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Posts posted by xSxqPowerx

  1. Cool thanks. I used Legacy for a while, because it felt overwhelming to adjust to all of the new stuff as well as a new combat system at the same time. But I took the plunge and went to EOC and I'm pretty good with the revolution mode now, and I actually like how it works. I still strongly dislike full manual (and it was a big part of the reason I stopped playing way back). Even managed to kill Arraxor a few times :D 


    I'm also curious how many older players are still around here, but I doubt that many would recognize me... who knows though. 

  2. As an 07 player that quit when EoC came out. (I can't say it was entirely because of EoC, real life was busy and it was a rather large straw on an already overburdened camel's back), I'm certainly curious enough to check this out when it's released.


    Thing is, though, it's not just the EoC attack style or whatever that changed, the combat changed massively with everything. My favorite thing to do was bandos, 2 claws and a few chaotic maul hits, unreliable damage and competitiveness with other PvMers that involved just enough luck to keep everyone interested in competing, some people hated it, some loved it like I did. Before I quit, I tried out EoC bossing, and both bandos and corp were the same, I just stood there and mashed my keyboard, watching the exact same numbers popping up without any element of randomness, wondering if there was much point in mashing the keys in a specific order outside of queuing them to cooldown optimally (A skill that took all of 5 minutes to master) and wondering how people were gonna chat if we were all mashing our keyboards. (They wouldn't)


    Dunno if any of that EoC stuff changed as time went on, but if it's still not random damage, it's gonna be impossible for them to implement random damage vs reliable damage without making 1 of them useless/underpowered for certain activities, such as competitive pvm and pvp.


    Best I am expecting is "Look you have your old combat! It's so weak that you'll never use it long term and it's unusuable to pvp with, but hey while you're here why don't you try this EoC stuff? It's super great, much better exp than the crummy old combat." then they don't have to care about balance as long as old combat remains suboptimal as they've already stated it will be. I am being very cynical, though.

    I guess I'm in a similar boat...

    Quit right after EOC. I was initially excited for EOC, with the new abilities and rebalancing of classes. What I did not expect was a complete overhaul of the system in ways that didn't make sense. It felt like a complete homogenization rather than diversification. I do not think that changing the way armour and weapon stats worked was necessary, I don't think that changing from Runescape's classical semi-afk combat system was needed... And it seems like instead of promoting interesting ganeplay, they force the triangle, remove any interesting abilities from items (stuff like spirit shields, special attacks, weapon switching mechanics) in favour of a "this is the right way to do it" system. 



    Is this update the correct way to address what a lot of people took issue with regarding EOC? I don't know. It seems like they're simply reskinning and taking away abilities in an effort to simplify things, as if complexity was the problem. I might still check it out, but I think the damage is too deep. They know that they lost a lot of players, and they'e backpedaling and trying to please everyone. Maybe it will be fun... but I don't think I could start playing again seriously using the legacy mode, knowing that it wasn't optimal. And knowing Jagex, "near optimal" means it will be nowhere near optimal. And if the optimal method is unfun to me then I won't be interested. 


    I mean this is all obviously my opinion. I played RS almost solely for combat, and I loved it. As you said, I loved competitive pvm, I liked specials, I liked optimizing my gear and setup to maximize kill speed and the number of boss kills per run. So of course I was hesitant to embrace any change. I was hesitant to embrace mashing the keyboard to queue abilities wearing gear that was rebalanced in ways that didn't make any sense to me. And I'm sure a lot of players like how it is now. And it seems they've done a lot of work to improve it (because it was objectively very broken on release), but I really wasn't interested in sticking around as they slowly brought up bits of content to a level in which they were as playable as they used to be. 

    • Like 1
  3. Haven't had a chance to personally train Div yet, but I think I have a pretty good idea of it from reading this/other threads.


    Anyway, I think the current issues are that:

    1. Gathering skills are boring. Period. They also tend to be slow. This is pretty much how every gathering skill was on release; limited to one method of training where you progress through a series of tiers for slightly higher experience every X levels. But then eventually faster methods are put out, although they may not provide you with resources (see: ivy, sawmill, zmi, runespan, c2 fishing, lrc, etc etc) and I imagine in the coming months/years it would be reasonable to expect that the rate of experience will increase with a new update. For now it makes sense to keep it pretty slow so that not everyone has 99 divination when the production skill comes out.


