that Zorropelt was with her and she felt a pain of sadness at the thought of her friend.

Ill see him soon enough. She told herself. And hes much to smart to get himself killed.

When she got back the den there was much rejoicing at the meal she had brought back. That night they feasted and Blacktail told them what the next day had in store.

Tomorrow, you will all go out on your own and survive on what you hunt for three days, this will test your strength and the skills you have learned.

After the others had gone to sleep Silversheen approached her father.

Dad, have you had any news from camp?

I always have news from camp, I'm still leader after all.

Do you have any news about how Zorropelt is doing?

her father hesitated. Him and Jadeeyes are doing fine in there training, there out on a fake scouting mission, not unlike what you will be doing for the next three days.

Silversheen bowed her head.

Thank you. She said then headed to get some sleep. It was going to be a interesting couple of days for her.

As she drifted off to sleep she found herself thinking about Zorropelt, he was so small when they first found him wandering the forest. Silversheen had found him on her illegal wanderings of the forest and she had brought him back. Her dad had taken an immediate hating to him but he said he could stay. Zorropelt and Silversheen had become instant friends and that had driven her father crazy.

She smiled at the memories and fell into a deep sleep.


Chapter five: news of change


They have been missing for two days, there's been no sing of them.

How is my old friend?

Hes fine, hes recovering swiftly.

With the sightings and now the disappearances, I don't think anyone should go out alone.

I agree, ill keep you posted as I know more.

Thanks, ill go wake the young ones. You better leave, I don't like questions and there are far to many in the heads of these wolves.

Blacktail watched him go and sighed. He walked over the the young wolves sleeping. 'Ill wake them in a bit' he thought, 'if they see him leaving they may ask questions.'


Everyone get up, there's been a slight change of plans. Blacktail said walking threw the sleeping forums of his students.

What change of plans? Silversheen said yawning.

Nothing much, once everyone's up ill explain.

It took a bit to get everyone up as it wasn't even dawn yet but once they were all up Blacktail continued.

We will not be going out alone for this test, you will be paired in groups of two. Grayfur, you will go with Silversheen. At this Grayfur perked up and grinned at Silversheen. Silversheen rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Blacktail.

Ashpaw, Snowpelt, you will go together.

Whats this about? Snowpelt asked.

There have been human sightings in the aria and I don't want anything to happen to anyone.

Silversheen felt a bit uneasy at the thought of humans but pushed it aside, she was a hunter in training after all.

Has anything happened? Ashpaw asked.

Nothing yet, but better safe than sorry with humans. Blacktail replied.

Silversheen thought she heard a hint of guilt in his voice but she must be mistaken she thought.

So what are your orders sir. Grayfur said winking at Blacktail.

Blacktail glared at him.

Silversheen, Grayfur, you two will go east. Ashpaw, Snowpelt, you will go west. You must go at least one mile and no more than five. You must hunt for yourself but keep each other in sight at all times. You will all meet back here by sunset of the third day, do not be late. And Grayfur, He said giving him another glare. If you try anything with my daughter I give her my full permission to tear your eyes out.

At this Ashpaw and Snowpelt started cracking up but a glare from Grayfur silenced them.

One last thing, you must all bring a kill back here when you return and no slacking off this time Grayfur, no rabbits. You must be gone by noon.

Blacktail dismissed them and Silversheen walked up to him and sat down.

Were will you be going?

Ill head back to out den to check up on how the trainings going there.

Silversheen brightened.

Can you bring me a report on Zorropelt? I just want to make sure hes alright.

Sure, ill bring you report on him if... you stop pestering me about him, you must keep your mind on your training and you cant do that if your always thinning about that kid.

Fine. She muttered and walked off to find were Grayfur had run off to.


You ready to go? Grayfur asked with a grin.

Don't forget when my father gave me permission to do. She said giving him a snarl.

Ill take that as a yes, I'm ready to go, to the east then.

What ways east?

Err its... that way. He pointed a paw to the left.

Ok then, lets go.

They started walking threw the trees. It had been summer when she had left and it was fall already, time had been going by so fast. She had grown fond of Snowpelt and Ashpaw but Grayfur she hated.

He had this idea she loved him and wouldn't leave her alone. He was always slaking off and if it wasn't for his strength and speed, he wouldn't have been trained as a hunter. Ashpaw and Snowpelt on the other hand, they were twins and looked nothing alike at all but the were both relay smart and cunning when it came to hunting, the problem was they weren't very strong but they were fast. They did most everything together and they were a grate team when hunting. On there own they weren't extremely danger's but together they were better than Grayfur would ever be.

When they had been walking for about an hour Grayfur stopped and sat down.

This looks like a good place.

Silversheen didn't argue with him and she went around making a makeshift den.

