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Posts posted by Plagueon

  1. Wow... I just attempted it, and, well, it did work, but my experience with the glitch was different...




    When I clicked the button, it did take me back to the swamp... the only difference from yours was that I was standing high off of the ground! :o




    I'll try and get a picture next run.




    The same thing happened to me.

  2. Agreed, I have the same problem with players in the other team based minigames like the Orb project.


    Unfortunately there will usually be at least one idiot in the team if you play in a group of strangers. The only feasible solution is to play with people you know.

  3. Parents and Runescape certainly don't go well together. I'm usually given a list of jobs if either of my parents see me playing on the computer.




    Also the idea that Runescape is in any way educational is quite ridiculous. Its a poor reason to justify playing.

  4. Honestly, this is how I see it and this is how I play. I don't mean to be rude by the way I play so if anyone who reads my post thinks it is rude that is fine it's your opinion.




    When I go to GWD with a random team of people I do not know, I won't bless the grave for the simple fact that the items he's dropped and lost could go up or down in price cause there's 1 less of them available in the game. Also I don't bless the graves because I may need my prayer at some point and because I don't know these people and I most likely won't see them again.




    I wholeheartedly agree with that. The only time I'll bless a gravestone is for a friend.


    If people want to bring expensive items to places like GWD they should be prepared to lose their items, I know I am.

  5. I think the cause of this problem was the quest itself.




    In my opinion it did not fully explain summoning at all, people had completed the quest and still didn't know how to train it.


    The possible benefits of the skill could also have been explained more clearly.

  6. Perhaps if you took more time to think about what you post, less people would flame.




    If you hadn't given such a damning comment in the first place, there'd be nothing for you to complain about.


    Because humans must absolutely be 100% perfect at all times right? You wanna know something interesting? A lot of people spend a lot of energy into trying to be perfect at all times and spend a lot of time scrutinizing what others do, in order to find something that they can critizise. So much that in western society, you cant make a human error without tons of people annoying you, or sometimes you even getting annoyed for doing things that aren't even errors. At work, at school, at home, everywhere and all the time. This puts people under tremendous stress. But there's a way to get out of this, and that's to not give a damn about what other people think and want.




    Firstly, I'm well aware that people make mistakes. I simply suggested the author take more time to assess the appropriateness and validity of his comment.


    For example, in the case 'Hkdollars' is referring to, another look at the video would have allowed him to see his blatant error. Thereby preventing the flame war and his subsequent rant.




    You also say that people trying to be perfect, are subject to a great deal of stress. Then you claim the way to avoid this is to,


    "not give a damn about what other people think and want."




    That philosophy is incredibly self-centred and selfish.


    We all live in a community, the sooner you embrace that fact the better.

  7. Eventually you'll learn the quickest way around the maze, which will make it far easier to craft chaos effectively.




    Seeing as you have to enter the wildy anyway, the abyss is the best bet.

  8. Say a new player is discovering the Wilderness, he hasn't been playing too long and is proudly wearing his new mithril armour. All of a sudden, without a warning on the mini-map, a lvl 100 revenant appears out of nowhere and KOs the poor unexperienced player before he has time to realize what has happened.


    If that seems fair to you, then I don't know what to say. :boohoo:




    The wilderness is supposed to be dangerous, don't bring items you aren't prepared to lose.


    Before the update, a level 100 pker could have KO'ed him too.




    Sure, it may not always be fair, but thats the food chain for you.

  9. I couldn't agree more.




    This is especially annoying when doing slayer tasks :wall: if I kill someone elses monster, it doesn't count as my kill, thus prolonging slayer tasks.




    Actually, the last hit gives the slayer exp I believe. So if someone did do this to you, slayer training would be faster.






    On topic: This is definately very annoying, but if you want to play a multiplayer game, then you have to accept other people's playing styles.

  10. So go ahead and flame me but remember, I am supporting the people who play for fun and do a lot of things and make the money the right way. Goodbye old noobscape.




    Your arrogance is astonishing, who are you to decide what the right way to make money is?






    Yes I should...you must be one of the people complaining about the wild being gone. Jagex may be losing money but they probably knew it would happen. It does not matter. Now that its fixed up retired players who merchanted but could not continue selling yews because of the continual onslaught of autoers can come back.




    Jagex may be losing money, and uh...duh...but at this point they are losing about 25,000 to 50,000 people out of over 1 million. More will come in time and business will run as usual again. Summoning may help them get back lost profits from this month, but i find it funny how people say they give up because they see the wild is gone and they still read the new topics on the site.




    Jagex will get their money back and may even get more players now that some of the major problems of the game have been fixed.






    Firstly, I have not been complaining about the wilderness update. I prefer to train skills, rather than attack other players. Unlike you however, I can sympathise with the players who enjoyed pking in the wilderness.




    You claim they are losing about, "25,000 to 50,000 people..." Although in truth, you have absolutely no idea how many players Jagex are losing.


    Don't bring facts and statistics into an argument when you are completely clueless and ignorant, as to their validity.




    "More will come in time and business will run as usual again."


    I honestly hope you're right, but to me, you just sound like you're spouting Jagex propaganda.




    Oh and by the way...protests don't usually work...




    Some forms of cancer treatment don't usually work, does that mean that we shouldn't bother trying?


    There is always a chance that a protest may work. Even if it doesn't, at least your views and expressions are heard.






    Essentially, your rant is about other people who are ranting.


    Everybody should have freedom of speech and expression. Whether it annoys you, or not.

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