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Random short story "A new day"



I'm back, not really, but I'm posting another story. Not really, just a short story, what's here is what there is, so its not a bloody huge story like my last few. Anyway, anyone remember me? No? Didn't think so. I'm just Snowpelt, the storyteller, rather fond of what I am and all that.

Anyhow, this is just a bit of a sad short story I wrote a while back. Not sure why I wrote it (Well, yes I do, but I'm not going to get into that) but its been so long since I've posted a story here I decided to :3

Well, hope everyone enjoys it. If you have a question, leave a comment. I don't know why you would have a question, if you want to know why I don't think you would, leave a comment. If you have a comment, leave a comment. Otherwise, don't leave a comment :3







A New Day




You don't want to do this, take my hand, Fox

Your right... I don't want to do this. I didn't want to do any of this. Fact is, it happened.

Soro was frantic now, and she grabbed for her friend. He looked at her sadly.

I swear, if you jump, I fully intend to follow.

Fox's face darkened and he looked down at the cliff edge he was standing on. His clothes were ragged, and he was thin, like he hadnt eaten in days. He was covered with cuts and buses, like he had barely survived a fight, and his red hair was dirty and ragged.

Don't kill yourself over me, I'm not worth it. Just leave me be, its better this way... He replied, his red hair falling over his gray-blue eye's, covering his tears. He took another step towards the edge, his feet partially hanging over the side.

Soro ran forward and hugged him tightly, her long brown hair covering one of her bright blue eyes.

If you go, I go. She said stubbornly, tears running down her face. Thunder cracked in the distance, the moonlit night was darkened by gray rainclouds. Wind whirled around them, pulling at there clothes.

That's not fair Soro. My life has no meaning anymore.. You can go, live your life. Forget about me. All I ever did was cause trouble, only made things worse. Its better this way... He said sadly.

I'm not going to let you kill yourself. If you don't want to live for yourself, live for me. I don't want to live without you. There are still lots of people who care about you, think of the lives your death would hurt.

Fox looked down at the girl. The girl who had followed him, who had risked her life to find him, and the girl who cared enough about his life, to use her own to keep him alive.

Do I mean that much to you.. He asked softly.

Yes. She replied, hugging him even tighter.

A flash of lightning lit the sky, and thunder exploded around them. He pushed Soro away and stared down off the cliff.

I don't want my life to mean anything, to anyone... I'm just not worth it Soro.. Go back home. Forget you ever met me. Live your life! You still have a chance! You can live the way I never could, without the pain and loss I'd bring you. I'm just not bloody worth it.

He looked down at Soro, she was on her knees now, crying softly. Her cheeks were red and her normally bright blue eye's seemed drained of color.

Don't leave me... She whispered softly.

Rain started to fall gently around them. The once bright, moonlit night, was now almost completely black. Fox dropped to his knees, completely lost in sorrow.

For you then. He whispered, then fell unconscious to the ground in front of Soro.

The girl grabbed him and hugged him tightly.

Tomorrow is a new day. Maybe eventually, you can forget, leave the pain of your past behind. It won't be easy, but I'll be here for you. No matter what happens.. Soro whispered into the air.



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