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Posts posted by DeadPolkaDots1

  1. Yes sals realm is 100% good i use it all the time for quest then got far better quest guides than tip it :XD:






    :evil: :evil: :evil:


    arrrrrghghhararrg :evil: :evil: :evil:


    how could you say that about tip.it :?: grrrrarrrgh




    Well to be honest, they are. I use Sals for quests and other guides, and it actually has a mature community, but I'm still faithful to TIF. :thumbsup:

  2. I was in a f2p world Varrock a few days a go and there was this level 47 in Addy called something like eddy6521 with a silver crown. :shock: I continued to review him and he couldn't even string out a proper sentence, I'm shocked Jagex chooses some of these people without viewing them properly.

  3. Yeah, if they are updating dangerous areas to look more dangerous, such as the ice areas, that may be because the new dungeon will be placed there.




    Jagex seems to be introduing alot of combat orientated updates in the last couple of months, it will take me ages to get round to doing it all and gaining the appropriate levels. :XD:




    New hairstyles/outfits = yay. :D Not too bothered about clan speak personally because I don't participate in clans, but it is a good game improvement.




    Doubtful I'll be able to touch the dungeon (level 98 cb). 'Incredible loot' 'Godsword' 'intense update'. It sounds like even Jagex are excited about releasing this one. No quest though, maybe the God dungeon will require one?

  4. I don't remember what my first quest was. But I remember vaguely Ernest the chicken, gawd that quest drove me insane. I got so confuzzled on those puzzles in the basement, I had to ask my bro to help me. #-o








    Most frustrating was Regicide, took me 2 days to finally figure out how to use that god damn distilling machine. Buying more coal and going back to the elf lands the long way each time. :x








    Favourite is either Lunar Diplomacy for all round plot, requirements and reward, or My Arm's Big Adventure and Cold War for quality entertainment.

  5. Grr I'm so pissed off atm. Wasted like 50k worth of food and pots on last 2 attempts. First one brought wrong stuff got up to 2nd to last one. Just then got up to Lancelot hit him 3 times, but it didn't posion. So I was sitting there hiding behind a dummy regenerating waiting to take a jab at him, and he just disappears! :evil:








    These things are tough. <.<

  6. My green mask just sits in the top row of my bank gathering dust. I hardly wear it, I don't incorporate it into any outfits, NEVER wear it when training, after having it scammed once for a while never lend it to anyone. I keep it there because it is like my rock financially. I know if I quit and came back in 2 years it would have risen. And if I ever want to 'buy' a 99 I can always sell it.

  7. I'm thinking of taking another break from RS. I feel oblighed to train gruelling skills now a days when I log on. I do do things I find fun (Slayer)but after doing so much I feel *bad* about neglecting other skills with pathetic levels. It just doesn't have the same appeal any more. :|

  8. Yep, some guy I knew from RS, been friends for about a year and trusted him with all my pixels. We chatted on MSN everyday and had lots in common. I trusted him 100%. He persuaded me into letting him try on my green mask for his 90 mage pic. Finished the duel, and what does he do? Log. I did get it back, as he felt guilty. We continued our freindship without RS for a few months, and then he struck again, on another person, stealing 16mil worth of stuff (guthans, fury etc).




    It's funny, because his motto was friends > pixels. Well, you live and learn.

  9. I was doing the ghostly robes mini quest so I can complete Varrock museum. I'm at the last ghost in the Rogue's castle, deep wildy. I have my ghost robes equipped, as well as my ring of visablility and Ghost speak amulet. However, when I speak, I say a variety of things, only to get short replies which cut off the conversation. Such as 'okay bye then.' Why isn't he giving me the option to hear his story like the others? Am I doing something wrong? He is the last one and is supposed to give me the cape.




    Thanks in advance.

  10. I'm not a vegetarian nor an animal rights fanatic. But I still disagree with killing animals when not 100% necessary. Striker, if killing a defenceless, innocent animal builds you up a strong character, I think you should re-organize your morals. It's not hard to dominate a hog or even harmless mouse by torturing or savaging it. Shooting a deer with a shotgun isn't what I call skill or power, and it's definitely not something I respect and admire.




    Raz, I think killing animals certainly should affect you. Animals feel pain too, they go through stress and harm just as we do. If it makes you get a warped sense of pleasure out of killing animals for the sake of it.. I hope one day you the realisation hits you like the bullets hit those poor rodents.




    To be perfectly honest, I have better things to do in my spare time than kill defenceless animals, hunting nature for our own benefit (food) is fine by me, but going out to shoot deer to hack it's head off and stuff it on your wall doesn't qualify as a trophy to me.

  11. I agree with the majority of your post. I definitely think that the items they release could be debuted in a more creative fashion. But like it has been said, for most of the beasts you have to kill for that certain drop, requires skills and combat. But I do hope in the future Jagex will make more interesting ways to obtain sought after items, but meh, I'm baised, as I'm generally unlucky when it comes to drops.




    I see you posting on the RSOF alot Quel as well, nice to see you sharing your views here at Tif. :)

  12. Seeing as you are rich nub now, use cannon on everything cannonable. That guarantees extra fast slaying exp. Get Bones to Peaches, if you haven't already, it helps on tasks such as Dagganoths and Dust Devils. And try to get Karamja gloves 3, for quick access to Duradel.





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