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Posts posted by junkiejeff

  1. My opinion is they need to rebalance things across the board, across skills.


    I totally agree with this. You mentioned smithing. But I think allot of features and skills are superfluous nowadays. For example: almost all the bows, axes and pickaxes are totally useless.

  2. Achievement:


    1 : the act of achieving : accomplishment

    2 a : a result gained by effort b : a great or heroic deed

    3 : the quality and quantity of a student's work




    This person put (some) effort in playing this game and gained a result. So in the sense of the word, it is an achievement.

    Whether it is good or not, you may decide. We will probably will continue the discussion for ever until someone grows tired of it and admits he or she is wrong.


    I personally think playing 9 hours of Runescape, or generally sitting before a screen and watching it and clicking a little bit is unhealthy at the least.

    Even if she had to lay down in bed for all those years. I think we all can agree that.

    If you do no agree with me, you probably do something similar like her. I advice you to quit doing that and do something different for a few weeks, like reading or just go outside. I can guarantee you that you life will change in a good way.

  3. I feel sorry for you, but I don't think it has anything to do with luck.


    When going to dangerous dungeons, you should be very cautious. Even reading a guide on it is very useful.


    And the second thing could be avoided too. This might be a guess, but that parental control might be there for a reason. No purely to annoy you.

  4. I personally admire all skillcapes because I find it hard to even get something relatively easy like 99 fletching or cooking. It just takes allot of time, and I don't have the patient for it.

    But if someone would offer me a 99 in a skill, the skill I certainly wouldn't chose would be firemaking. I find it pretty useless to have a 99 in that skill because I think it's the most useless skill. The cape actually looks pretty good IMO.

  5. I think a 1000+ world for F2P is cool, for P2P it's useless because it's pretty easy to get that skill total.

    Also, I think the F2P world should be 1000+ for members only skills and the P2P world should be at least 1500.

  6. My argument is that Runescape is just a game and you don't deserve anything, because it's a game.

    So nobody really deserves anything because the game is just like Jagex wants it to be.

    You might WANT skill capes for F2P, but that's something completely different.



    How are you aware of what Jagex wants of their game? If the game was exactly how Jagex wanted it to be, the why are we continously recieving updates? And yes, this entire debate is based off opinion, so are all other agruments; if they were fact, then what is there to debate? But we can still support our opinions, and if your supporting facts/ideas are strong enough, then your opinion is a completely a valid argument. You're essentially arguing that all opinions, editorials, and political thought are baseless, which is false.


    And arguments can too be based on many things. And the only argument I have seen is that F2P works hard enough.

    That's simply not an argument because working hard on Runescape does not entitle you to anything, except for what Jagex gives you. Paying for the game gives everything the game has to offer.

    So please disprove this statement: working hard on Runescape does not entitle you to anything

  7. Of course it would be a nice addition, but this is debate club.

    So now please come with a valid argument.

    If we take economics and all that crap out of the way, the only valid argument is that F2P should get skill capes.


    A 99, regardless of F2P or P2P, is an achievement, and anyone deserves to show it off.


    You just can't take out all the crap out of the way.

    Furthermore, F2P should get skill capes is not a argument. Your sole argument is that it's an achievement and you deserve to show it off.

    My argument is that Runescape is just a game and you don't deserve anything, because it's a game.

    So nobody really deserves anything because the game is just like Jagex wants it to be.

    You might WANT skill capes for F2P, but that's something completely different.

  8. I am not trying to discuss if it is morally right that F2P should get skill capes.

    The point is that P2P pays for the game and therefore gets more updates.

    F2P does not pay and is currently less important, therefore F2P gets less updates.

    The amount of updates is totally up to Jagex, because they run the whole game.

    I once again am not convinced why F2P deserves specific updates just because they play a game for fun. You might want updates, everybody wants more updates, but it simply is not enough for F2P ever to deserve any update. And I repeat once more: to deserve any update

    And to answer sonic:

    I think runescape is divided into F2P and P2P because it used to be solely F2P.

    That doesn't mean runescape is vital for it's existence, just look at the amount of MMO who started P2P.

    Also it surely is not a valid argument why F2P deserves anything.

  9. Ok, let me start with saying that I don't try to bash F2P.

    I personally think that F2P deserves skill capes as much as it does deserve other updates. So skill capes shouldn't be a priority.


    Second to answer unkn0wnwarrior:

    F2P players are not essential for the survival of Jagex. Those ads are just an additional way to earn some money.

    F2P is solely there for players to get a taste of runescape so they might buy a membership.

    It's up to Jagex to give F2P updates and players certainly do not deserve anything. It's their choice they play runescape.

    P2P deserves more update because they have a subscription to a membership. This subscription means that for paying a sum of money every month, members get more money.

    Nobody really deserves updates.

    You said it yourself, this isn't real life, it's a game.


    Please someone explain me how F2Pers deserve updates. For that matter; how on earth does someone deserve to play a online game?

  10. Because getting a 99 stat, regardless of skill, or F2P/P2P, is still a very major achievement. Those players deserve to show off their maxed out skills.


    So? Allot of people work their butts of just to earn some money or to help another in real life. They don't get a medal for their work. But some might say they deserve one.

    How does doing a leisure activity entitles one for a skill cape? Even if you put allot of effort in it.


    They do deserve to get updates, they are the ones who help pay for the member's benifits even if they dont realize it. So if there were no ads it may have taken a few more years for all of the new quests, monsters, areas, and other fun things. So... :shame:


    You show me a link which says just how much F2P pays for the games by viewing ads.

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