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Posts posted by Deiophobus

  1. Y'know, a lot of girls are like jobs.


    Let's say that a woman has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her, which is why he hangs around so much. She sees him strictly as a friend. This always starts out with, you're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way. This is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying, You have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you. We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants. But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired. Funny thing is how goddamned true it is.


    I've seen that somewhere before, where did you get it from?

  2. So I did it. As we were walking back to our dorms at about 2 am last night I asked if she wanted to go out some time, and she said no, there's someone back home she really likes.

    I'm not sure how I feel about this. I'm disappointed at her answer, but I'm glad I asked anyway. At least I tried, and I can't regret not speaking up now. I've never actually had the courage to ask someone out before, and now that I've at least tried it I feel like it will be easier in the future. I think we can remain good friends too, it really was not that awkward.


    By the way, I don't think ginger's comment about not regretting leaving was meant to reflect poorly on people here. I understand what you mean by the "person returning" attitude, but I doubt he feels superior to us just because he left.

  3. Ok, well thanks for the advice Dan. I know you weren't trying to be hard, I suppose what I was looking for was to be told "Go for it! She'll say yes!", but that's probably not realistic. I disagree that it would ruin the friendship if she said no though. It might be awkward for a short time, but she would get over it.

    It could make her think that the only reason you were hanging out with her was because you were interested though. If you do happen to ask her and she does happen to say no, I'd make sure to let her know that you appreciate time spent with her regardless of whether or not there is the potential for anything else to happen.


    I don't think she would think that, we're actually very good friends. I'm not sure if that makes it harder or easier though..

    I was also wondering about something. Whenever we sit next to each other doing homework, or messing around online, our legs/arms are always touching. I have not had many friends who are girls before, so I don't know if this is perfectly normal, or actually means something.

  4. I liked the movie a lot, although some of their zombie survival techniques were ridiculous. Someone already mentioned the whole turning on the power to the carnival rides, I mean..wow. And how stupid do you have to be to pretend to be a zombie as a "joke" after the zombie apocalypse, in front of someone with a shotgun?

  5. Hi everyone. I've not been on the forums much lately, but I recently got nostalgic for them, and then I realized that this would be a great place to ask about a problem I've been having. Basically it's your standard "I really like my best friend" problem, but I'll elaborate a bit.

    I met this girl a while ago, and instantly we really connected; I've never had such a fun time talking to anyone. I tried asking her out, but I suppose I was not clear enough as to my intentions, so I don't think she realized what I meant. Anyway, since then we've become pretty close friends, but it's getting hard for me to just be her friend while I still like her as much as I do. I know that sounds selfish, but it's true. I would ask her out again, and be clear about what I meant this time, but considering this is probably the best friendships I've ever had, I'm afraid that if she said no it would ruin it.

    I know that there are only two options here, go for it or don't, so I don't really know what advice I'm asking for, but anything would be greatly appreciated.

  6. News coverage is confusing me a little right now, can someone confirm that she is resigning not just refusing to run for reelection.




    Honestly, this news doesn't effect anything except parts of the republican primaries in a few years.




    On NPR they said that she would be stepping down next month.




    Kaphias, I haven't really followed her much, how is she as a governor?

  7. Would you guys mind if I joined in on your game tomorrow? I know I have Nadril and Errdoth added on steam, but I'm not sure who else.




    I used to play mostly pyro, but lately I've switched to spy and engineer, they're more fun when you do well with them.

  8. Well here is my picture, it was taken at my high school graduation.








    If I smile with teeth it looks completely unnatural, I lack the ability to fake a smile.




    Everyone looks good with a smile if they put confidence behind the smile, and you're not unfortunate looking so you should smile and be proud of it! ;)




    This is a bit late, but thank you for the compliment. My natural smile looks quite nice I think, it's just when I try to smile for photographs it looks odd. I will try to find a picture of me where I am smiling/laughing naturally.

  9. No you are not a murderer, that term only applies to the destruction of another human being. Why feel bad that you killed a living creature? This is completely natural. The dominant species kills the lesser. The method in which you killed them probably did not cause them an immense amount of pain, I imagine your lawn mower (I assume it is gas powered) eviscerated them rather quickly. But their method of death is not consequential, it has the same effect as if you had speared them with a sharpened flint point.




    In short: chill out bro.

  10. Pretty much all sports except tennis, and random obscure sports. I'm not sure why. It may be my subconscious rejection of mainstream interests, or my arbitrary love of certain activities, who knows?




    Fashion is another thing I can not understand. Personally I buy all my clothes except underwear at the local salvation army store, and I fail to conceive why more people do not shop there. I was able to buy 8 very nice dress shirts for $28, and they do not look used. Fashion is a useless thing to waste time thinking about, what you wear does not matter. It is just meant to cover your body to fit in with human social norms.




