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Posts posted by Barihawk

  1. The only reason we know almost nothing about Zaros is that Saradominists and Zamorakians have gone out of their way under orders from their gods to destroy all records and accounts of Zaros. Zaros has been outright friendly to the player (understandable since we are helping his return, wittingly or unwittingly), and with the exception of Sliske all of his other followers are flat out allies of the player. Saradomin can not even say that (as we are enemies of his major followers, allies to others). Saradomin is more than a dick to us in a single quest. Note what he is doing at this very moment! He isn't defending the world from Zamorak, he is trying to take the power for himself!


    Guthix and Zaros both want balance and a world where mortals control their own affairs. The difference? Guthix thinks that the world will naturally balance itself out right while Zaros felt that a guiding hand was necessary to ensure balance.

    • Like 5
  2. I t

    People are a little biased about the gods from the limited lore we had for more than a decade. Sara was good, Zammy was bad, Guthix was neutral, Zaros was assumed to be bad.


    After the last major quests though:

    Guthix: The ultimate good. He wanted to create peace and aggressively defended it.

    Saradomin: Good to his followers, the bane of all others. Just as evil as Zamorak as he conspired to kill Guthix in order to compete in the "land grab"

    Zamorak: We already knew he was evil, no surprise there. Yin to Saradomin's yang.

    Armadyl: Just trying to claw his way back up to the top. On the verge of joining the departed gods of Gielenor.

    Zaros: Quite frankly, Zaros is still an enigma. We just don't know enough. People assume he's evil because he was associated with folks like Lucien, Zamorak, and Sliske. However, his true followers like Azzanadra and Wahistiel have been nothing but courteous to the player. He himself was very grateful to the player after contact was established. While Zamorak and Saradomin consider their captains to be tools and lord over them, Zaros showed genuine concern for Azzanadra. His Mahjarrat followers actually wanted to MEET with Guthix instead of kill him! Honestly, Zaros is the game changer. He will be the one to keep your eyes on. He might come to rule the world, to destroy it, or to save it from the others. We simply do not know.


    In the end, the only "good" god as far as we scapers are concerned is Guthix. All the others will fight over us.


    As far as I'm concerned right now with the info we have, I view Zaros as not too dissimilar to Guthix.


    When I say that, I mean it only in terms of how Zaros will behave on his return. He wants the world to run itself without any direct interference from the Gods, yet still step in through indirect means to subtly tip scales in whichever way is of most benefit.


    If Saradomin and Zamorak are two sides of the same coin, then I wouldn't be averse to saying Guthix and Zaros (as it stands now) share a similar relationship.


    I actually agree with you. Reading up on the lore, I think that Guthix and Zaros are as Saradomin and Zamorak.

  3. People are a little biased about the gods from the limited lore we had for more than a decade. Sara was good, Zammy was bad, Guthix was neutral, Zaros was assumed to be bad.


    After the last major quests though:

    Guthix: The ultimate good. He wanted to create peace and aggressively defended it.

    Saradomin: Good to his followers, the bane of all others. Just as evil as Zamorak as he conspired to kill Guthix in order to compete in the "land grab"

    Zamorak: We already knew he was evil, no surprise there. Yin to Saradomin's yang.

    Armadyl: Just trying to claw his way back up to the top. On the verge of joining the departed gods of Gielenor.

    Zaros: Quite frankly, Zaros is still an enigma. We just don't know enough. People assume he's evil because he was associated with folks like Lucien, Zamorak, and Sliske. However, his true followers like Azzanadra and Wahistiel have been nothing but courteous to the player. He himself was very grateful to the player after contact was established. While Zamorak and Saradomin consider their captains to be tools and lord over them, Zaros showed genuine concern for Azzanadra. His Mahjarrat followers actually wanted to MEET with Guthix instead of kill him! Honestly, Zaros is the game changer. He will be the one to keep your eyes on. He might come to rule the world, to destroy it, or to save it from the others. We simply do not know.


    In the end, the only "good" god as far as we scapers are concerned is Guthix. All the others will fight over us.