    2. It feels incomplete because you can't do much with it. Once the production skill is done though, who knows - it might be super useful or profitable.

    There could also be a complete rebalance like there was with summoning (every familiar was useless other than the unicorn prior to batch 2 iirc). Better to be underwhelming and buff later than to instantly throw the game out of whack and then have to do damage control and/or rebalance other aspects of the game.

  4. im 100% sure that someone who plays 21-22 hours a day is going to be first to 99. anyone who plays less will not win. How can you know efficiency in a skill 1 week after its released. gatherer skills are ussualy straight forward. and the people who do play 21-22 hrs a day like me, will be as efficient as possible

    I honestly don't think someone that gets 2 hours sleep can play as efficiently as someone who gets 6-8 hours, it's basic knowledge that your concentration levels drop due to lack of sleep which can decrease XP rates, I never said that someone playing 15 hours will definitely beat someone who plays 22 hours, that all depends on the player. As for not knowing the best and most efficient rates on day 1 that's a given but it's also a given some people will be more efficient than others even if it isn't the best rate. It will all come down to the XP rates of the skill and who can maintain higher ones for longer.

    ok u play 15 hrs a day i play 21, we see who gets 99 first

    I don't play anymore, and therefore I'm more efficient than you, as I literally never waste any experience... gf

    "You miss 100% of the experience you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky

    • Like 1
  5. - was exactly the 100th person to reach 138 combat

    - ranked 14th in summoning at one point

    - was fairly well known for youtube videos/monster hunting/soloing

    - owned almost every rare at some point or another (and always sold them at the worst times)

    - spent 95% of my time in this game doing combat related activities, as can be seen by my maxed combat stats and nooby skilling stats :P

  6. I'm not sure how I feel about the concept of the best of 3/best of 5 promotion series. Seems like there could be a lot of frustration if you get unlucky and lose your series a few times in a row and have to keep starting over.


    But I've only played a few games so far, so I don't have enough experience to give a proper opinion.


    I'm also in Silver I 8-)

    Although I was gold at the start of the preseason and dropped to silver before the new ranked system came out :(

  7. ...not even going to comment on the lockout.



    BUT World Juniors are coming up and it should be pretty awesome this year, especially with the addition of a bunch of players who'd normally be playing in the NHL instead. I'm not even bothered about the fact that most of Canada's games are on at 4am since my sleep schedule is already pushed so late.

  8. Like a lot of you, final exams. I'd guess most people are bored of hearing about exams by now but oh well :D


    Done 2 out of 3 of mine, with the last one being tomorrow morning. Absolutely aced my first 2, which were in Mechanical Properties of Materials and Nuclear Engineering - which is good because they were worth 70% and 50% of my final marks, respectively.

    Tomorrow is my Business exam, which is actually technically a midterm since it's a full year course. And also it's business so as far as I'm concerned it's not a real class and doesn't require much studying haha.


    I also got formally accepted to grad school! So I'll be starting on my master's degree in the summer term, right after I graduate.

  9. Regardless, it probably won't affect team dungeoneering too much since it'll still be the best.


    Eh, I think it will eventually. There'll be a lot less people coming up from DGing who would be able to qualify for today's 5:5 standards, as they can just take the easy way out and solo and not have to deal with "shit teams in bad worlds" (And therefore can't be lured to come and try proper dging with proper teams).


    Quality has already dropped immensely over the past few months in DG. This certainly won't help.

    I suppose that's true. If it's close enough to team exp and doesn't come with the hassle of finding teams then it could end up being the preferred method of a lot of players.

    Personally I think solo dg is boring no matter what the exp rate is haha .

    • Like 1
  10. Ha. I'm curious how they came up with the 350k figure. Good chance it'll actually end up being a lot higher for competent dgers.

    Alternately, they may be extrapolating that based on the experience rate you get from soloing the highest few floors, and it'll be way lower. You never know with Jagex and math.



    Regardless, it probably won't affect team dungeoneering too much since it'll still be the best.

  11. Haha I don't even bother to look at free week champ lists most of the time now, since I own most champs and have enough IP/RP to buy a bunch more.


    All 3 of those AP champs are tricky to play though, so I'll look forward to easily beating new kat/ziggs/viktor players 8-)



    And yay! My ranked 5's team reached gold elo, so I'll get my Victorious Janna skin on Nov. 6.

