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Posts posted by oolatuck

  1. lmao! the link in the first post has some crazy dreams!!! Anyway the only dream i cna really remember was ages ago (havent had a dream in ages :(, anybody know why?) i was about 6, now im 15.


    What happened was, me and some of my family were walking across a bridge. Then my brother goes down the side of the bridge, its like a but metal one where the metal strips crossover diagonally. Then i follow him and theres a big warehouse thing. So i follow him into it and theres a load of drainpipes connected to make a pathway to the door on the other side, the path being 1 drainpipe thick. About 30 feet below the pipes is a bubbling swamp like thing, all green and stuff. My brother makes it to the other side so i follow him and about half way, the pipes break and i fall in!!! Then i woke up.




    Strange i know :XD:

  2. Kind: Avatar


    Style: Pixel


    Size: default 80x80 6k


    Colors: default match the render


    Render: http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n262 ... igsara.png just the char


    Font: A cool one, maybe graffiti


    Text color: White, black or aqau- whatever looks best


    Text: Oolatuck


    Subtext: None


    Border: Default


    Brushes you want to be in the sig: -


    Other stuff: -




    Erm... You wanna have a pixel with a render? And that's isn't a render...




    well i just meant based on that pic, not actualy using the pic itself.

  3. Doh! i didnt get any screenies :(. But i was late for the war, when i got there i killed a few peeps. Then loads of Red capers, some had rune weps no all though, came and started saying "Rsc oola" and "rsc lv90". I played a nice game of cath with them heheh :D . I did die eventualy though, the lagg didnt help - istill had over half an invent of lobbies but i couldt eat cus of lagg!

  4. hmm i dont think this kinda thing has happened to me, but i remember one time when i was tricked into buying a muddy key for 50k. Later i found it it was worth only 5k at the most....that sucked but, i managed to sell it for 125k telling somebody that it was worth 250k so he payed half. That was kinda harsh of me but i was a noob.....actualy maybe i still am a noob? a rich noob though :thumbsup:

  5. well basically, i like to pk and im a non member, but i haven't done it in so long that i seem to have goten really bad...so can anyone give tips or maybe even ingame help :D. Writing tips here is just fine but ingame help is cool if u want to.



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