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  1. I REMEMBER part 2. As I would often log into Runescape, I would always see that option for the members worlds. At the time, I thought "Why pay to play when you can play for free?" And went on my merry way to log onto the free servers. Little did I know that slowly, I was being drawn into the circle of the members. I was always reading about what you could do as a member, the skills like Herblaw (Which I would come to hate with a fiery passion.) Thieving, (Which I thought was awesome. I saw the pickpocket option on free, but could never use it.) Fletching (I was never big on range) and soon to be agility (Which to this day I have not gotten past level 29. It's not that I don't like it, it's just that I don't have the time for it.) I also read about the upgrades to Free-to-play skills, and the new stuff you could do with those. I also read about the quests, the heroes guild, and the lost city quest, which became my favorite quest of all time. Thats it, I decided one day. I would ask my dad if we could subscribe to RS members. I go upstairs, and ask my dad if we could subscribe to a game. Do you know what he says? "How much?" "Five dollars." "Go get my wallet, you've been doing pretty good in school so you deserve a reward." It was then I decided I had the best dad ever. Later that night, I hopped onto members for the very first time ever, at level 29. I think at the time, I was still in Mithril. Excited, I quickly headed over to Taverly to see what I could do. I noticed a small boy, and went over to talk to him. I ended up starting the Witches House quest. I go through the hoops, manage to break into the witches house and do my thing. I set up the trap with the witch, and went out to fight her shapeshifting...thing. I'm sketchy on what I actually fought. But, what happend next remains as clear as day. I noticed a player in Addy sitting there attacking the monster. I figure "Ok, I'll wait and i'll attack the monster after he's done kill him and gets the ball." So I sit there waiting...and waiting...and waiting. Until I notice he is practically an inch away from death. I mentally go "oh crap." just as he dies. I shrug...and then I see his pile. I see a Addy Helm, and Addy legs. I mentally crap myself. That stuff was way beyond the crappy mithril I was wearing! and I was only level 27 in defence, 3 levels away from the 30 required to wear Addy, so I could just train myself up and use that stuff! I go through the rest of his pile, he had trout a strength pot a attack pot and...179K in cash. Again, I mentally crapped myself at that. I got the money and hightailed it out of there to the Fally bank, which was closest. I got to the bank and immediately began thinking of what to do with it. At level 29, 179K was a LOT of money. In fact, it was more money then what I could think to do with. So what do I do? I call up Jordan and tell him what happend. "Dude, you are not ever going to believe what just happend to me today in RS. I am so lucky." "What man?" "Just a few hours ago, my dad bought me Members. "DUDE! NO WAY! That is awesome! What's it like over there man? Is everybody like level 100 and stuff?" "Not everybody is level 100, but I did see a few of them." "Wow. What else happend?" I grinned. "Well, I was going to go do this one quest, and some guy was there before me." "Yeah, so?" "Well he died. He dropped an Addy Helm and Addy legs." "Dude...Wow. That is awesome man! Whats your defence level? Can you use them yet?" "That isn't the best part man. He also dropped cash. A lot of it. Infact, 179K." All I could hear was silence. "Dude, hop onto RS, i'm going to give you like 40k." I hung up the phone and went into the computer room. I got onto RS and low and behold, there was Wizard Man 2, on world 1. I told him to wait a few minutes and I would be right there. True to my word, I went into the varrock bank, opened up a trade window, and put 40K into the window. I probably made his day then. We then went about spending it. I got the rest of an addy set (plate, 2hander, about 40k) and he went to buy more runes. All in all, it was a good day. Alright, instead of posting a big-huge story about my RS noob days every two days, i've decided to break it down into smaller sections and post 1 smaller story every day. Eventually, when I get up to it, I'll start writing storys about my current RS life. Also, i need some friends. My friends list is...well, empty. :P Tomorrow, I remember part 3: Jagon tries to go over Wolf Mountain, fails miserably.
