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Posts posted by harbringerjm

  1. Why the hell would you remove appeals?!?!?!?! Appeals are for telling Jagex they made a mistake, IF (and they have) made a mistake in banning a player for macroing, they would have no way of telling or notifiying Jagex. GREAT IDEA. Real genius.






    I mean... Jagex never made the best decisions, but....




    :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:




    Exactly. People act as though it's a sign of Jagex "Cracking down", but there was not auto-unban if you appealed. It was hard enough to get them to acknowledge a mistake WITH appeals, imagine without. This doesn't change things for bots, just screws over unfairly banned people even more.

  2. Er, it sounds like a vampir-I mean, vyre lured him into a trap and forced him to stay bound to the land forever as a singing ghost for her amusement.




    Sounds almost like he was a Vyrewatch, then got cured of the disease and turned to a ghost (Like the thingies in the columbarium).

  3. I get what you mean paw, the words may change but the meaning stays the same, thats the whole point of translation though.




    Paw doesn't seem to get that it's the change in words that can help. Also, FYI, the correct translation doesn't have the exact same wording and the hints are occasionally pretty different in different language. Whatever; I give up with this: Paw's not getting or refusing to get my point and I'm apparently not seeing his. I don't see how the translation hurts but Paw's apparently the overlord of Jagex Twitter update protocol. :|




    What you're missing is that it doesn't matter if the words are different. It doesn't open any new avenues. Some languages have words that don't translate directly into another language. The wording the translation gives doesn't mean anything more than taking a thesaurus and finding synonyms for all the words would.




    They're not going to give different hints to people of different languages. It's all the same. It all means the same, and considering English is the primary language, we must assume that any faults in translation came from converting it from the original english. Converting translations back to English will give you the exact same phrase if interpreted properly. Any new words are completely irrelevant, simply because english is the primary language.




    How do you know?


    I understand that translations are not exact, but if I were on the Jagex hint team and I wanted to really make it tricky to guess, I would make a hint that only works properly if you consider the hints given in several languages.


    As an example:


    Some person on the RSOF translated the German version and it turned out to be:




    'Threatened monsters find a new home, gravestones are already emerging everywhere. Luckily, you're mobile.'




    The game is named "Wettrüsten" in german. Thats absolutely no reverance to "mobil" as it's written on the german Twitter.




    Someone who only read the English hint would miss the German reference to the English game name. Someone who only read the German hint would miss the reference to the English game name. Someone who knew the English game name and read the German translation would say "AHA! Sneaky buggers!", or maybe just "But translations aren't exact and Jagex are to stupid to make clever hints! Onoes!".


    Not saying it's certain, but do you really think Jagex are too stupid to know how to translate properly, and to realise some of it's players might do it this way? Of course, it could be a red herring, or a co-incidence, but hey... Leave no stone unturned, eh?

  4. ¬¬ You COMPLETELY missed my point.


    Try wording them a little better before flipping?





    The English, French and German ones say EXACTLY the same thing. Translating them to find out one has "mobile" instead of "conveyances" doesn't achieve anything because direct translations lose meaning. Different languages use words in different ways.




    I'm pretty sure that they're not direct translations; as far as I recall, the French and German were completely different to the English and to each other prior to the Dungeon Maps update a few weeks ago. Just because they happen to be similar now doesn't mean they always have been or always will be.






    Again you miss my point.




    Different languages uses different words to mean the same things.




    Therefore in a TRUE translation such as Jagex uses words get swapped out for words that have the right meaning in the other language.




    When we then directly translate this back we come up with a different word to what was used in english.




    Reading meaning into this is WRONG because the various phrase all mean exactly the same thing, the words are just different because in different language different words have different meanings and therefore to truely translate the meaning words are changed.




    The whole point is here:


    Jagex DO NOT use direct translations so that in all languages the MEANING remains the same


    When we read the other language hints, we DIRECTLY translate them back to english. The directly translated form has a different meaning to its untranslated counterpart due to the difference of how words are used in other languages.




    What Jagex wrote in english, french and german ALL have the exact same meaning in their respective languages. So reading into word difference found by direct translation DOES NOT produce further hints, it just sends us down the wrong path.




    Perhaps so, but Jagex might expect you to think like that. Who knows. It is a hint, after all, it doesn't have to be obvious.




    Rag and Bone Man = Reincarnation of Zaros








    Didn't some cat (pretty sure it was bob, the jagex cat) say he was the incarnation to zaros (or said a hint that he is) in some quest, quite a while ago? It may be a joke, but I don't know.


