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Posts posted by jackjonson

  1. that was probably staged to get people to go stake them, retards see people winning big and think that they can somehow profit against the odds flower gaming.

    odds are in favor of the host, but if you have a big enough cash stack you can bet say... 1m on a color and if you lose, bet 2m on the same color and if you lose bet 4m on the same color. eventually odd's will favor you and you will walk away with your all the money you bet +1mill. if you have a lot of cash, you can start off bigger and bet say 10m and will eventually walk off with 10m. if you follow flower games, people do get 10+ streaks, and if you see this you should start your betting on them.


    there's a reason casinos do not ban people using the martingale system...

  2. It needs to be the only option, not still there. I don't want any part of them trying to be WOW.... It better not be turn based, like I hit monster then it is his turn to hit me and I have to decide on different tactics to use or heal for my turn, I dont want anything like that. the part that makes RS what it is, is the relaxed simple gameplay, I want nothing to do with more complex style WOW play.


    but knowing how investors work, they will look at what is the most profitable game, and try to mirror that. This is my fear, and I am sure it is exactly what they are doing...trying their best to emulate the money making aspects of WOW, without trying to outright say it


    put bluntly, you do not know how investors work.


    do you really think that the people putting significant sums of money into RS dont see or understand the difference between a casual and highly involved MMORPG? would you put your money into something without understanding the market? investors get a horrible reputation but really they are what keeps the game going.


    But, the direction that has been desired by many players and staff for a while now is more attention=more xp. This most likely will not change the gameplay significantly for the casual player but it will most likely be more in depth for the more serious player and PVP. how can you argue against people putting more effort into something yet not gaining a greater reward? it seems to me you're content to click and switch windows to something else rather than play the game. this is exactly what has been killing the game and what Jagex have been trying to move away from for a while now. greater interaction/less afk (yes i understand the recent updates for less APM for repetitive skills, but those need to be seen differently from combat even if the point and click mechanics are the same the mentality in the community is most definitely not). they arent catering to investors, they are putting forth what they feel is best for the community, just because you think you are right in thinking the current mechanics are the only option does not make you right.

  3. General rule: Ignore all emails sent by Jagex unless you are expecting one. If you expect one, do not click any links in it to be safe. If you need to enter your email confirmation code or such, go to runescape.com manually and copy-paste the codes.


    What they don't send:

    1) Anything related to Danger Zones, black marks, Infractions, botting, rwt.

    2) RuneScape Account - login validation‏

    3) RuneScape Account-Notice‏

    4) Your account has been placed in Danger Zone‏

    5) Members Loyalty Programme invite NO:00810168‏

    6) Moderator invite.

    7) Your runescape account.‏

    8) RuneScape Account Verification‏

    9) Jagex Notification About RuneScape Account‏


    They only send:

    1) Advertisements of their games.

    2) P2p confirmations.

    3) Replies when you send email to billing/parents/account support.

    4) Confirmation about account recovery status when you try to recover your account.

    5) Email registry codes when you register your email with jagex.


    also emails when you get new loyalty points

  4. Thanks for your input and yet I am a "DIYer", I done a rough guesstimate and I'm not making profit, which I'm not to fussed about, I find the exp is fairly fast, I got from 1-60 mage within a day and trained 1-45 smithing at the same time. Im only looking at 50 smithing then I might consider a more profitable way to mage to 82+, And yes I should of sold my bars, didn't realize they were 780 each rofl.


    how are you a do it yourselfer if you're buying and selling everything? another note, how have you invested '2m into this account for starters and may put 30m+' when trading between accounts is against the rules?

  5. i wish there were a place on the jagex site that listed all the past updates in chronological order, then we wouldnt have this type of thread weekly. tipit also needs a help and advice section in case people have a question about a specific update that they read about on the main site...

