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Posts posted by Sir_Alex85

  1. I wear Levi skinny jeans. I'm tall and skinny, may as well dress to those facts.




    They're pretty nice. I'm thinking that I'll end up being a kid who goes and pays 60 bucks for a pair of jeans, and I'm completely comfortable in that fact. This'll be the first year where I've done back to school shopping while having a job, so I've got an excess of money to spend on looking good. I'm by no means shallow, but hey, what the hell, why not?

  2. I may be using the word wrong, but I'm saying he's more of an anti-theist in the sense that he takes a position and writes books on it and etc., while atheism seems to be less of a position and more of a "Ehh, whatever" kind of thing.

  3. I swear alot. It's an awful habit.




    I only swear around people I'm comfortable with, though. I won't do it to people I barely know because I don't want to seem like some 'big man' trying to get his point across by cursing every second word.

  4. I work in a grocery store as well. If someone asks me if there's more of something in the back, and the item is on sale that week, I know for sure there's none in the back. For example, last night someone came through the till I was bagging at and asked me to run and get two bags of crushed ice.




    The whole ice freezer was empty because ice was on sale, and so we had none. All stock is put on the shelf through-out the day as it needs it, and things on sale get top priority. I get asked to look for strawberries and cherries alot in the back as well.




    It kinda sucks when I have to tell a customer no after looking and making sure after a few minutes. Kind of a waste of time for them.






    My tip for talking to people bagging at grocery stores: If you have specific orders for items, make them known at the beginning of the order. I hate doing a whole order then finding out the person has their own bags, or finding out I have to tie them after the fact. Wastes their time, my time, and the customer I could be helping's time.






    DISCLAIMER: I'm not like some super worker, I just do my job because otherwise I'd be a [bleep] who just wasted time and got paid for doing nothing. Not to mention time goes faster when you actually work.

  5. 3. Getting grouped with people who are friends. All they do is talk instead of help with the [squirrel] assignment!!! #-o






    I imagine this comment will Grind Some People's Gears, but damn. Squirrel assignment. I laughed hard at that. What the hell is squirrel censoring?

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