    Anyways, for the people who think it's a new dungeon/bosses and think it's related to gwd - it might be a feature to unlock the mystery god door (probably guthix door, imo) and open a boss for the guthix godsword or some weird stuff. Just my opinion, probably won't happen (even though jagex made it seem like that for the dragon platebody to ever come out ;) ). By the way, sorry the all the parentheses.




    Ugh. The "Zaros is Bob omg!" thing is old. It's been established through a quest that that was just a joke, and that Bob is actually Robert the Strong.


    And there is almost certainly no Guthix godsword or Guthix godwars dungeon, given Guthix was asleep and almost unknown throughout the whole of the godwars.

  5. "A Tail of Two Cats" is a play on the title of the novel A Tale of Two Cities by Charles [bleep]ens.


    i can't think of any relation though, and i think i would know meaning last semester i recorded over 125 homework hours on just that book.


    It's just wordplay, like how Great Brain Robbery has nothing to do with Michael Crichton's Great Train Robbery or any other large theft involving trains

    But why not do a Tale of Two Kitties than? That rhymes, Cat doesn't.


    It doesn't have to rhyme?

    Oh [garden tool] [garden tool]! But it does, my com padre- when committing a truly horrific pun, one of the most basic rules is to make it rhyme, spell it the same, or make it sound phonetically similar. Examples: Great Train Robbery=Great Brain Robbery I feel god's are more concerned with prophets than profits. It appears you prefer the big sea to a big see (clerical humor) Imitation Krabs=Imitation Crab




    I spy Pratchett references.

  6. I have found something very interesting on the Runescape Wikia:




    Romily Weaklax's surname literally means "weak coward", whilst his forename means "walker". The former is the exact description Azzanadra gives to the Mahjarrat: Jhallan.




    Whilst his examine text is:




    A family baker, from the North.




    The bold text could be taken in several ways... Interesting ones, too...




    North isn't normally spelled with a capital letter, but this is.




    I meant the first bit more.

  7. They are far from the dumbest quests in the game, they still have a point, and they will no doubt be finished off sooner or later (Well, ok, given it's Jagex, it may not happen while any of us still live, but still), it's just not a good candidate for the 150th quest.

  8. You guys are thinking way to small, I got three words that will put this whole conversation to rest:




    Elemental Workshop 3








    Already been suggested, repeatedly. Not a good idea, imho.

  9. I have found something very interesting on the Runescape Wikia:




    Romily Weaklax's surname literally means "weak coward", whilst his forename means "walker". The former is the exact description Azzanadra gives to the Mahjarrat: Jhallan.




    Whilst his examine text is:




    A family baker, from the North.




    The bold text could be taken in several ways... Interesting ones, too...






    Mahjarret pie-bakers?


    EPIC! :twss:


    could this link to lunar isle? (bake pie spell plz!)




    Truly, everyone likes pie.

  10. They already have self-destruct weapons - They are called Red Chinchompas...




    Yeah, but this will be a melee weapon.




    bronze spear+red chinchompa+nail=guthix god pike




    You want to try sticking a nail in a chinchompa?


    *Backs away quickly*




    well poking the spear through it would be worse and would make it a less diverse weapon




    on topic, we have the sara sword and zammy spear




    maybe a guthix axe/pole axe/pike would be interesting




    A pike would be cool as it could be a 2 square weapon that isnt a halbert, a hatchet would make sense(dual use as weapon and tool) and a pole axe is just awesome.




    I was thinking more tying it on. Slightly less hazardous, plus you get to keep more of them till the actual fight.


    Dunno that an axe would be in character, what with Guthix getting his power from nature and the tree gnomes worshiping him, but the others sound good. Maybe a glaive..

  11. They already have self-destruct weapons - They are called Red Chinchompas...




    Yeah, but this will be a melee weapon.




    bronze spear+red chinchompa+nail=guthix god pike




    You want to try sticking a nail in a chinchompa?


    *Backs away quickly*

  12. Maybe it was Andrew putting pressure on Iddison, so Iddison thought f--k this, you're not telling me what to do and walked out?




    Yes, Iddison didn't want to listen to his boss, so quit. What a [bleep] [developmentally delayed].


    My post is very possible...


    But it's based purely on your fantasy. Useless post.




    His post did say maybe, and this is essentially all speculation anyway, so I would say his post is more useful, or at least on topic, than yours or teh_mage's.

  13. I think Jagex will release a completly new quest with quest nr. 150. I odn't know why, it just feels like that. It's such an important mark so it should be something new :)




    I assume you meant quest chain, as a new quest is obvious, to which the answer is: NO! There are far too many quest chains that have dragged on for ages, many with no updates for years. Time to fix the older ones.