  6. never participated before. but i have always wanted to just never on. the way jagex is going i think there is a huge huge huge possibility they support the multi site war. if this is the case i would, regardless of classes, be part of it. this is the reason i was never a part in the past, i could not be assured i would not have a test that given day at no notice. but now in grad school, i will be there regardless of the date, the prof's now will take almost any legit excuse for me to miss an exam.



    yes i know i've been a member a while with few posts...what can i say, i'm a troll

  7. i think there's something everyone is missing. regardless of the supply, increased demand will drive up the price. it doesnt matter if there is an unending supply, with the way the ge works as long as sales are being made at max, the price will go up. a clan does not need to buy out the entire market to effect the price

  8. ....wow




    The real manipulators have absolutely no skill. They have a huge cash pile, so they invest it in a large quantity of a random good. They then tell their clan to invest in said item. They then dump the item once it has risen due to the huge amount of people buying that item. They only thing their doing is profiting off people looking for a way to make a quick buck. NO skill, just shear GREED.




    just skimmed the thread but this stuck out.




    these merch clans are nothing less than a ponzi scheme. the demand drives itself. profits of early investors have to be paid by investments from later investors. the problem is that no real value is created when these prices go up. and the real demand does not permanently rise, it is based on investors.




    It's not a ponzi scheme. lol. A ponzi scheme would be if i borrowed 10k from you and promised you 20k next week. Then I go find 2 more people to loan me 10k each and pay you back with their money, then find more people to borrow from to pay back those 2.




    it is very close a ponzi scheme. the low tier clan members drive the price up and pay the dividends to those who first bought out. when new members lose confidence, the whole thing falls apart. the only difference being that the money does not need to pass through the high ranking members to be distributed to early investors

  9. Can anyone prove it has a negative effect on the economy?




    When a clan buys out limpwurts the herblorists and the people who use them have to pay more for their stuff because of unnatural demand. Now when the clans dump the people who collect the limpwurts can't sell them even for min and they lose money they could have had if they would have left the item alone.





    They cant grow them or gather them by slaying hobgoblins and increase the supply?




    Asides, if they did that, they might profit much more than paying 1k+ per second. ...





    just saw this requoted thought i might comment




    of course they can, however they value the xp and time they would have spent gathering at some value less than 1k. what the merch clans do is push the price closer to that tipping point. however people realize these items are being merchanted, and know that in time it will drop back down. this stops them from gathering their own and simply moving onto another task while they wait. this waiting is what i think people are complaining about. this is what interrupts others game play




    the leaders of the merch clans are manipulating the rest of the clan to make money. of course a few lower tier ranks make money but overall the clan CANNOT make money. no true long term wealth can be created from these clans, just redistributed




    while i agree that these players feel they can play the way they want, they also cannot complain if jagex sees it as disrupting the gameplay and the path they want the game to take, and sees it fit to take action to put it back on their course

  10. Also, it's ironic but price caps directly caused merch clans.




    Jagex cracked down on people solo buying out items. As with the way the GE works this was guaranteed price increases. These people were buying out heavily in demand items like rune ess and making far too much profit.




    After the price caps, people quickly figured out merch clans would be an effective way to manipulate prices. And so now here we are...






    So don't just point one finger at merch clans and accuse them of creating every problem with the GE.




    Personally I'd rather see the flaws with the GE fixed, and make items buyable.




    When GE price updates, if we already have a bid in, then the bid should roll-over to offer a higher price if we choose that as an option. Currently, this doesn't happen.




    And this is just one example of how the GE is flawed when you are trying to buy items.




