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Posts posted by UnstableGuy

  1. Wrong. If you have someone in your ignore list you are "Offline" to them at any given point. IF you REMOVE them you'll be online (If private is 'ON')




    ACTULLY I proved against that with my brother...




    When you have a person in Ignore list the person in the ignore list can still TALK and SEE you ONLINE... but you can't see it...(Private On)




    I added my bro to ignore and he could still see me on.. (i have two Computers)




    This is Wrong... Ignored people shoud NOT see you ONLINE.... Great suggestion...




    The only way to do this is turn private chat to friends....




    Edit: Nick_6464 I didn't meat to flame don't take it as flame....

  2. Just a question:


    Whats the runescape font's name?




    I never seem to find the right one.... What i did in my pics i always cut and paste letter by letter... it gets boring aferwards...

    i saw that you had a question about the official rs font and a tip.iter here by the name of bloodveld has a link for downloading it. As far as i know, it isn't against any copyright infringements or any of that junk. here ya go








    i tried downloading it myself before but i can't do it cuz i dont have the program/software WinZip which i geuss you need to have to open it or something. anyway, there ya go.




    EDIT: what the hell?!?! i guess tip.it edited it cuz they think it has a keylogger or something. contact bloodveld on forums if u have questions then cuz i got it from his site.




    You do know that, that link is dead and its not written in the proper syntax.... so therefor i can't use it :(

  3. i really like this. i actually just had the problem that requires something like because i was trying to add a new image to my sig, but alas, i wasn't able to because it would have caused me to exceed the 4 images per sig restriction. i think i may add it to my sig, but i may not. it is a great design and all, but the purpose of a "Thread-Advertising Sig Image" is so that someone may click it and be directed to the said advertised thread. With this sig, it just takes us to the page where you may retrieve this sig's code. This sig does in fact still advertise the four suggestions, but it doesn't allow someone to be taken to the certain topic so that someone may post on it.




    whew... thats quite a paragraph. dang, i was really goin' off on it. i hope someone doesn't call that spam...... :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes:




    yea... i think inferno you should put the links before the sigs.... so people can notice the links... just saying... :)

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