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  1. Yeah, I tried earlier today, played 30 minutes, and got 10 points! Only 10 points! :x Luckily that was all I needed to finish off that set of 100.
  2. Everything will be on the forums. World and Times are being voted on there.
  3. Just a heads up to everyone. Join quickly because our first event is going to be July 8th, later on the day (EST), and we already 30+ members so we should be good to go!
  4. There's the forums for that. I'm not pming all this info to people, imagine what that would be like if I had to pm every single person and try to set things up through pming only, that's not happening.
  5. 30 registered members now at our forums... keep it going. World 78 has been getting really bad lately, I can't even play it for than a few rounds anymore :?
  6. dude they have one of these for levels 90+ u should do that one it would be better xp for u They can join both! :)
  7. We all vote on the times, so... pretty much player decided for now. Right now the winning times for Weekdays are: (Based off 24 votes) 1:00-3:00PM (EST) 8:00PM-10:00PM (EST) And the current winning times for Weekends are: (Based of 9 votes) 1:00-3:00PM (EST) 8:00PM-10:00PM (EST)
  8. Bump (are these allowed, sorry I'm new to the forums)
  9. I think you guys should merge with my group (70+), like someone posted in my thread, ideally 100+ people would = constant games and constant points, as long as everyone does their part. But if not that's cool :).
  10. Ok you are on the list for now. If you want in fully, just go the forums posted on the first page. I have them there to make setting everything up a lot easier. Once you register, I'll add to the Member Group which gets access to the member forum which is not visible to plain members or guests 8-)
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