    Also, it's nice to see newer quests actually provide items needed along the way mostly now, instead of causing the GE jam where everyone is buying needed items and none are selling. It makes more sense to create solutions like this to GE bottlenecks than point fingers at "merchant hoarders"






    Also I think that some of the people posting on this thread crying that merch clans are unfair are just jealous that someone else is earning gp so fast.




    the problem is they are intentionally exploiting an error of the game system to benefit themselves at the expense of others. under the new rule definitions, this falls under 'honor' and is a banable offense. and this is using your definition of what merch clans do

  11. ....wow




    The real manipulators have absolutely no skill. They have a huge cash pile, so they invest it in a large quantity of a random good. They then tell their clan to invest in said item. They then dump the item once it has risen due to the huge amount of people buying that item. They only thing their doing is profiting off people looking for a way to make a quick buck. NO skill, just shear GREED.




    just skimmed the thread but this stuck out.




    these merch clans are nothing less than a ponzi scheme. the demand drives itself. profits of early investors have to be paid by investments from later investors. the problem is that no real value is created when these prices go up. and the real demand does not permanently rise, it is based on investors.

  12. This is MONTH 6 of the updates year, and so far this year is graded as failing.










    1. Skills have not been updated or improved


    (DO NOT mention minor tweaks, they do not count they were adding the odd update to a skill through quests etc. forever)




    DO NOT MENTION SC tools - These cheapened skills, and wrecked skills more than improving anything. Especially the smithing cape, so few people had it and after SC 1000's more have this cape now.




    DO NOT TIE IN SKILLS TO EACH OTHER without reason, summoning was big for doing this, but penalized skillers who stay level 3 - but now that summoning exists, its only fair that if you have a 99 skill you should be able to unlock the summon monster for that skill, these monsters wouldn't give the combat exp. just the skill boost, like if you had 99 herblore you could get a macaw for the herbs




    the problem with this is that those level 3 skillers are intentionally limiting themselves.  thats like asking to remove defense requirements from armor because a 1 def pure cant use them.  its an available aspect of the game that is ignored by choice.




    What I would like to see for skills:




    Update the exp points for certain skills, currently we all train using the "fastest and cheapest" method which means that lots of areas of a skill are neglected - currently skills are innovative and offer a variety of ways to level but the other ways to level are ignored becuase it's not good exp, especially in skills like hunter, chinchompa's are boring, but the skill is so rich that its a pity people don't lvl using other ways




    unlocking more with skills as your level goes higher, this doesn't have to always mean new things to make, but maybe giving more experience bonus's as well if you are higher level in a skill




    Expanding some skills that have been neglected, such as smithing, or firemaking and making these useful again.




    STOP making it easier to gain level 99 in a skill, instead focus on making each skill richer and more rewarding, especially the original older skills which haven't been updated in forever




    Make skills earn gp instead of losing gp, even if that means bringing in more NPC's that buy skiller produced items at good prices


    but here the price of raw materials will rise, this is simple econ that sadly most people will never fully understand (i doubt i will get it all even when i plan to go for my doctorate in econ) but the idea here is that people value xp. while it is not equal across the board, it is a non zero number, there will always be some people willing to dump money to get the skills faster...secondary skills will never again be profitable for any sustainable period of time when xp is valued at any non zero amount.




    2. CONTINUATION of favouring mellee




    Corrupt dragon drops in PVP F2P only give mellee an advantage as usual magic and range are not factored in




    Slayer mask provides boosts only for mellee, not magic or ranger, this needed to be fixed ever since this slayer mask was introduced, instead we are in month 6 of the update year and no sign of any updates.




    agree with this, although the rumors are that something is coming out with the new slayer monster, however you have to see it from their point of view. most players choose melee for whatever reason (most usually because it has no set loss per shot/cast like range and mage do) and jagex needs to cater to the majority most of the time, they cant keep everyone happy, and maybe the ratio of time spent isnt perfect, but it does make sense.




