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Posts posted by Nrzonline

  1. There are tools that do contain keyloggers, do contain viruses and are unsafe to use. But how about a little research before using a tool? Before I started using SS I asked alot of friends, visited alot of websites and even very famous




    fansites that supported SS. Well, I was quite sure it was safe and took the risk of using the LEGIT 3rd party tool, after I asked Jagex if it was allowed to use a world switcher that did not give an unfair advantage in the game. They said it




    was fine! I was aware of the risk, and I took the risk. I've been using SS over a year, and never got hacked.




    There are people that say, that the tool is unsafe due to the chat features. Alot of tool-advertising is done in chats




    like those, and Jagex cannot check those chats. Well, there are [wagon]es around, that have a tool, and still visit other




    websites and download/install tools that were advertised in those channels. Due to those people, that get hacked becouse




    they did not use their brains, and started complaining at Jagex, we are no longer allowed to use this tool.








    If people use 3rd party tools, they know they are at risk. They know they can get hacked, and they still try it without




    researching. Well, then don't complain! There are alot of people that know how to use a tool like SS on a safe way. Those




    people loved the features of those tools. And now we will have to use around 4 or 5 different sources to find details




    or calculate our progresses, while SS give it to us in one singe tool.

  2. Yea well, hollidays was the cause of inactivity. Though, I've got a new cause. For my friends, it aint that fun.. but for me, this is great! I've got offered a job, to make a website for a travel agency for ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâñ ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì300,- and another ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì50,- per week for updating/upgrading etc. So going to work on this project.








    But I'll not QUIT runescape, just a little more inactive.

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