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Posts posted by pure_fett

  1. I remember when the wilderness was a place people went to get items from killing other people. Not a place where people asked before they fought you.



    Really lame.


    Anyway, you should just be glad you weren't around in RSC. People could PJ you instantly and you'd be stuck for 3 rounds of combat before you could even eat :)


    And that really was not looked down upon (it was slightly, but not nearly in the same way that people cry about PJers today)


    I don't think you're making connection, in rsc YES you could attack instantly *ONLY* when someone ran away, but you COULD NOT hit someone (with melee) that was already in combat.

    "already in combat"

    became a very lose term post rsc BECAUSE of this eating twice issue.


    And anyway, If i remember correctly, people that pjed on a populated world in rsc were ranged down in a few seconds. (atleast my clan did the instant we saw anyone do it)

  2. PJ timer is necessary. If you want to team up on people go use multi.


    I get the feeling this is one of those things people that don't PK might not understand or appreciate how detrimental not having the PJ timer truly is. As mentioned above it's not all about the deaths that come from it, it's the interruption and loss of tempo that just kills the fun.


    The wild already has some sanity rules, like the combat level difference to attack one another. Adding more sensible much needed rules isn't beyond reason.

    My main point is that it applies almost entirely to Edgeville PKing. There would definitely be some resistance from people who PK elsewhere. For example, the mouse scroll wheel camera control would have little effect on Edgeville PKing, but it managed to get around 35% of the community against it, with the primary reason being that it every-so-slightly unbalances "run-in" or "spur" type PKing where you have to identify if a white dot is a danger to you. :P


    First, (and I thought this back in 07 as well) I'm not really for a PJ timer. I'd just like to see an update that makes it so that if I'm fighting someone, and go for specs and they eat twice, I'd like it to still register that I'm in combat with that person, thus can't get attacked, I shouldn't be made to suffer just cause the other guy needs to eat consistantly.

  3. Jagex have killed any longevity that could be obtained in terms of items goals.

    Terrible terrible outcome, does not matter how rare they make them if they are not discounted.


    agreed (and im not super rich) the ONLY way I see that this (them not being dc) could work in the slightest is if they introduced the elite clues again and gave them 3a rarity from only elite clues, that way they would still be ultra rare, and hold their value for a long time. But, again, this would just be a stop-gap, not a solution because they aren't truely dc, and more will still be introduced, albeit slowly.

  4. yeah the basic idea i wanted to convey is do your calculations (cyberpower does it for you in that box) and bump it up a bit :P


    * 850 Watts - Corsair CMPSU-850TXV2 80 Plus Power Supply - Quad SLI Ready [spring Mega Sale] [+71]


    looks good, i like Corsair RAM idk bout the PSU's they make but hey.... also gota plug Razer mice and keyboards :D


    shame about not having a fry's, while i love cyberpower you could still prolly shave $200-250 off of their price if you build it yourself (and alot of that can be done with buying windows from a college for $15 instead of the 150 or whatever they want (and yes you can do clean installs with those *upgrade only disks* just call them and say your computer crashed and they will activate it for you ))

  5. like i said, im not up on AMD stuff so i don't know the power they consume, but i've had issues with drawing to much power for the psu, and the computer just shutting down... and being that the 900w antec i have was only $100 it's not a big expensive thing... (I put 1200 in my dad's but i SLI'd two gfx cards for him)




    just a quick google turned this up: idk if it's accurate or not:



  6. I recently built a computer for my father (over spring break) and the only thing i would caution you about those parts is this: I'd get ATLEAST an 800w psu, if not 1k.


    IDK about AMD, I'm an Intel i7/ Nvidia guy myself


    but from my experiances with Cyberpower have been good,

    (usually picked the stuff on there and went to frys to buy the parts)

    (if you've never been in an actual fry's store... (http://www.frys.com/ ) ITS FANTASTIC)

  7. Lol at installing Windows on a Macbook. Doesn't work better than a regular laptop either lol.


    What's the problem?


    The problem is that you pay 2 and 3 times the price for the same thing as a computer that already has Windows on it. And it's not just apple products that last long, my old Asus laptop is now 6 years old and still runs like new. In fact, most brands last as long as a macbook because that's the amount of time they're designed to last, which is about 5 years nowadays since they know people will probably have replaced it by that time.


    Do you have a source for that claim?


    Where could I get a Windows laptop for 2 to 3 times cheaper that:

    • Has the same specs as a MacBook Pro.
    • Has the same, sturdy build quality (anodized aluminum, trackpad made from glass, NO bezel around the screen that sticks out, etc.)
    • I get to talk to a person that speaks fluent English perfectly well, whenever I need support.



    @@Miss Lioness


    There's a reason Macs are typically the choice for university students. Go to your nearest Apple Store, try one out. Look up some of the features of the operating system. It allows you to be very organized.


    I have however, heard good things about Lenovo, too. As a student with student needs, you can't really go wrong with a Lenovo laptop. Wouldn't almost any choice/model do?

    I don't have to go far. My $1300 Asus ROG laptop has the same specs as my friend's $3000 Macbook Pro. Also, even if it's very small, I've never seen a macbook without a screen bezel. My Asus might not be completely in Aluminum, but it is hard, thick plastic with good quality. Also, I spoke with someone from Ontario which was fluent in english when I was doing some warranty stuff. We both upgraded our laptops later though, both added a SSD, and my Windows loads in about 10 seconds before being ready to be used, which is shorter than my friend's macbook pro. And where did I buy it? NCIX.com.


    Also the reason why OSX seems to work better than Windows is that all laptops of the same model, with Apple, have the same hardware, which means the same drivers, which isn't true when it comes to Windows because they have to support thousands if not hundred of thousands of different hardware specifications. When it works good, like on all the computers I've had, it never crashes.