Well we will be here for awhile, so we might as well hunt for some food. Silversheen said.

Grayfur stared at her.

We just got here and besides we ate this morning, I was thinking on not eating till we get back, less work for us.

Silversheen glared at him and said

I'm going hunting and if I'm hunting your hunting so get up.

Grayfur yawned

I think ill take a nap, we can hunt latter if you think we have to. he said winking at her. And there's room enough in my bed for two.

Silversheen couldn't take it anymore. She walked ever to him and bit his tail as heard as she could. He yelped with pain and sprain up.

What was that for! He howled.

Next time ill tear out your eyes. She spat and then walked away into the forest.



Silversheen's training seemed to fly by after she got back from her three day survival trip. She didn't need to tear Grayfur's eyes out on the trip and it went fairly well.

The first day she killed a young buck and refused to shear it with Grayfur, witch finally drove him to hunt from himself. The days were uneventful and on the dawn of the third day they set out back to there training den.

On there way Grayfur and Silversheen worked together to bring down a full grown deer and were quite proud at the catch they were bringing back. Dragging the deer made the going slow and it was almost sunset by the time they got back.

Snowpelt and Ashpaw were waiting by Blacktail when they arrived. They were sitting by two young deer and seemed happy with there catch.

When Blacktail saw them he looked pleased.

That's a nice catch there. He commented seeing the large deer they were dragging.

We figured one big catch was just as good as two smaller ones. Silversheen replied.

Blacktail nodded.

Now that everyone's back, I want to hear a full report on what happened in the last three days.

Snowpelt and Ashpaw went first and explained how they had a run-in with a bear and narrowly escaped. They went to to talk about how they had found a nice spot and had made a temporary den and how they had found a burrow of rabbits near there.

But last night, we saw some other wolves. Snowpelt said, a hint of fear in her voice.

Other wolves? Blacktail said sharply. Were?!

Well we didn't actually see them, we just smelled them and heard howling. Then... She trailed off.

Then what? What happened?

We heard a gunshot, and the howling stopped. With that she refused to say another word and she went and laid down by her brother.

Lets forget about that for now. Blacktail said shaking his head. How was your trip?

Silversheen told him all that happened including the part when she bit Grayfur's tail. When Blacktail heard this he glared at Grayfur but kept listening.

Sounds like your trip was rather uneventful. Blacktail said when Silversheen had finished.

You all did well, you are becoming good hunters and your training is almost complete.

Well, whats next? Grayfur asked.

For the next few days you may do what you wish here, but rest up, for final test will be coming up soon, for the next few days I will hunt for all of you unless you wish to hunt for yourself.'

Silversheen felt a serge of excitement at hearing this, she liked her training but she thought she had been away from the den for to long and she missed her friends. She also couldn't wait to get back and be a hunter for the pack. She wondered how Zorropelt's training was going, and Jadeeyes, how was he? She was glad she would see them soon and she was glad for the few days off she now had.


The days dragged by, with no training to do Silversheen didn't know how to spend her time. She hunted for herself most days partly to get away from Grayfur, he was getting prideful and didn't seem to realize that they were all about to be hunters, not just him. He seemed to think he was the boss of everyone but in reality no one respected him and he was at the bottom of the class. Silversheen didn't even know if he would become a hunter. He was always picking on Snowpelt and Ashpaw and bossing them around and if they didn't do what he said he would attack them. Even together they couldn't take down Grayfur so they disappeared into the woods together most days. She found it strange that they could be twins but look nothing alike, Ashpaw was a dark gray, almost black and Snowpelt was a pure white. Only there eyes looked the same, they both had blueish purple eyes.

As Silversheen was walking threw the forest she heard a rustling and she froze and looked to see were the noise was coming from.

She heard it again and this time she smelled it, it was a rabbit. She rather liked the taste of rabbit and she was feeling a bit hungry to she waited for it to move again then sprang forward and sank her teeth into it.

She laid down and started eating. It was a nice day, the seasons seemed to have skipped winter this year because there had been no sings of snow and it wasn't very cold out ether.

She was about done with her rabbit so she got up and buried the remains, there was no point in attracting bears. She was waking away when she saw Snowpelt and Ashpaw.

Hello. She said walking up to them. How are you today?

We have to live with Grayfur, how do you think we are. Ashpaw replied

Silversheen chuckled. I know that feeling well.

Do have any idea what the final test will be? Snowpelt asked.

I haven't the slightest idea, but whatever it is I'm ready for it.

As are we, but I don't the Grayfur is.

What do you mean by that?

I don't think he can pass, he ignores his training and takes the easy way out of everything, that and he thinks he the god of the woods.

You have a point there. Silversheen sighed.

Well only time will tell. Ashpaw said then him and his sister walked away into the trees.


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