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  1. Hey! (first post in a while fellow Tip.it'ers! :)) Has anyone here ever played Dungeons and Dragons before? Well, this game, Legend of the Green Dragon, does have it's similiarities.. And is a great roleplaying environment.. I would really like to to get the community built up -- It's sort of difficult because this game server based off an opensource project (which makes it all worth while to me) -- and the thing that lures many of the other people in is that fact that's it's based off of Lord of the Red Dragon. LoRD. -- Other games are able to advertise and sell, while Legend of the Green Dragon is programmed by people for no charge in there free time.. I think it's so unique to have an opensource php project - that's a role playing game. Basically, the game goes: you create a character name, choose a class, and adventure -- having fun -- eventually until you find the green dragon. The URL of my game server is http://www.programgeeks.net/logd If you've never gave a game like this a try -- This wouldn't be a bad time to give it a shot, you just need to be open to the text role-playing realm.. :roll:
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