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Why I haven't been around and dots are my life.



Not a normal entry as the title implies, but I've been sick for a week straight with the chicken pox. So if you've been wondering where the heck I am, this could be the reason. Other reasons could include but are not limited to the following:


My laptop's motherboard died and I ordered a new one.

Hide Status is on.

I don't visit certain forums.

You scare me.

I've chopped off my fingers so I can't type anymore.

I've sewed my fingers back on and am in recovery.

Ducks have taken me to the circus.

I may or may not actually be human.

I may or may not actually be camel.

I may or may not actually be able to give you 7 years bad luck if you break me.

When they say that I am contagious, I think it could be contagious through the interweb.

I haven't had enough lulz.

I found the meaning of life and therefore sold it as a game set.

The Keebler elves make way too good of cookies and am so fat, I can't fit through the tree.

I've been sniped by a camera phone while I was sleeping.

My base has belong to them for the longest time.

Team Rocket is on the loose and I have been trying to stop them.

Carrots can harm grown adults and therefore am afraid of rabbits.

If someone can convince Das or N_Odie to read this, they will earn my gratitude.

I've lost my marbles.

I've lost how to get to the forums.

I've lost myself in your eyes.

Facebook games have taken over my Runescape time.

I am a freelancer for videography and produce and hire people.

I have a head ache.


Now it is up for you to decypher down which ones are correct here. Here is a hint. Only a couple are true. Maybe 5-7. Good luck and I hope to see you all more once I am better.


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