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Posts posted by Cypress85

  1. Woah its been a while since I've posted here...




    While waiting outside varry west bank for a coal buyer,




    Noob: can i have money?


    Noob: plz?






    Me:wtf is plaseeaa???




    Me:are you trying to say something?


    Noob:omg pleeeease?


    Me: ooooh you mean please!


    Noob:yes! can i have money now please?


    Me: oh no lol






    While standing at my spot in varry in full sara...


    Noob: hey cyp how much munay u gots?


    Me:umm about 300k


    Noob:good now gimme some


    Me: wtf are you trying to rob me???


    Noob:yes now gime or i banm u


    Me:whats a banm?


    Noob: i meant ban


    Me:whats a ban?





  2. Macgyver can build an airplane out of gum and paper clips, but Chuck Norris can kill him and take it.






    Chuck Norris appeared in the "Street Fighter II" video game, but was removed by Beta Testers because every button caused him to do a roundhouse kick. When asked bout this "glitch," Norris replied, "That's no glitch.




    Since 1940, the year Chuck Norris was born, roundhouse kick related deaths have increased 13,000 percent.




    The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain




    Chuck Norris drinks napalm to quell his heartburn.

  3. I seriously cant say nub chub and not laugh!! :lol:




    This happened yesterday near guards in east varry.NoobS is a scammer, noob is just a noob.




    NoobS: if you die here, you can come back as a lvl 100 zombie


    Noob: really??


    NoobS: Yes




    *noob goes on killing a guard til he almost dies*


    NoobS: almost there!


    Me: Lol he just wants you to die to get ur iron


    NoobS: no I dont.


    Noob: yeah Ill prove it watch


    *noob dies and NoobS starts taking the stuff*


    Noob:(pms me) Wtf im not a zombie!


    Me: (pm's back)I Told you!!!





  4. Yesterday, while standing against varry castle wall, my friend was there and I didnt notice. So a noob asks for free stuff. We play along...friend will be called team




    Noob: Cyp ur rich rite?


    me: yeah kinda


    noob:then that means you have to give


    me:give what?


    team:yeah, im rich too! give what?


    noob:you too team! Gimme!


    Me: Why should I?


    Noob:cause I kill you


    me: yeah


    team:go away or ill turn you into an egg.


    Noob:you cant do that!


    team: watch ill turn cyp into an egg


    Me:wat? nooo *I use my easter ring*


    Noob: Z0mg!!! run!!!!




    I think the noob pee'd his pants :ohnoes:

  5. aaaaaaaaaayu2.gif


    ROFL #-o




    Training on lessers in volcano days ago, a noob mage was attacking 2 lessers at once to half health so he gets the drop.Another meleer is there.


    Me: dude thats cheap


    Noob: lol I know! All mages are!


    Me: what the?


    Meleer: Cyp lets steal his lessers




    (we continue to attack the lessers and kill them so noob cant attack any at all. But we killed, not took half health)


    Noob: wtf stop that!


    meleer: Not breaking any rules lol




    Noob: grrrr


    Noob:reported for not letting me cheat! *logs*





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