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Posts posted by dr_eggman789

  1. Hey all. Just looking around to see if any skilling clans interest me, and vice versa. I've looked around a bit, and the few I've looked at didn't interest me much.




    My stats are:


    Combat: 74


    Mining: 66


    Woodcutting: 64


    Smithing: 60


    Thieving: 54




    Cooking: 56


    Crafting: 50




    Those are the only skills I use often, though by joining this clan, I look forward to leveling up some of my lower leveled skills.






    The only things I'm looking for is a clan that is active, not only in events, but also in that members are online and are friendly enough to get together outside of events and skill with other clan members. Also, I'd prefer if there wasn't a requirement that I attend x number of events a month, as I'm in school and I work two jobs, so my schedule can be rather odd sometimes, so this means I probably won't be at many events. I will attend them whenever possible though, so don't think I'll only be a member by name! Something else I'd like to see is a clan whose members are willing to help each other out material wise, such as miners sell their ores cheap to smithers, or woodcutters sell wood cheap to fletchers, etc.




    Thanks all. :)




    RS name- Dr.Eggman789

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