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Posts posted by DaphHime

  1. My mom is the whole reason I've started playing video/computer games. I grew up playing NES because she liked to play it too. Heck she's around the same age as the OP and still plays Neopets for crying out loud. I think she'd like this game as well.




    I'm 19 so I'm probably in the lower middle of the RS age scale. Witch is alright, I'd much rather hang out with the older RS players. No "Lolz n00b!" junk.

  2. I liked the music on Runescape when I played it on my desktop. Since I'm on my laptop I use Safari (yes...I'm a mac user...wanna fight about it? :P Kidding of corse) I can't hear the music. Though the music from FFIV Celtic Moon is a decent subsitute. Same midievl theme that the game has.

  3. I'd explore all the places I couldn't before of corse! And I'd try to up the members only skills as well as become a ranger. Ranging is hard and expensive in f2p.




    Of corse I'm thinking about getting members soon anyway. If I have an extra 5 bucks to spare.

  4. DaphHime is a name I use everywhere online. That was my original Runescape name. But unfortuneatly I lost the password some time ago thus I couldn't acess the account anymore. Which was a shame because I was at a farely good level.




    Himedaph is just a reversal of that same name. Hime is the Japanese word for princess and Daph comes from the name Daphne. Pretty simple really.

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