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Posts posted by Michael_Allen





    Disclaimer: I'm answering your question not making a personal point.




    The reason everyone does this is because in the last 50 years Muslims:




    1) Bombed the London underground railways in the name of their religion.




    2) Attacked Spain in the name of their religion.




    3) Flew airplanes into the twin towers, the pentagon, and had intentions to fly more planes into other buildings in the name of their religion.




    4) Attacked the USS Cole in October 2000 in the name of their religion.




    5) Bombed the US embasies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 in the name of their religion.




    6) Bombed a US Air Force housing complex in Saudi Arabia in 1996 in the name of their religion.




    7) Killed 5 Americans with a car bomb in 1995 in the name of their religion.




    8) Bombed the World Trade Center in 1993 in the name of their religion.




    9) Bombedpassenger jet Pan Am Flight 103 in 1988 in the name of their religion.




    10) Bombed a West Berlin discotheque that was frequented by US service-men in 1986 in the name of their religion.




    11) Seized an Italian Cruise ship, the Achille Lauro, and killed a sixty-nine year old American in 1985 in the name of their religion.




    12) Blew up the US Marine barracks in Beruit in 1983 in the name of their religion.




    13) Bombed the US embassy in Beruit in 1982 in the name of their religion.




    14) Stormed the US embassy in Iran and held the American embassy staff hostage for 444 days in 1979 in the name of their religion.




    15) Slaughtered the Jewish Olympians in 1972 in the name of their religion.




    Once again, I'm not making a personal point. I'm just answering your question.




    Oh because christians are so pure and full of love.




    Serious you people make me sick




    Look at what christians and westerners have done to the middle east and africa in the last 2000 years.




    1. Raped Jerusalem - In the name of YOUR religion




    2. Raped Africa - In the name of YOUR religion ( GOD AND COUNTRY)




    3.Umm the vatican has killed how many people in the name of YOUR religion.




    4. Europeans pratically wiped out the amercian native indians, BECAUSE THEY DIDNT LIVE THERE WAY.




    Im a westerner and personally feel we have the worst history in the world.






    Seriously just because some countries don't run in a democarcy doesn't mean they are evil.


    Look at all the conspiracys and murders probley commited by democratic countries.




    The world is changing people HAVE to live with each other so why don't we put all this religion crap behind us and just try and get along.

  2. What does a guilded altar do?


    Most expensive altar you can build in your house. using bones on the altar with incense burners (or better) gives 350% prayer bonus on the bone over burying.




    So instead of geting 15exp for burning a big bones you get. 60 exp?

  3. I'd suggest you're still better off wearing your best melee armour though, especially if you only use range to get them within hally distance. The better your armour the better you attack bonuses....




    Obvioulsy dont wear barrows as it would be a waste of money.

  4. Not even that, murdering someone is intentional! This ray didn't mean to harm anyone it was just a reflex.




    I don't think it was a reflex it either felt threatend or it generally just wanted to kill him, animals do have killer intincts you know and not all animals kill for food, some kill just to kill. This could had been one sicko stingray that might stike again at anytime! STAY away from the water :shame:

  5. OMG not another one of these pathetic threads (Yes im anti american yes im english yes i have my own reason's)




    But look at you all. 'Oh poor americans 3000 lost there lives in one day'




    What about the millions of innocent people amercia has killed in this war and in the past where is thier remeberence days.




    EDIT: This thread is not putting more weight on this particular event in relation to other tragedies and wars. It is simply a thread to comment on the event on it's anniversary. - Ard

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