    This is going to sound weird, but I can not get into social interactions. There is so much stuff that is completely pointless contained within a single conversation, I just do not see the point in participating in it.




    I realize I came off as pretentious and weird, but...meh

  11. It's interesting to watch the rush from far away. But when you're stuck in it, it's nowhere near as fun. Like a forest. From outside, it's beautiful. But on the inside, you can't see the forest for all the trees.





    I think a forest is the nicest from the inside.


    People are in a rush because time is limited, and everyone has a big invisible clock next to them, ticking towards death. Also, people tend to leave at the last possible minute for things, so they rush to get there.

  12. Just before quitting, I realized how I really didn't like Runescape at when I played it. It was boring, it felt useless, but it killed time. If you ask me, those "addicts" just need to find something interesting to do.




    That's a good point, but people start playing for different reasons. They may have had nothing to do, or maybe stopped doing other things to play runescape. Although jagex does warn against unhealthy playing habits, and advises activity, they are really doing the bare minimum. I doubt anyone reading their suggestions will change their playing habits. But that is understandable to some degree, they want people to play, they are a business.




    Wouldn't they make the same amount of money if someone who had members played 1 day a month, as opposed to everyday for 9 hours?

  13. Well, we're all a little different on these forums, as I've noticed. But how many of us really want to be different?


    Not as much as I am. Being different is good but there's a limit that I feel I'm way, way past.






    And let me guess, no one on here could ever understand?


    We all know in what ways he's different. Though assuming you're so different that no one in the world comes close is kinda normal.






    It just seemed like the stereotypical teenage attitude of "I'm so unique, no body understands me", which irritated me.

  14. Well, we're all a little different on these forums, as I've noticed. But how many of us really want to be different?


    Not as much as I am. Being different is good but there's a limit that I feel I'm way, way past.






    And let me guess, no one on here could ever understand?

  15. Because it's just [developmentally delayed] that one country has to use imperial like that, while the rest is using metric? Or maybe because a land of 300 million people shouldn't be forcing the rest of the world to switch just so we have the same damn system of measurements. This is one of those things that have always amazed, why the f don't we just get a long when it comes to measuring?




    Hey, Liberia and Myanmar use custom systems too. That's besides the point, I just wanted to point that out.




    Anyway, it's not like the US is trying to make the rest of the world switch to imperial, as you imply in your post. In any science class in the US they use metric, because that's what all the formulas are made for. It's not very hard to learn a new system, you just have to "experience" it. Not just convert it to the old system, but be in a certain weather and be told what it is in the system you want to learn, then later when you heard that temperature you can think about how you felt.




    I know metric and imperial mostly, but I still can't judge height in cm well, I think feet and inches is better for giving human height. If everyone were to know both systems, that would be very nice.

  16. Staying in school as long as I did.




    Biggest waste of time ever. The only thing relevant after grade 5 was just exactly how much vodka you can get away with drinking in class.




    My 6th grade class was big on yo-yos. I think we were cooler.




    I suppose becoming addicted to the internet. Before the internet, about 5 years ago, I wasn't popular, didn't have many friends and found it awkward in social situations. Over the past 5 years I'm still the same. I'm not popular, don't have many friends, find it awkard, almost terrifying in social situations. I think, though I can't be sure, if I hadn't become addicted to the internet, emmersed myself in this virtual world, I might have found myself less terrified of people... less of a freak maybe.




    Exact same situation as me, except replace internet with RuneScape. Dsavi, people say it's a huge mistake because it was such a huge amount of time spent playing it, time that can't be gotten back, and can't be considered a good use.

  17. Someone already mentioned Scottish schools, but I'd like to say something else about them. I think they're much closer to the American University system than English, as well as more accepting to foreign students. This could be wrong, I'm going off what my school's counselor once told me.




    I think you should just go to school in the states, and move to England after if you still want to. It would be much cheaper on your family.

  18. http://www.cracked.com/article_17061_5-things-you-think-will-make-you-happy-but-wont.html


    Basically the more we get what we want the more miserable we are. Nigerians are the happiest people on earth.




    Life boils down to two things: Happiness and Afterlife\Religion. Regardless of your religion, your life here has the sole point of making you feel good. So anything that makes you happier overall = good. The bad part is that it appears the only way to make us happy is to take away everything that makes us happy.




    That article claims that Nigerians are the happiest people, yet the source they link to has Nigerians listed as number 29 on the list.






    If you guys are worried about the eventual lack of resources in your country, please go off yourselves. We don't need your selfishness and abuse of your lucky disposition around here.




    Isn't it just as selfish to put your generations welfare about that of future generations?

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