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  1. again, I have seen something that they have in WOW (world of warcraft) that I feel would really help free up clutter and help improve things. If you drop in item in this game...you drop it...it appears to everyone....and eventually dissapears if no one grabs it. but in wow...if you remove something from your inventory and try to drop it...it comes up with something that says "are you sure you want to distroy it?" if you choose no, nothing happens and the item stays in your inventory...but if you choose yes, then the item is completely gone. this would be nice because then it would eliminate "drop-trading" (dropping an item on one aaccount and then logging into another account and picking up the item) but im sure you might be thinking "well, how do you get the items off of monsters?" well, I was thinking that a list could come up after you kill it saying what it has..and if you want to take it (all of it or any of it) then close the window. after you close it, then thats all you can get. The only major problem with this is that people who just want to lvl something up (like mining, fishing, woodcutting) then they will just mine a whole load, and then choose to destroy it so tht they can just keep going without having to waste time going to banks and back...I personally cant think of a solution ot that problem.....but perhaps someone who read this can...feel free to post thoughts on this ***and to those of you who read my previous suggestion about "there should be some kind of ingame auction" or this one.... and think "well, if all this great stuff is in world of warcraft, play that and quit trying to change parts of runescape into wow blah blah blah.....believe me, if I could be playing wow instead of runescape, I would hardly ever be on runescape***
  2. Something may have already been wrote about this, and if so...oh well, I dont feel like picking through every post or finding out whter or not something has been written about this. anyways.... I have thought (since I have played wow....or world of warcraft which is another mmo) that there should be something like their auction house in runescape. For those of you who dont know about this...this is basically how it works. first, you take an item and put it up for bidding in the auction house. (the auction house takes a small amount of money to put it up for sale....most likely just a convienience charge or for realism) second, you set a price for the item, both a "start bidding" price, and the a buyout price (a buyout price being that if you want that item immediately, then you choose to pay that price and then you get it right at that moment) and the time it will be available for then, people start making bids on an item...and when the time that the item was up for sale runs out, the item goes to the highest bidder. in wow, there are mailboxes (usally near the auction houses) and the item or items you purchased are in there waiting for you...or the money the item made if you were the seller. but lets say your item didnt a singel bid (very sad :( ) then the item will be returned to you and you may then choose to keep it or try to re-sell it for a lower price. the nice thing about this is that you dont constantly have people running around saying "buying this many of the for this much each" and likewise for selling. you also the dont have to ask if anyone is selling this....because you could just go to the auction house and check. this way, the "general chat" could be used for people to ask questions on stuff like quests, where cities or certain NPC's are, etc. and then the caht would be a lot less crowded and then you could talk to people ingame easier....without having to use the private chat so much. Another nice thing about the auction houses in wow is that when you are loooking at the items picture (for stuff like, armour, rings, and weapons) it shows all of the stats for it (bonuses, speed, etc) and thats really helpful instead of having to go to say...tipit.com or something like that to see that stats. Worried about a random clutter of things all over the market and having it take FOREVER to try to find the item and the quantity that you want? No problem. the auction house in world of warcraft gets broken down into different categories and sub-categories (example from that game: weapons get broken down into specific kinds of weapons....armor gets broken into all of the different kinds of armour you can wear...like helms, legs, chest pieces, etc) and for stuff not fitting major categories..it could go under "miscellaneous" or (for stuff like supplies for a certain skill) "skill supplies" and then from there you can shoose the skill and the item(s) you want Having auction houses also helps to keep a balance in prices so that prices will pretty much be the same on every world because if people sell to high on one server, you can always go to anohter server to find the item(s) you're loooking for...and then the people/server you tried the buy the item on previously will drop their prices so that they can sell them....and not someone else. Probably the best thing is that you cant (as far as i can tell) item scam people anymore (for those that fall for it), because once you send it into the auction house, its in the game's hands...... and not those of a dishonest player (not saying that everyone is, but there are a small percentage of those that play that do item scam, or try to....unfortuneately, but thats just my opinon) The locations for these auction houses should be in all the major cities...plus maybe a few smaller ones. hers a list of my suggestions for thing like this: Varrock, Fallador, Ardounge, Zanaris, Draynor Village, Al Kaharid. that many (especailly in those locations) should be more than sufficient in being able to supply runscape players with what the want. I know this is wordy...but I think this would be a really GREAT way to improve the game
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