  4. I did regicide last night finally, on my current account.


    Near the end, an elf pops out and you learn that the kind of Ardougne as well as the elf from the elf lands are actually working on bringing Zamorak back to this world. Jagex dun goof'd, no? Aren't we believing that Zamorak is on floor 61? It also contradicts the edicts of Guthix...


    Regicide was written and released in 2004. The Guthixian Edicts were first mentioned in 2009. It was a half-finished plot that is still fairly unresolved here in 2013. We know nothing of what King Lanthus is up to since we did Regicide.

  5. After this event, I'm sure of it, I will never ever use combat again once this update goes live. You may say 'adapt to it and stop crying', well, I don't care, I enjoyed RuneScape for its simplistic combat which I could play at leisure, without having to focus my head at a screen and my fingers at the keyboard constantly. Runescape was always something I played while doing other stuff, I just can't adapt to such a big change, so I will leave this aspect of the game. I find it sad to see my much beloved game 'evolving', while change could be needed, this is a 360 degree turn in direction, which I find very difficult to live with.


    A 360 degree turn? You do realize that's going in the same direction you were traveling in the first place?


    As someone who has played for 8 years, I am pleased with these updates. The entire reason I stopped playing the game was the absolutely boring combat. Far too repetitive.

  6. Actually, we probably stand to have some inflation as it stands now since the plummeting prices have vaporized billions of gp out of the game, at least until prices go back up.


    Can you clarify your point? Money only ever circulates the game regardless of inflation or deflation. The only ways it can leave the game are through things like dropping it or paying various NPC's.


    Not to mention that inflation is a situation where there is so much money that prices must rise to reflect the diminishing value of the money. If money is being "vaporized," prices would actually fall.


    Unless this is the kiddie excuse of inflation as a way to gouge prices.

  7. Jennifer Government: Nationstates has been around for over a decade. I remember playing the game in high school.


    The object is simple: You are the benevolent leader of a nation-state. By deciding on issues brought before you, you decide the fate of your nation and enhance/destroy it's regional power!


    If demand calls for it, I am willing to create a region for Tip.It so that we can play together.




    Helpful website that gives detailed analysis of your nationstate:



    My nation as an example: http://www.nationstates.net/nation=vladtopia

  8. I would also like to advertise to those seeking a clan ingame. The Ninth Fleet is the oldest Star Trek gaming clan and has been in operation for over 15 years. I am the commanding officer of the Star Trek Online division and we would welcome anyone who wished to fly with us to go to www.9thfleet.com and register at the forums to post an application. You can also find us ingame on the Fleet Finder.

  9. Most of the bad reviews from launch came from over-anxious Trekkies who were expecting the ultimate Star Trek game and had overhyped and overambitious ideals for what the game should have included.


    It's a very good game, elsewise.

  10. So, if I make a f2p account it'll have 25k limit forever, until I subscribe. Lol Jagex should lay off the marketing. I think a 2 week grace period is acceptable.

    Per day, not forever. But given inflation is soaring due to the bot nuke, 25K doesn't really buy a whole lot.


    From what I understand balanced trades are fine. If someone is buying an item with a GE price of 87,000 gold they can pay up to 112,000 gp for it, or whatnot.

  11. How do you know how few new players are joining the game? Are you privvy to information that noone else in this thread is? If not then you are just speculating.


    I don't have the exact numbers, but there have been posts on other threads about the amount of new players signing up and such and it has significantly dropped off over the past couple years. It's hardly speculation and very widely accepted.


    So in other words, things you pulled out of your rear or things that other people have pulled out of theirs. And by "very widely excepted" you mean "in your head."


    Less popular than OMG EVERYONE TRY THIS GAME NOW on miniclip doesn't necessarily mean it's in the tubes.


    Honestly, go to lol, starcraft, and wow boards and feel the energy there. Now to go to rsof ( or even sadly right here on tif) and just see how different it is. Frankly, how dead it is compare to anything else.

    Negativity is the new cool on gaming boards. It's a trend on every game. Is EVE Online failing because they have negative boards? Star Trek Online is still gaining subscriptions and they are going F2P next month with an explosion of population and people are still doing nothing but whining on the forums because they get attention for it. The minority will always be more vocal.


    The game will go on. It's a hiscores system. Most skill based games don't even have those.

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