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Throw away the key please



Since the economy tanked, my school district canceled all field trips to save money.


Today, my sociology class went on a field trip. My first field trip in 5 years is also during my last year of highschool, so I was stoked. Our destination? The local jail of course.


Anyway, remind me to never ever ever get arrested. The jail was creepy. It smelled bad, and was just scary. The inmates just stared at us the entire time we were there (yea, we were in the same rooms and everything). It was a super depressing place because there were next to no windows at all.


Im one of those people who always has to be doing something. Writing, doodling, building, playing, something at all. I would go insane with nothing to do all day. So yea, dont ever get arrested. Its a scary place.



In other news, netflix just got the new episodes of How I Met Your Mother. This is the best show ever. Needless to say, I shall be finished with the entire season by friday.


Scaping wise, I may or may not slack from my slaying to work on getting the levels to do the new quest. I kinda liked the the other tzhaar quests, which for me is abnormal. I dont usually like quests.

So yea, I guess Ill see ya'll later


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