  12. Had some fever because of the flu today. Was struggling to stay awake during my vmware test and classes this morning. Went and bought some Advils at noon and was able to concentrate this afternoon.

    This is literally what I did also today. Except no test, fortunately.

    Even with the distance there's always people in the same boat :P. Hope today wasn't so bad for you, I was still feverish today, but luckily I had Advil this time.


    Also, somehow, I aced the test!

    I was way better today, hardly sick at all :D

    Seems like pretty much everyone is getting the typical back to school illness.


    I am quite fed up with having a crappy math teacher. This is the second time I've had no clue how to do an assignment, despite going to class and paying attention and taking good notes on the lecture. I've spent 4 hours, at least, on just half of this assignment, and I don't know what I'm doing, and there's absolutely no reason I shouldn't know what I'm doing because these concepts aren't that advanced. It's put me in a terrible mood all day, I haven't gotten anything else done today even though I needed to, and I'm probably not even going to get it done in time to turn it in tomorrow because I have another [bleep]ing class right afterwards that I have to get shit done for. This is absolute bull shit. I want to go back to high school, for real.


    Rant over.

    I've pretty much accepted the fact that it tends to be really difficult to learn math from a teacher at a certain point, unless said teacher is very exceptional. Basically I learn everything from the textbook, and just use the teacher as a guideline of where I should be in the book/as a source of example problems.
  13. Had some fever because of the flu today. Was struggling to stay awake during my vmware test and classes this morning. Went and bought some Advils at noon and was able to concentrate this afternoon.

    This is literally what I did also today. Except no test, fortunately.

  14. Ha, well my post wasn't meant to start a "who spent more time drinking" post chain (in fact I didn't even read Rpg's post until now), nor am I in high school.


    It was fun to have a shenanigan-filled day for once though because I know I won't be able to when homework starts piling up.

  15. Drank for 18 hours straight yesterday.

    Kegger > kegger > restaurant > house party > downtown/bar


    Every muscle in my body hurts today for some reason, but at least I wasn't really hung over.

  16. I looked in the page source and it's something like 100,000 x 70,000 pixels.


    Edit: width: 165888px; height: 79872px

    Someone estimated that if the people are 6 feet tall it scales to about 10 km wide.

    Spent quite a while looking around! Made it to both side edges and all the way through the caves. Found a map someone made where you can zoom in and out.

    A bit disappointed that there aren't more things hidden in the blank areas, but there is some cool stuff.

  17. Haha I hate those trig integrals. But yeah, once you get the hang of the double-integration-by-parts-cancel-out-the-original-integral-thing, it's not so bad.



    I've officially been offered a spot as a master's student (mechanical engineering) for next year, as long as I maintain my marks. I'll be researching thunderstorm downbursts and doing some density-driven simulations. Should be interesting, and I certainly don't feel ready to go out and start my career yet - so grad school is ideal.

    Applying for some scholarships right now and it's a fair bit of work. I'm expected to write a proposal for the project in the next week for my scholarship applications, which is kind of weird since I've only just been introduced to the topic.

  18. A group of girls wanted me to remove a bug from their room. I'll never understand people who are afraid of harmless insects... I would have picked it up with my bare hands but that's been known to freak people the hell out so I had to spend what felt like forever trying to get it to walk onto the flyswatter they gave me.

    I had to master the art of putting a cup over a bug and then sliding a sheet of paper under it to carry the bug out that way... She hated bugs but wouldn't let me kill them.


  19. You've taken an older picture of LoL before terrain was updated.

    As far as character design/graphics go, that's just a different art style. I personally think LoL's character look better, but that of course is opinion. I would question how you ended up on a Runescape site if that is your main concern in a game.

  20. I tried it again and it's too grindy.

    The hero prices are out the roof. 6,000 points to get a dude and you get like 100 a game... yuck. 60 games to try out a dude or wait till he comes around once every 3 months. I'm not spending $100 to find somebody decent and fill up that rune page with appropriate stuff.

    FYI, HON is like 100% free too as in you can pick every hero. You only spend money if you want that one special skin or voice actor.

    Just be prepared to mute everybody at the start of each game unless you like listening to clowns cry.


    at least you can get past the shitty graphics. i told my friend i'm playing dota2 and he recommended this game. i looked it up on youtube and laughed at the quality.

    The graphics are not worse than dota 2...
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