    Sort out the combat triangle, give us more hp its clearly needed




    with the huge update to pvp, including huge ko weapons, something is definitely needed, better armor or higher hp




    3. STOP ruining your own game




    PVP drops have ruined huge sections of the game, which will now be deserted, such as Dag Kings etc. Keep monster drops as monster drops, and maybe just give pvp straight up cash rewards if they aren't willing to make new pvp only items besides corrupted.




    while not destroying some aspects, it does reduce the value those who enjoy monster hunting over pvp get from those drops and certainly detracts, while new items would be preferable, i see no problem with putting commonly used pk items in the drop tables (dfh...etc could have been left out as this was rarely if not never used)




    4. DESERTED AREAS OF RS this is MONTH 6 of the update year and the poll's are about naming a pub??? HuH?????!




    While the pub is in the middle of nowhere what about the enormous area's of RS that are neglected. Why not give exp bonuses in deserted areas or put in special events once a week in one of the town's of rs... there is so much they can do creatively if they so wished




    what we have seen over the last 8 years, is that the only way to populate an area is to make it easily accessible, and to give people a reason to go there, but the only real reason to stay in a city is trade, or access to a bank for grinding skills. the ge monopolizes one of these, and you do see skillers at remote banks from time to time




    minigames --- there's so many that are just never played either because the drops are now pvp or there are better and easier methods to train, why not tweak the exp or something for these but also cap the exp - so it would give great exp but you could only do the mini-game for half an hour max or something daily


    not a huge fan of minigames, but well thought out games such as castle wars are popular even without rewards, i guess some could be tweaked to make them more enjoyable, but as i said, not my expertise




    5. COMMUNITY? WHAT community?!




    Where is the promised clan support? Clan chat... big deal.


    With the lack of random's I've noticed that most players are now afk especially while skilling.THis problem is huge in F2P especially. YOu can be at trees and there will be silence as everyone wcing is also doing something else. Congratulations jagex for making it so we never have to interact with anyone else, ever.




    while not ideal, the jagex cups they recently completed went a huge step to acknowledging clans. and i do believe something is in the works, but like minigames, i have almost nobody on my friends list and do not use clan chats, so while i do not see whats lacking, i'm sure many of you do.




    6. New updates WRECKING old content and skills




    Stop doing this, new updates should build on and improve old content not just ruin it, there is so much ignored and abandoned content on rs, its not even funny




    not sure what you mean here, i'm sure you have something in mind but i'm just not getting any specifics from how you wrote it




    7. New updates that are IGNORED because they don't improve on prior items, or content




    why make yet another set of low level armour or robes when there are already so many items that people aren't using




    different sets do exactly what you were asking for, making skills and equipment varied so everything is not so monotone




    why make another agility course that will never ever be used outside of the quest?








    stop wasting time with pointless updates while ignoring what does need to be done




    clearly agree with what you said here but keep in mind there are some who do not consider them pointless




    8. FINISH quests, finish creating items that were demanded from players for ages




    We want to go into the elf cities, we want crystal halberds, we want to know what happens (thanks for letting us find out what happens to zanik) but what about the original rs quests?




    wrap some up before rolling out new quests




    9. STOP listening to players / STOP changing like the sea with each CEO




    NOt that Jagex ever really does listen to players, but Jagex needs to plan and figure out what they want their game to be and what needs to be done.




    listening to the players is absolutely key. even with their ever growing staff they will never be able to compete with the imagination and attention to detail provided by the millions of players.  the only way to keep the game going strong is to listen to players, but to listen through a filter, do not try and use every idea and to not try to please everyone. but to take ideas and modify them to work and benefit the most people they can




    I hate to say this but the game was much stronger and better content-wise, and even for skills the first few years that Jagex didn't really listen to players.




    hate to say it, but this is completely wrong, years ago i remember mod mark specifically coming into the game to take ideas from players, almost every viable/useful/good idea was put into the game




    Of course players will whine for easier skills and easier leveling, but now it's so hard to gauge accomplishment in RS. Phat's are cheap, lvl 99 capes are bought, even combat lvl is harder to gauge because of summoning. I remember when combat 126 was an accomplishment before gilded alters or ecto. Now I see a combat 135+ and it's not a big deal. It's just not the same level of respect or acheivement.




    over time of course the achievement will be lessened, even without better ways of training the number of 120+(now 130+) players will increase, training methods speed it up, but do not contribute entirely to the problem. 




