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Posts posted by Eric2203

  1. I have a stupid question... how am I supposed to kill giant rock crabs since they run away when low on hp and that others attack you AND that they move over each other ? Sorry if this has already been explained, but I didn't find an answer and I've only now gotten around to going there. All I tried were the giant rock cracks, didn't even bother with the rest. Hope it's not all the same.


    Maturity doesn't come in a day, it's progressive. Every day that passes, people get a little more mature.








    In fact, age doesn't even have to do that much with maturity. I've spoken to 11 y old in this game who acted much more mature then some 21 y old I met. Sure, the 11 y old could oftenly be very impatient, which ofcourse had a lot to do with his age (most young people tend to be very impatient).








    But the point is, he was nice, honest and very polite (despite his impatience ;)), whereas the 21 y old was arrogant, rude and egoistic. Perhaps this actually has more to do with character traits then maturity, but in any case: it has little to do with age. ;)








    Well true, some people are more mature than others at a given age. But you gotta admit that the younger people are, the less mature they are. Just that for some, it comes faster than for others. More to the point, the younger someone is, the less he/she realises the implications of his/her words.

  3. LOL, why are you guys argueing about something that will never change? You can blame them if you want...but it's useless if noone's going to do anything about it. Think about it, you're 16 right nugget? Well, 3 years ago you were 13 years old, and you could HAVE possibly been one of those annoying brats that make 'your mom' insults. Don't you people realize this? You can't MAKE 13 year olds any better, because, well, there 13 year olds :roll: :wall: ! What do you expect from them, for them to drive a car, own a house, and have polite manners? Look, it's human nature that we "mature" as we eventually grow up. Just like we grow taller in time, we'll become more mature in time, and understand things better. You can't make yourself 6 feet taller in one day, can you? It's just ridiculous seeing you guys arguing about something like this. You can't play god and make people the way you want them to be. You can blame 13 year olds for their immature manners, but you might as well blame yourself too when you were 13 :roll:.








    P.S. To crim nimora, thanks for the pm! :)








    All this is only true up to a point. A 13 year old is not a 3 year old. A 13 year old has a fairly good notion of right and wrong already. A 13 year old has heard of racism.








    Maturity doesn't come in a day, it's progressive. Every day that passes, people get a little more mature.








    There are some actions for which 13 year olds can most certainly be blamed. Being that age doesn't excuse every behaviour and action. Some, not all. Certainly not racism. I doubt any parent out there would excuse their 13 year old saying something racist just because he's 13. At 5 years old for example, that would be different. They'd just tell the kid not to say that again, not expect the kid to understand why. A 13 year old, on the other hand, can understand why pretty well.





    What you said is generalising, categorising, stereotyping and it's patronizing and condescendent. All of those apply to what you said. Oh yeah, and contrary to what you said above, it is insulting, and yes it's baseless. Again, there is a difference between "young = racists" and "racists in RS = young".








    don't start this intelligence insulting crap. i don't want a flame war, i want a discussion.








    obviously the majority of the runescape population is younger, and for the entire thread i've been saying "racists in runescape = young" but you still don't seem to understand. i know that there are plenty of adults that are racist, but the majority of them don't play this game or go around on a video game throwing out racial slurs for kicks. they might do that in real life, but that's not on topic here. also, your mmorpg comparison doesn't make sense








    Wrong, you said "young = racists". Not the same thing. Obviously you still can't figure it out. That comparison makes perfect sense. That's what YOU're saying. And you're not helping have a discussion, you're just spouting off stupid statements such as young = racists.








    I can't stand people like you who think they know so much better than everyone else and decide to stick people in categories. And I'll call you on it every time you'll post that crap. Generalising leads to hatred. It's people like you who give a bad image to the youngs of today by putting all of them in the same basket. And you think you're discussing anything by doing that ? Get over yourself. You're not helping in the slightest, you're only making things worse.












    Crim_nimora, what exactly are you expecting ? A magical solution ? It's not in RS that education is going to take place, particularly as far as racism goes. The only think that can be done is for Jagex to crack down a lot harder on these comments to get rid of them, but that won't change people, unfortunately. As to us players, there's not much else we can do but report those who say things like that.








    Once there used to be a rant on RS official forums about this. It had hundreds of replies and for once Jagex got involved. Saying they took this seriously... etc. So if it's getting worse in-game again, the best way is to call them on it.

