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  1. google for firefox. Too lazy to change it from the default.
  2. im not sure if reinstalling would work. There might be something in the manual about if you lose the password, I would check that first.
  3. Try using a different program to play the dvd. If this doesn't fix the problem, you might have some bad hardware.
  4. well, today I decided to go back on runescape just for the fun of it. I ended up leveling up in both attack and crafting.
  5. I went on and advanced two attack levels today. Attack is now level 45. My combat is also at 60 now. 60 feels like such an even number. I wish all numbers were as even as 60. I am thinking about going and working on lobsters again. My supply is running low. Edit: So um, I am pretty much burnt out on runescape. Yeah, I played it way too much.
  6. Went on and checked out the new museum and the other graphical updates to varrock. the changes to varrock look pretty cool, however the museum is terrible. you can't go and see anything cool if you are a non-member.
  7. well, on sunday the 20th, I went on and advanced a firemaking level, a woodcutting level, and a defence level.
  8. Well, I went on today for the first time in a long time. I advanced two runecrafting levels, and a defence level. I really am not working on fishing anymore right now. By the way, anyone want 3000 air runes?
  9. you guys don't seem to take no for an answer. No matter what I say, you still tell me to not fish lobbies. I am tired of this! If all you can say is don't fish lobbies, don't post anything on this topic at all!
  10. Today was productive. I advanced a combat level, so now I am combat level 59. This was done by gaining an attack, defense, and hitpoint level.
  11. well, I am back on. My current Runescape activity was to get the reindeer antlers. Pretty cool in my opinion. Other than that, I have not been working on fishing lately. Instead, I am going to hang out in the stronghold of security, working on getting my defense, prayer, hitpoints and strength levels up.
  12. okay so, my internet was down for a while, but anyway, the last time I was able to get on and play, I advanced a fishing level. I haven't been able to work on it since, because of the bad internet. Today is the first day for a while that I have been on.
  13. On Saturday the 18th, I advanced a cooking level! I got really close to advancing a fishing level, but my parents made me get off the computer before I could. It was too bad. I am only about 1000 experience off. Unfortunately, my parents took my computer away the next day, so I haven't been able to play since then. The only reason I am on right now is because I am checking my e-mail on my parents computer. Till sometime next week, this is Burnt Effigy saying goodbye for now.
  14. I am now going to take this time to reply to all you have said. First of all, I am sick and tired of all of you telling me to fly fish instead of cook lobbies. If you say I can earn 30k an hour by catching 600 trout or salmon, I can catch about 150 lobbies in an hour, earning 32.5k. Another thing, those of you who tell me fishing lobbies is a waste of time, should go with salmon or tuna, etc. This is not anything new. If this is the only thing you can say. Don't say anything at all. Then for the waste of time thing. It is something I am gradually doing. I am not working on it extremely super hard, trying to accomplish the goal in a week, and then, do you say the same thing to all who set a goal of trying to earn enough to get a p-hat? No you don't. You don't tell them it's a waste of time, although, as far as I am concerned, it is just as much a waste of time as my trying to get to 99 fishing and cooking. So stop telling me it is a waste of time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now for other stuff. Been way too busy with basketball and school to work on fishing at all since Sunday, so I have not made any more progress.
  15. I did a bunch of selling today, and made 40k. I didn't get around to do doing much fishing until the end of the day though. Also, an update on the fishing. I need to catch 141,533 more lobster to make it to fishing level 99. I am aiming on catching 200 fish tomorrow, and gaining at least one fishing level.
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