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Blog Entry #1



This blog was supposed to be one for my camping at the Ganodermic Beasts, however a day after I set the blog title, I got sick of them, so decided to turn this into a general thought blog.


After coming back from WoW (or at least what remained of it), I decided to resume RS, since it had been over a year since I played with any sort of length. Partially due to WoW, partially due to my Military Service (which ended, thankfully).


I came back just before the bot nuke. But due to some obsession with unfinished business with Fallout 3, I missed some of the bonus stuff that followed to celebrate the Bot Nuke. Somewhat disappointing, but what was even more was I missed the follow-up Halloween event and missed the mask... lovely ^^;


Anyway, before Polypore Dungeon was released, I was experimenting with different ways to train ranged, since it was my last combat skill besides Prayer and Summoning that wasn't at 99. It was also pretty close at 95. I tried various methods, I started with slaying with Rune Crossbow and Broad tipped bolts, then I turned to Rune darts, then I switched to the old school Crystal bows even. I was extremely disappointed at their performance. I wasn't able to take hits as I would melee, so I was taking substantial damage. I didn't have enough summoning for Unicorn, nor enough blue charms to supply the elemental titans, so I was stuck with Bunyip. Even with extreme defence and ranged potions, I find myself taking too much damage from the slayer monsters. I promptly ditched the idea. Besides I didn't like slaying to begin with, I only ever slay to get slayer XP, never to get money. From efficiency point of view it was ridiculously bad at getting anything specific besides slayer or Melee XP.


Cannon? Some suggested it. I gave it some thought, and decided against it. Cost of the Cannonballs were far too high to even start justifying the time saved. Ultimately I went with what I used to do: killing Aviansies.


Went into GWD with 4 loaded Crystal bows, being very optimistic with how many I can stand to kill before I got bored. I lasted 2 full bows before I decided to call it. Ranged XP was so slow.


Then something struck me, I had just completed Branches of Darkmeyer, and I was impressed with the damage Blisterwood Polearm could inflict, so... maybe, maybe the Stakes could work. I had maxed out my Flail skill a long time ago, time to put it to the test.


I went to Darkmeyer, made 1000 stakes, and started throwing them at the Vyrelords/Ladies (hence the phrase, throwing the stake to the vyre), and man was I surprised...


With Extreme ranged, full Ranged void, Illuminated Unholy book, Fury, RoW, Ranger Boots and Eagle Eye, my damage output with the stakes, per HIT, was very similar than that of my whip while I was on slayer task AND have piety turn on. The difference was around 10-20 max, out of possible 500's. I immediately decided to camp there. The altar gave me unlimited prayer, so I didn't have to worry about food. Void gear was indestructable, so no upkeep costs to speak of. The only thing was the stakes were not tradeable, so I had to cut and fletch them myself (10 stakes per log isn't too bad).


With some testing, I found the XP rates of stakes per hour at Vyres on the upper tier (CMB 194 ones), was about 120k XP per hour, without taking the Stake making into account, but DOES include banking all the corpses. I hope to burn the corpses after I reach 99 ranged, hopefully getting some Pages.


Cutting rates? 1 hour of cutting and fletching together made enough stakes to last about 3-4 hours. So XP rates, taking cutting into account, is just over 90k per hour. I'd say it's closer to about 100-110k average if you ignore the corpses.


Any profit? The death and bloods drops totaled about 400k an hour, more than what I had been making with Aviansies. They also drop fire runes. Nothing to write home about, but certainly better than none. I am an avid user of Polypore staff so they'll come in handy


Yesterday I reached just under 2M XP to 99. Hopefully I'll reach it by this weekend.


What am I going to do afterwards? Well... I have been contemplating on the idea of hunting Blue or Green dragons to fund my 95 or so prayer. Been putting it off for too long, but it is still too damn expensive. I'll have to see, I think those are extremely crowded at the moment...


Until next time... this is 'Three Dog'! OWWWW! And you are reading Tim ChenW2's blog, bringing you the truth, no matter how boring it is... and now... some music~


*Plays some random 40's music*


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