  5. There are stats to back that up. You don't have any. You just think you know better.








    Saying that young people are racists is stereotyping. Claiming there are exceptions doesn't make your statement true. If you were more intelligent, you'd turn that statement around and say that a lot of racists people on RuneScape are young. Because that way, you focus on the behaviour you're blaming instead of including every young person out there. Read both these statements several times and understand the difference. There is one. And in using the first one, you're clearly wrong. Second, you don't even restrict your statements to RS. I've explained to you that there are a lot more racists adults than you think, probably more than young people actually.








    So next time, figure out what you want to say. A lot of racists people are young in RS. And even that is generalising since you have no way to know. That's what you wanted to say. Not "a lot of young people are racists."








    Plus think for a minute. What's the major age group in RS ? That's right, these so-called young people. So no wonder most of the racists ones on there are young, they make up the most important part of the RS population ! So you're not really proving anything about young people, since you already base your statements on a game made up of mostly them, as opposed to an evenly spread across the age group population. That's like saying most game players around the world like MMORPG's just by asking people who play RS. Makes no sense since those who play RS, which is an MMORPG, have to like MMORPG's somewhat, or they wouldn't play it. Get it yet ?








    What you said is generalising, categorising, stereotyping and it's patronizing and condescendent. All of those apply to what you said. Oh yeah, and contrary to what you said above, it is insulting, and yes it's baseless. Again, there is a difference between "young = racists" and "racists in RS = young".





    Saying most young persons out there are racist is not condescending, maybe ? Yeah right...








    for one thing, i never said anything like that, and i have not used a condenscending tone in any of my posts.








    Crim_nimora found an example of you saying that. Look above.








    When you go and start posting that such and such is doing so and so, in this case young people being racists, then you come off as someone who knows better than them. Which is condescending. Because, who the hell are you to make such statements ? The all-seeing eye ? You're damn right, it's condescending. And patronizing since you pretend to know what's right better than them.





    You've been patronizing every single "young" person in this entire thread. What do you expect ?












    3. To treat in a condescending manner.








    nope, not quite.








    Saying most young persons out there are racist is not condescending, maybe ? Yeah right...








    Im not an adult ( only 17 ) and you are wrong, i choose who surrounds me and im not an adult.








    Since when do people still in school choose who their schoolmates are ? You sure I'm wrong ?





    Then what makes you think adults won't follow the same behaviour in-game ? If anything, adults are more set in their views than younger people to begin with. Younger ones are more easily influenced and are in contact with all sorts of people when they go to school, from all kinds of backgrounds. Adults choose who surrounds them, and even if they work with people they disapprove of, the relationship is completely different than for kids in a school.








    that's besides the point, the rascism problem here isn't coming from adults.








    How do you pretend to know that ? Yes, there are adults playing RS as well (*gasp*). There's a long thread about it in General P2P.













    u gotta admit its quite funny








    Funny to someone old enough to understand it. And if you're under 15 and understand it, well, you shouldn't.
















    this might come as a surprise to you but children know what their genitals are called








    Well that just shows that YOU don't actually understand what ballslap means. And there is no way I'm explaining it here. Hint: you're wrong, it's not about how you call a body part.








    Jagex is just inconistent. They don't tolerate these names yet they have no way of checking them and ban when people report others. That causes a problem for long-time players. Anyone saw the petition by xwifebeaterx in General on this forum ? Plus in his case, there was the second meaning of wifebeater, which is the name of a type of shirt. They didn't stop the players when they were a small company and now they expect to ban anybody as they see fit. Not quite that easy, Jagex.








    I also like how they keep saying that they'll introduce name-change one day. They've said that for years and they've never done it. Doubt they care. Doesn't inspire confidence though.








    You might be right that JAGeX is inconsistent on this sort of thing, and I assume it's due to the sheer number of players, which increases daily. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed.








    And, just for the record, calling a certain T-shirt a "wife beater" is not giving it a second meaning. The term is still offensive! It just implies that the style of shirt is often worn by mean who abuse their wives. So, no, the phrase "wife beater" does not become approriate just because there's a T-Shirt named after it.
















    I never said it shouldn't be fixed... all I said was that they were inconsistent.








    I know that meaning and you know it. I don't know how old that particular player is. If I recall from his post here, he was a young teen when he created his char. Not sure they all understand the implications of the name.