    No, I didn't neccessarilly mean a new quest chain. I meant a new quest which might not be linked with any other quest we have seen this far in the game. It can very well be a quest which never will be linked with other quests in the future too. And about the old quest chains, don't worry, they will be fixed. I'm sure of that Jagex has got a plan for them.




    Of course it will be a new quest which may or may not be linked with existing quests. Otherwise it would still be quest 149.


    And if it is not linked with others, the storyline will probably be horrible. And that is really the point to the main epic quests.

  14. I think Jagex will release a completly new quest with quest nr. 150. I odn't know why, it just feels like that. It's such an important mark so it should be something new :)




    I assume you meant quest chain, as a new quest is obvious, to which the answer is: NO! There are far too many quest chains that have dragged on for ages, many with no updates for years. Time to fix the older ones.

  15. I know it's been found,as I wrote. But does it have to be their only Wildy fortress?


    Somebody already posted a picture of a Dragonkin skeleton in BH. And Movario refers to those known fortress as eastern Wilderness. I don't say it isn't, I say it's one of.




    Well, we are told that BH was the place where the first murder took place on Runescape. Since the Dragonkin have been around longer than any of the other known species, it is indeed possible that the murder was not human, but a murder of a Dragonkin, hence the skeleton in the arena may have been the first ever murder. There is not enough information to support that though, just a wild theroy.




    Where are we told that BH was the location of the first murder? That's a pretty interesting tidbit if it can be supported with evidence.




    http://www.runescape.com/kbase/viewarti ... cle_id=565




    In the centre of the Wilderness, bounded on all sides by the desolation of the god wars, crouches a volcano. Not quite dormant, the massive crater that bears witness to the violence of its birth is home to Mandrith, Guardian of the Crater. In the earliest days of man's existence on RuneScape, this volcano was the site of the first murder, and for this reason an unnamed god cracked and split the earth to give the volcano life.




    Since those first, horrific days, Mandrith's ancestors have supplied a guardian to watch over the crater, where adventurers can go to slaughter each other.






    THANK YOU! If the elemental workshop series DOES in fact go to soul items, I suspect that would be like the 12th quest in that series.




    And the items might be mediocre now, but I see a day when there is a full set of armour from this series that has exceedingly high magic defence. Won't be for a couple years though....




    I just hope they ARE in fact coming out with a mega quest to surprise us. Not to call anyone a liar, but I haven't seen this alleged post by a Jmod saying he's looking forward to the 150th quest, and judging by Jagex's recent actions, it seems uncharacteristic of them to not build the suspense for this.




    I for one will be kinda glad if they develop the Elemental Workshop questline deeper. I liked the first 2 quests so far, and it has a great potential. Remember, MEP2 started with Sheep Herder ;)




    _______________________________________________________________________Sheep Herder


    ___________________________________________________________________________ v


    Plague City -> Biohazard -> Underground Pass -> Regicide -> Roving Elves -> Mourning's End Part I -> Mournings End Part II

  17. elemental workshop soul door = soul wars? Anybody?




    We'll just wait for the quest, better be a good one \'




    I smell a possibility of the coveted Soul Altar ::'


    It's a Body Door, not a Soul one...




    Mind, Body and Soul are all united in the human. If there is a mind area and a body area, a soul area is to be expected.




    Except that the first one was, as has been pointed out, elemental. As such, it would make more sense that the next area unlocked would be body (which hasn't actually been unlocked yet), and then cosmics etc.

  18. They said in the BTS this month that MA won't happen for a while still. I'd expect it sometime in the summer at the earliest.
    no quests for 4 or 5 months good luck with that :roll:
    Where does it say no quests for 4/5 months? MA = Mobilizing Armies. Minigame, not a quest.




    Speaking of which, they didn't explicitly say that there won't be a quest in February. They just didn't say there will be... Clear difference!


    And that makes me excited 8-)




    I mean, not even saying "sorry, questers" or anything? I can't remember the last time a month passed and they didn't release at least one quest. That along with the absolute silence they have concerning the 150th quest - apart from a locked forum thread where a jmod supposedly mentioned he was excited about it, it's ALL player speculations since like September.




    It may be naive, wishful thinking.


    But my spider-sense says this quest will ka-BLAM upon us, and it will do so this month...




    Actually, I've been thinking something similar, as I've wondered whether they just aren't quite finished the quest, so they don't want to announce it as being this month, but they may release it if it does get finished in time. Leaving it out when they could hype it seems unlike Jagex these days, but you never know.

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