    We want good suprises, we want you to make things we haven't even thought of yet or aren't expecting.




    again surprising millions will be hard, but is possible.  but i think thats one of the big reasons the bts were stopped, people were building the updates to unrealistic standards and holding jagex to an unreasonable time scale. once the updating year is done, i think we will see much better quality in the udpates (and the upgrades themselves, one reason i think (hope?) we have seen a lack of real big tweaks to the game over the last 6 months




    Set a goal for a new skill at least each year if not two. There just needs to be lots more content added but with thought.




    i believe a while back they said they were always working on 2 skills? i may be mistaken but something like 18 months to plan and develop an extremely basic skill. summoning has been in the works from well before the rs2 update




    STOP changing like the sea with each CEO




    Great so the new CEO has new visions, but really how much does he know about RS the game or the community etc. to be able to make decisions and changes for us? We want more stability than CEO's who are here, make changes then leave, and new ones come in make promises, and then are just missing in action.




    The game was much better with Andrew guiding it.




    different, i enjoyed it more under him, but i would give mark a little longer, and let him get out on his own before judging, dont forget that it was andrews idea for the udpate year (mentioned in one of the interviews or q&a sessions he held on the forums/cc if i remember correctly)




    overall, i do agree with much of what you said, and think that the update year has been lacking. however some of the things you wish for i do not believe obtainable. and the rest i hope took a little longer in development than expected.




    as for the useless updates, i feel its important to keep them coming, just not to devote too many resources away from fixing/truly improving the game.






    great post that addresses a lot of important things as well as leaves it open for debate




    edit: put my comments in code brackets to make them easier to pick out

  13. As long as there are skill capes, and as long as prestige comes with those skill capes, secondary skills will never be profitable. O.O Which is horrible and makes absolutely no sense if you think logically, but that's just the way it is. :(




    by absolutely no sense i assume you mean perfect sense right? you're paying the money for the ability to wear the skill cape and the prestige that comes with it. people really need to stop leaving utility out of the equation

  14. I maybe liked 25% of their answers, the rest just made me :(




    possibly the worst of it was the fact that they still aren't close to releasing the varrock museum barge...I mean really? Really????




    it was like 2 years ago that they released the varrock museum...why the hell are they just now figuring out what to do with the rewards from it?!?!?




    that's some total HORSE [cabbage] :x


    its the way they are they make a quest and in another couple years they come back to it. it angers me :evil:




    yeah, but now they have a couple different storylines to work on and continue to build on. and as they said they are now changing from new content to continuation of older stories. the way i see it they just built up a base of content to work on. and now they are finishing it. personally i like it better this way as opposed to them finishing one story then starting a new one. it keeps things varied and allows them to connect stories that start out completely different but converge on one main plot later on. they could not do this if they finished each quest line before starting a new one

  15. Why should they? It's like complaining that AGS prices are too high. If you want to pay them, pay them. Now that PVP equipment is leveling out, it's YOU, the BUYER, who sets the price.




    buyers will never independently set the price on anything

  16. They might, because right now a lot of items are taken out of the game (lost upon death), so there will be an inflation of gp soon, and that usually leads to people buying rares, instead of all other items rising in price. Rares (used to) work as a buffer for inflation.




    so your theory is that desired items rise in demand fall in supply, causing an increase in price for these items, and your prediction is that people will have more money to spend?




    this COULD, and i stress could, be possible if items dropped on death were lootable, however these items are taken from the game, leaving degradable items in their place.




    end result is less wealth overall, higher prices for pking gear, and no impact on the gold supply in the game. i'm not sure that i follow your "items lost, gp worth less, prices would rise, but rares keep prices from rising" train of thought...




    but my real confusion comes from your inflation theory, sure the price for highly demanded pking goods is going to rise, but this does not constitute inflation. prices will not be effected across the board for general use items, only those used in and relating to pking.

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