    That's another reason why Jagex should act ASAP and not months or years after chars have been created. Because by then all they end up doing is making people angry, particularly when the player doesn't see what was offensive about it.

  10. Dude, I said it in the last post and I'll say it again:








    Most younger people are stupid.




    Most of the stupid players are younger.








    Whether it be due to my bad wording or your lack of ability to understand I don't know, but that's what i mean.








    The two in and of themselves don't contradict each other. If I failed to clearly show that, then that's my fault.












    Yes there's a huge difference between these 2 statements ! It seems you're the one who doesn't understand what Duke Freedom was saying, since you're making the exact same mistake above. Statement 1 is wrong and stupid. Statement 2 is a lot more accurate. Learn to understand the differences.





    Ever heard of the KKK, slavery (you mentioned superiority, what better example then that) ... etc ? You need to get out more. There are millions of racists adults. The only difference now compared to the examples I've given is that it's illegal to act on it. But that never stops people from doing it.








    i meant on a computer game. i know full well of racist people in real life.








    Then what makes you think adults won't follow the same behaviour in-game ? If anything, adults are more set in their views than younger people to begin with. Younger ones are more easily influenced and are in contact with all sorts of people when they go to school, from all kinds of backgrounds. Adults choose who surrounds them, and even if they work with people they disapprove of, the relationship is completely different than for kids in a school.


    :? No i havent had that experience, cause ive never drunken in my life. Im only 15, and underage... never tasted beer though, only a bit of wine. But if beer tasts anything like it smells... yuck!








    I personally, don't like beer. It tastes like...cardboard.








    And just how do you know what cardboard tastes like ? :lol: :P :twisted:








    LOL sorry, couldn't pass that one up...

  13. again, no one has said that all young players are guilty of anything, but most insults/racism etc comes from younger players. people that aren't prepubescents don't go around yelling racial slurs to feel superior.








    Ever heard of the KKK, slavery (you mentioned superiority, what better example then that) ... etc ? You need to get out more. There are millions of racists adults. The only difference now compared to the examples I've given is that it's illegal to act on it. But that never stops people from doing it.











    u gotta admit its quite funny








    Funny to someone old enough to understand it. And if you're under 15 and understand it, well, you shouldn't.
















    this might come as a surprise to you but children know what their genitals are called








    Well that just shows that YOU don't actually understand what ballslap means. And there is no way I'm explaining it here. Hint: you're wrong, it's not about how you call a body part.








    Jagex is just inconistent. They don't tolerate these names yet they have no way of checking them and ban when people report others. That causes a problem for long-time players. Anyone saw the petition by xwifebeaterx in General on this forum ? Plus in his case, there was the second meaning of wifebeater, which is the name of a type of shirt. They didn't stop the players when they were a small company and now they expect to ban anybody as they see fit. Not quite that easy, Jagex.








    I also like how they keep saying that they'll introduce name-change one day. They've said that for years and they've never done it. Doubt they care. Doesn't inspire confidence though.

  15. It's a generalisation, but a fair one.








    There is no such thing as a fair generalisation. The only 'fair' way to categorise people is to base it on polls and statistics. And even that sometimes leave room for disagreements if the population sample is too small.








    And that also means that all the generalisations in this thread can be thrown out the window. In this example: there are racists people. End of story. Age or any other parameter shouldn't enter the discussion until someone shows a proof to back it up.

  16. It's an AVI and it's not corrupted. Also, sometimes certain files will close at a certain point, the exact point they freeze at.








    How do you know it's not corrupted. There's such a thing as a frozen frame. Mercifull is on the right track. You need to tell us what format the movie is in (AVI means nothing, it's just a file container) and what codec you use to view the movie.



    Microsoft [...] doesn't care too much about security in their products.








    I'm tired of seeing this security argument when it comes to MS. When are people going to realize that Windows being more unsecure than other OS'es is only a perception created by the larger coverage it gets ?








    Other OS'es have just as many security holes, but nowhere near as famous as the Windows ones. As to whoever said MS doens't patch holes quickly, that's nonsense. In the past 2 years, it's improved a lot: MS rationalized their ratings of vulnerabilities and came out with a monthly cycle of regular updates, with critical updates being rolled out ASAP. Here's an example that affects a lot of us here: the latest vulnerability with the Java VM was fixed 1 day after it was discovered and was rolled out through Windows Update 5 days later. If you absolutely want the patches before they even hit Windows Update, then download Microsoft Baseline Security Anaylzer.