  2. I remember Part 1 We've all been there. That feeling, that feeling you get when you experience something new, just that feeling of being completely lost, not knowing what is going on? You didn't like it at the time but later, later when you play that game you realize that it was one of your greatest times playing ever. You recall fondly upon those first steps into the game. This is a recollection of my RS experiences, you guys can put in your experiences as well if you like. (Is probably very, very long. Will also probably be multiple parts.) I was in 3rd grade. It was 2002, in May. Yeah, I was young. I was also a rabid nerd at the time. My friends at the time were also rabid nerds, but they denied it all the time. So one day, I am sitting their on the computer in the computer room, just fragging away on CS. When the phone rings. Back then I actually had decent skills on CS, so I didn't want to go get the phone. But I heard my mom yelling at me so I decide that it wasn't worth getting a beating later because they missed an important call or something. "Dude!" my friend Jordan tells me as I pick up the phone. Yeah, before we had even started skating, at age 9 we always sounded like we were from Dogtown. "Yeah dude, whats up?" "Listen, my brother Jared has been playing this awesome game called Runescape for like, four hours! You gotta check it out man. I'm going down to the library later to play. My characters name is Wizard Man 2, look me up." "Alright, i'll check it out I guess. Cya man." I got off the phone and though about going to CS, but then decided against it. If Jordans brother Jared liked Runescape, (Jared was one of the Indie types who are like "omg if nobody but me has heard of it, it sucks. Even at age 9 I knew he was a jerk) it had to be good. I decided to check it out. I got onto the main website. Now it was still the Blueish-Grayish website type thing before it was the black and red thing, so I had some trouble navigating it. But then I read that you had to go use the game client to make a character. I got into the game client using the web browser, and made some character whose name I can't remember now. I ended up attacking a MAN and getting killed. Noticing my stuff (A dagger, a pot, and some meat) nearby, I picked it up. I ended up wandering somewhere I cant remember (Thinking about it, I think it was the jail in the Prince Ali quest I ended up nearby.) and logged off. A couple hours later I decided to try the game again. I actually read about how to play it kinda, like how to fight, but that was it. In fact, I don't think it even registered with me at what styles were, and I just said "Forget it." I got back to the client. I forgot my other characters name, and decided to make a new account. I thought about the name, and decided to base it off of one of my friends name. I typed in "Jagon Aran" Little did I know that typing in my name would doom my fate. I logged in, and typed in my friend name. He was on. We chatted for abit, and I raised my fighting skills for awhile. I ended the day at level 5 combat, 3 attack, 3 strength, 11 hitpoints. I remember that part clearly. I told Jordan good bye, and that I would take to him later when I would log on tomorrow. I was hooked. I could see why Jared liked the game. As I got into bed that night, I thought about the game and what I would do tomorrow. Summer break had started not long ago, so I had all the time in the world. I got up in the morning and crept up the stairs to the computer room. My dad was still asleep so I had to be very quiet. I got on and went to work. I explored, I did the very basic of quests (Cooks Assistant) and finally discovered how to cook. I noticed that cooked stuff restored your HP, so I wanted to learn how to cook. I thought it was way more complicated then just clicking on the meat and clicking on the stove. Boy, imagine my surprise when I did the Cooks Assitant quest! That day and the next day went by like that. I remember Jordan asking me after he got on how you could raise your combat level. I told him it had something to do with the combat stuff. And then, on the third day, something happend. I got lost. At the time, Jordan and I thought there was only Lumbridge and the surrounding area (Draynor) We thought that beyond the bridge, beyond the cow area, there was dangerous stuff. Stuff we couldn't handle. Jared wouldn't tell us anything about stuff outside of Lumby. As it turns out, I ended up wandering that way. Lost and confused I didn't know what to do. I tried going back to Lumbridge, but I went in the wrong direction. So, instead of going back to Lumbridge... I ended up in Varrock. Stunned and confused at this new place, I wandered through it. I was shocked that there was a bank you could store your stuff in! I didn't have to carry around all my stuff now! I promptly deposited all the stuff (Including 150 GP which I thought was a boatload at the time lol.) And then, as I was wandering back...I saw it. My hopes and dreams had come true. I didn't have to use this crappy dagger anymore. I saw the Sword Shop. I quickly told Jordan "Holy crap man, I found a sword shop!" "Seriously? No way, where?!" "In some city. It's somewhere out of Lumbridge. Here, go to the bridge and I'll meet you on it and show you the way to it." I got to his character, and we went on our merry way. Getting to Varrock opened up a whole new category of the game. I learned how to mine and smith, and Jordan became a wizard because now he could buy runes with which to cast spells. We also did a few quests, and all in all, life in RS was good. Until one day... Jordan called me, and I picked up the phone. "Dude. My character got hacked." I could just hear the dispair in his voice. "Oh man, that sucks. What are you gonna do?" "I dunno. I tried every password I could think of, and I just couldn't get in!" Later that week, he ended up sleeping over at my house and we went into the computer room to sleep there that night. On basically a "What-the-hell" type situation, we just decided to try the recovery questions on his Character to see if they would work and we could get Jordans character back. They did. We got the email sometime later that night. I had to physically restrain myself from shouting with joy. Jordan got back onto his character, and all went well. For a while. And then, in september, at level 29, I got members. PART 2 coming later. Jagon gets members, chaos insues.
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