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Posts posted by Michael_Allen

  1. Well with magics always being crowded, then you may just have to go for sharks, they sell at 1k each anyway. Plus even if the fishing spot is busy it doesn't matter.




    I hope that helps ::'




    That's exactly what i thought :)


    I wonder if sharks and magics have the same catch/cut rate.

  2. Whats best for making money i have 80 woodcutting already but the magic trees are always crowded.. I have 71 fishing and am pondering weather to get 78 to fish sharks. I want this purly for money making what do you all think?

  3. I give her the logs in a noted she goes to the saw mill for 15 seconds comes back and gives me unoted logs!




    Shes supposed to make them into planks....






    EDIT: ok i know what to do, give her the unoted logs then she takes them again to the mill and comes back with planks thanks anyway :)

  4. Ok iv'e just reached lvl 33 construction and ive hired a cook to run noted planks to and from the sawmill so i dont have to leave my house.




    The problem i have is everytime i give my cook noted oak logs all she does is brings me back unoted oak logs, i thought she was supposed to turn them into planks...




    Can anyone help...

  5. I wonder if Jagex have a problem with glidepads?




    With a glidepad, you can easily position the pointer, then just work the button without a finger on the pad. You can also combine a mouse and a pad, either one will click, and either one will drive the pointer when moved.




    Hmm i think jagex will have a problem with this glidepad you talk of because its automated. And as for the hotkeys thing its not against the rules to use them people use them for alching all the time.

  6. You cheated on her. Give up, because even if you get past the parental thing, she will never trust you and will likely cheat on you herself, or you'll just do it again. Once you cheat, you will always cheat. Being drunk is no excuse. Why the hell are you drunk at 14 anyways? Are you kidding me? I'm almost 20 and I've never even drank before.




    I suppose that makes you a good person then....

  7. 1. DON'T EAT BREAKFAST BARS - Those things have like 50 tea spoons of sugar in them!


    V BAD!




    2.GO RUNNING/CYCLING/SWIMMING- This will make you lose 2x as much wight 2x's as fast.






    3. Eat 6 small meals aday instead of 3 big ones.




    4. Drink a pint of water during everymeal

  8. ok i kno i need to stop drinkin... that points been put across and of me n freidns r done from that aspect and her parents dont kno i drinkthats not hte reason they hate me they hate me cuase im 50% mexican and there racist(well her parents) so most of u r sayin forget about her and move on?




    Have fun your young forget her find another girlfriend. You're a bit young to be drinking but just be careful, you need to learn by your own mistakes. Like i said before be careful, have fun and find yourself another girl ;)

  9. No country deserves the right to have nuclear weapons. No matter what governments say nukes are no a means of defence and are designed for only one thing... to explode and kill as many people as possible and maximum damage to infrastructure.




    They're created to act as a deterrent; which in itself is a good defence. Some of the other countries who may have designs on us wouldn't dare invade because within the hour they'd have our trident missiles bearing down on their capital. The point is not that they would utterly devastate the city, it is that things would never get to that point.




    As for proliferation, I haven't thought about it. I'm just happy being in one of the few countries that have them and in a selfish way I'd like it to stay that way :P






    You say invade look at IRAQ they were invaded because they wanted NUKES to defend themselves...

  10. Obviously it's not a good thing, because the more people that have the technology the more likely someone is to do something terrible with it.




    But it's also wrong to say were aloud the technology and your not. One mans TERRORIST is another man's FREEDOM FIGHTER. and vise versa.

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