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  1. 2pac


    FIXED Found a program called ShutDownPro which changes yours screen res. among other things.
  2. 2pac


    This is my school laptop, and my account is restricted. This morning i was playing a game that runs @ a resolution of about 640X400. Well, when i exited the game, it didnt change the resolution back to 1024X768. If I had the admin, then i could easily change it back, but I dont. When i restarted, a little icon popped up asking me if i wanted windows to change my screen setting automatically (it wont let me fix them manually), so i said ok. It DID help quite alot, as the resolution looks to be 800X600 right now, but it still looks a bit weird. Do you guys know any programs, or maybe some other way to fix it? Running Windows XP (professional) on Dell Inspiron 4100. The game i was playing is called Armagetron advanced. Btw, i played it about 10 times before and it did not do this. Right now, im running the game on 1024X768 and hoping that it might fix the problem...but no success so far. Thanks
  3. For some reason all of my headphones do this. I use them for a month or 2 and then 1 side stop working. (its really annoying to hear music only from 1 ear) It takes about 5 mins to get the cord just right so they work, and even then i cant move cause it'll mess it up. Any ideas why this mite be happening? LiTeX aka 2pac
  4. ok now this is weird...i was opening up the fan to clear up the dust (yeah there was a bit of dust in there) and i accidentaly spilled water in it :oops: good thing i wasn't drinking coke. The weird part...it's been working fine all day. I mean, im 99% sure it will break again and it's just a coincidence...but this is weird. :?
  5. ty for the tips, i'll try em out it seems to be even worse now...haven't gotten it to turn on all day. Anyway, the good news is that it is school-issue so they will do the repairs free of charge...might even give me a new laptop *prays* Bad news is they always take forever to do that kind of stuff.
  6. Hey, ive been having a few issues with laptop in the last day or two Alot of the time it just wont turn on(it'll run for 5 secs and then shut off), other times it will work just fine, but it will freeze and/or shut off in the middle of something. I'm pretty sure the motherboard is dying because the exact same thing happened to my desktop, and about a week later the motherboard was fried. Any helpful tips are appreciated. I have a Dell Inspiron 4100, about 3 or 4 years old. LiTeX aka 2pac
  7. I am still in highschool, but our highschool gives out laptops to everyone (Dell Inspiron 4100 or Dell Latitude c450) I've got the inspiron, it's a little heavy, but the 6:30 hrs of battery life make up for that :) It is 100X better to have a laptop in class. Much easier to take notes, you can research stuff online...no comparison. Go for the laptop :) 2pac
  8. Hi Well I play this other game, starstrike, and I'm tyring to make myself some tools which will helpl me out. The thing I'm working on now is a really simple radar, wich is pretty much an x:y plot on excell. So far, I have a live web query pulling data from the game, the data is in (X:Y) format, so I used a formula to put the x and y in separate cells. The problem is the formula outputs the data in a text format, and no matter how much I change the cell format it won't graph. I tried pasting special, and that works, but the data doesn't update live like a want it to. So, does anyone know how to fix that? Or maybe a graphing program that can pull data from excell and graph it? thanks 2pac
  9. You can get a pretty nice PC for 1000 bux. I would recommend you get a laptop, yeah they cost more than desktops, but I just feel 10X better working on a laptop. go to http://www.dell.com/tv for some "OK" deals on both desktops and laptops :).
  10. Firefox for me, tons of extensions that make it way better
  11. I don't trust our tech people lol. Every time I give my computer to them, they fix the problem, but something else turns up the very next day grrr. I've been running it for a few days w/ antenna off, everything is working gr8 :D My school website is http://www.irvingisd.net I live in Irving, Texas btw (suburb of Dallas) WE RULE :D
  12. 2 hrs w/ out a freeze...don't want to jinx myself but hell yeah! :D ty for the advice
  13. The modem is built in, and I know the wireless won't work, that's why I got dialup for it. Up until a few months ago my neighbors had unsecured wireless internet and I was using it lol, that rocked :) But they moved... I am running it w/ the wireless antenna off atm, it's not frozen yet...hopefully that works :) If it doesn't I'll look into updating the driver
  14. hmm well it was installed by the school, and I don't know if they did it properly...I'll try turning off the wireless and then using it when I get home, I'm on wireless atm Ty for the help
  15. 2pac


    If you can't fix it you can always save the URL to the world in your faves, that way if it freezes you can get back in less than 30 secs...although that won't be much help if you die right after it freezes :(
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