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Everything posted by Fabio

  1. I started using canoe travel when i was first became a member and was dissapoitned when there wasn't any station on the salve or the one going through ardougne... So i hope that will be the new update this month, if not.... heads will roll! :shock: 8-) :x :ohnoes: :pray: :| :cry: :? :x (mainly these ones!) Muwhahahahaha!
  2. that seems like a good idea... I easpecailly like how it would be easy to get the dragon spear and other dragon weapons, but thta's the thing... I believe Jagex made dragon armor to be prized and coveted, as i heard that dragon med hyelms sell for 600k, but your idea would substatinally bring down the price of those items, easpecailly the speasr. I full-heartedly like the idea, i just don't think Jagex would do it with those rewards for killing them...
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