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Posts posted by rushrock

  1. Haven't seriously played WoW in at least a month or two. Just doesn't appeal to me anymore I guess when endgame comes. I spend so much time and care leveling my character to reach endgame, and it honestly feels like everything halts and the game becomes so much more slow and boring. I seriously hate grinding dungeons for gear, you have to spend so much time to compete with everyone already at the level cap. I might roll another character from the start and see if it does anything for me, idk.

  2. Honestly I respect both of your opinions. I understand it's really easy to be unsatisfied with these map packs, IW or Treyarch. I however don't mind spending the $15. I definitely disagree with the gimmick remark, I legitimately feel like they put effort into their packs. I'm a guy who's easy to sway, however.

  3. New map pack looks sweet. Granted we know so little information about it currently, but still amazing. I kinda like what they're doing lately; announcing the map packs closer to their release dates so we don't have to wait or wonder much, but still holding out on new information until the very last minute. Honestly I'd buy any DLC from Treyarch, as long as they release DLC they'll be taking my money. :)

  4. Currently 11th prestide (dragon emblem) and working to 15th. I definitely play SnD for leveling as I think it goes the fastest among the other game modes. FAMAS is definitely my most used gun, with a silencer of course. For SnD I use Hardline pro, Sleight of Hand pro, and Hacker pro to stay hidden from motion sensors. Killstreaks are RC-XD (spy plane for TDM), care package, and attack helicopter. I'll probably mix it up a lot when i get to 14th and 15th but I definitely want those golden guns.

  5. So I have been doing pretty well with my characters. My Warrior main's up to 43 now. I like my Warrior because he is so self-reliant, with his bandages and armor and damage-dealing capabilities the Fury brings, and this makes questing really easy and good for me. I think a Paladin would probably be better for this, but I'll stick with him. My main would've been higher, but I made tons of alts. So in addition to my main, I have a level 22 Druid, a level 20 Mage, and a level 16 Rogue. I've been playing around with them, and they're pretty fun and refreshing from the same old grind. My Druid is in the Feral tree for leveling, but I might spec out, since I think the damage of a Rogue beats the damage that a Kitty Druid would ever do, so I might try Balance or something. I'm not sure though. My mage is Fire specced just because I like those crits and high amounts of damage. My Rogue is going Combat for leveling. So that's what I have so far.


    I'm on the Madoran server by the way, if anyone plays there. Warrior: Rushrock, Druid: Dimetre, Mage: Aaren, Rogue: Varjo.

  6. Aww man. I feel kind of guilty, getting bitten by the WoW bug so late in the game. It's really fun. There's a lot to do in this game. In fact, its sheer content has impressed me a lot and pretty much dominates anything that I, specifically, have ever played.


    If any of you are on Madoran, add Rushrock. It would be cool to play with some of you guys.


    Oh, I went fury. :)

  7. So should I do Arms then? I can't really tell anymore which I should do. I started the Warrior class and I think I should continue with it. Tanking is reliable enough for solo PvE I think and I like its durability since I do a lot of questing and haven't even joined a guild yet. I'm kind of confused. I still have choices.

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