    And you still failed to list specs.


    I don't want to sound rude or criticizing, but without specs, your argument holds no water.


    I have personally used both the Windows operating system and Mac's OS X for many years. OS X, hands down, is much more efficient for a professional/work environment.




    Yes, I know this isn't laptops, and yes, I know, this is an OLD picture, but it's still true,


  8. But it's not a correct one, because it's not too small. There's more than enough room if people spread out more.

    And you'd have better luck getting that to happen....than trying to get everyone to move to Falador at this point.

    Varrock has been the center of trading for....Forever...

    Falador was only ever used on Member servers pre-GE, and Varrock was always used in F2p, as well as Members servers (not nearly as crowded though)

    Then the GE came about, and falador wasn't used even on Members, it moved to Varrock and the GE.


    Varrock is the most comfortable trading zone for a very large portion of the players now.


    Despite the crowd, varrock's structural Layout works better for trading I think, since there's walls and buildings to separate trading areas. It's much more clear where the Smithing trading is done, where the range supplies trading is done, where the Herbs and seeds are done, etc.

    In Falador park, you had to know exactly where to go, and even then, sections would sometimes flood into one another.


    Honestly, even if people used the entire city and were more spread out, you guys would still be trying to justify moving back to Falador because it's what you remember from years ago.


    Varrock is also in a much more convenient location.

    it's by Edgeville, it's by a Fairy Ring, it's by a Tree Spirit, it's along the river with canoes, It's next to the wilderness, you need a lower level to teleport to it.


    dissagree, when they say it's to small, i think they mean it's to cramped - and varrock is cramped. Way more so than fally park, fally wide open so i can survey all the people selling things instead of being cramped into the smithing hut or the side next to the bank. totally hate trading in varrock.

  9. I say that they should make them rare (semi-rare) skilling/combat/tt drops for like two weeks, then discontinue them. It allows all players an equal chance at them, but it keeps them rare enough to actually have a value.


    knowing my luck, they'll do something like this but it'll be during finals week...


    I am a bit concerned that if the drops can also come from skilling than bots will get alot of them...

  10. All mage armor only gives accuracy lol. Chaos gauntlets/ Charge are the only things that actually increase spell damage.


    sorry for the missunderstanding, that's what i ment, I just didnt want someone to think void increased damage.

  11. don't really know where the page was, but i remember there being a thread about the void mage set back in the day...

    if i remember correctly, void mage works like the magic prayer does in 07, just accuracy, and if i remember correctly again, i think the bonus from mystic/ahrims being better...

  12. The scim's just a better weapon because of its speed.


    In most cases the difference in accuracy (4 points?) is very negligible, since you'd be training on monsters with low defences in the first place.


    The additional strength bonus the longsword gets (I think 8 points) doesn't make up for the speed difference between them (scim is 25% faster), and additional strength bonuses from other equipment such as defenders/gloves would as such benefit the scimitar more than the longsword.


    All in all there's very little point in using the longsword as a training weapon, or at all.


    d long has better spec, (slightly rhetorical, just had to say it) ofc you're more than likely switching to dds to spec.

  13. Any idea what the avg gp/chest is on barrows?


    You have a 1/16 chance of getting a barrows item if you kill 6 brothers. You can work it out by adding all the barrows item prices together, dividing by the number of them (24) and then dividing that by 16.


    The prices are extremely unstable and I'm not familiar with them, assume they add up to 40m. This makes the average item worth 1.66m. This makes the average chest worth 104k in barrows items.


    The smaller rewards pretty much pay for your spells and prayer pots.


    Don't forget you can get d meds and half keys from the chest also and i believe they counted as a "rare" drop on the table. (don't know how much dmeds are atm)

  14. All i'm saying is this:

    1.it was the players (and supply and demand i know) that made tradable rares worth anything,

    2.selling them from a shop just makes them avalible to the rich few who can afford them, not what jagex had in mind for *holiday items* (read, what turned into rares)



    *edit* dont misunderstand me, I know what you mean by wanting a goal or an investment for your money, it's just hard to introduce an item with the expressed intention of them becoming discontinued.

  15. well, I don't see jagex ever *SELLING* them because of the rich getting richer idea pointed out beforhand


    (also I'd like to point out you to the other guy that crackers = phats so you could just buy a cracker for the 50m then open for a 100m hat :-\ )


    but the problem with just doing a drop is people will hoard them, and that's not what jagex wanted the holiday items to be...

    I remember the phat drop, people were giving them to each other for fun or selling for really cheap (1k-5k usually was enough to get one) it wasn't til waaaaaay later that they went up in price... keep in mind this was when r2h's were the best wep and cost 100k (and 100k was like masssssive if anyone remembers.

  16. one quick note, if your in college or know someone attending they can more than likely obtain a legal copy of windows ultimate for like $18.


    and really, unless your an environut get a 700-1000W power supply, it's annoying to upgrade later and really, it's HOW MUCH extra?


    *3rd edit* - lol

    liquid cooling is *$%^&* awesome, but a tad annoying to do, just make sure you read the instructions carefully

    (i mean, i did it, can't be THAT hard)


    if your going for under $1k ditch the SSD and get a smaller hard drive but get a 10000 RMP instead of a 7200


    anywhere around ~250-500gb is seriously ok unless your hardcore into video editing.

  17. while i highly recommend you build your own pc, i hate doing research on the parts, i kinda cheated when i built mine and "built" my computer on this website:




    and then bought the parts and put them together myself :D


    that should give you a reasonable idea on prices ( sorta, I figured with my setup i saved about $250 building it myself )


    i built my desktop in January so all my research is already worthless, my one input would be take a good look at Asus motherboards, VERY NICE stuff.

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