    Just because it's fashionable to call MS more unsecure than others doesn't mean it's the truth. If that were the case, you wouldn't have companies running critical servers on Windows. And yes they do. And yes they'd switch in a heartbeat if MS was way more unsecure than others. Money isn't an objection when it comes to critical applications.








    I really don't think coverage has anything to do with it. I have to concede that a big reason for windows's security problems is the larger number of people trying to find security holes, but that's not the most important problem. MS is still slow at making patches. Just becasue they roll out patches every month doesn't mean that it only takes a month for vulns to be patched... They may be improving, but they started at bad and are moving toward, but still far from, goood. Ever hear of slammer? That HUGE vulnerability was out how many months before it was patched? Microsoft didn't fix it until it was used to take down most of the internet...








    And as for companies using windows for mission-critical apps... That's slowly changing. HP recently started using linux for it's NonStop servers, the most important and expensive servers that they produce... And that's just one example that I remembered from the news recently http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?si ... 6&from=rss












    I agree that it's kind of popular to bash ms's security, but you can't say they don't deserve a lot of it.








    I emphasized a sentence in your post. The reason ? Because I never said that. What I was trying to say was that the one-month cycle guarantees you some patching as opposed to a "when-we-fee-like-it" approach. Of course, some vulnerabilities may take more than a month. I can't say I check anymore. But when I did (and that was months ago), it took them less than a month to patch. Far from a month even.








    Anyway, slammer was a long time ago. I believe that's part of what pushed them into doing things better too.








    Some companied switch to Unix/Linux. Some switch to Windows. It's also fashionable to report on Microsoft's losses, rather than the other way around. ;) Perhaps sales would be more meaningful. Regardless, it seems MS reputation on the subject is going up rather than down. It's well known they used to run their own website off a Linux server. :P Obviously they switched when people found out, but anyway, they advertize Windows 2k3 server with emphasis on security, and you don't make these kind of claims lightly for a product aimed at IT specialists and business use. They'd be laughed at all the way out the door of companies if it turned out to be as full of holes as swiss cheese. :)












    EDIT: almost forgot. EugenyG, MS "domination" started before Windows 95.

  18. Microsoft [...] doesn't care too much about security in their products.








    I'm tired of seeing this security argument when it comes to MS. When are people going to realize that Windows being more unsecure than other OS'es is only a perception created by the larger coverage it gets ?








    Other OS'es have just as many security holes, but nowhere near as famous as the Windows ones. As to whoever said MS doens't patch holes quickly, that's nonsense. In the past 2 years, it's improved a lot: MS rationalized their ratings of vulnerabilities and came out with a monthly cycle of regular updates, with critical updates being rolled out ASAP. Here's an example that affects a lot of us here: the latest vulnerability with the Java VM was fixed 1 day after it was discovered and was rolled out through Windows Update 5 days later. If you absolutely want the patches before they even hit Windows Update, then download Microsoft Baseline Security Anaylzer.








    Just because it's fashionable to call MS more unsecure than others doesn't mean it's the truth. If that were the case, you wouldn't have companies running critical servers on Windows. And yes they do. And yes they'd switch in a heartbeat if MS was way more unsecure than others. Money isn't an objection when it comes to critical applications.

  19. Go to Norton Antivirus options. There's a section called Internet Worm Protection. Go there. Then click on Program Control. Another window opens. Click on Add. You then look for the file in question and click Open. You must choose if you want to let Norton configure it or do it yourself. There's an easier way (if you're 100 % sure of that program) than doing it manually. Let Norton configure it. It then appears in the list in the window where you clicked on Add before (you'll see it) and under Internet Access it says Automatic. Click on Automatic and change it to Permit All. All done.

  20. Pointless guide- too much banking- too much hops and bushes(who is dumb eunaugh to grow em anyway? exept for poison ivys...) only 1 tree or fruit tree! :lol: :lol: NEVER farm like that guy said to...it wont give you any xp(hops=sucky xp bushes=sucky xp alloments=sucky xp :wink: )








    I was with you until allotments... how do you lvl up then ? :?: I thought allotments were good xp/hour since trees take so long ?

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