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Posts posted by SuziAngel

  1. Hit - I wouldn't hit anyone, I'm not a violent person. O:)




    Kiss - Matt, Rick, Bubsa... any other males over 21 really (or females if the mood takes me - I'm looking in your direction, Mel :P) Oh, and Lyra of course.




    Miss - All the above mentioned people plus a whole host of others whose posts usually make interesting reading, including Zonorhc, Nadril, Lionheart, StrOwez, CTP*numbers*, Sumpta... I could go on for ages.

  2. You scored 30/30 and 29/30.




    That doesn't surprise me - my music examiners have always told me that I have perfect pitch. Shame I didn't follow their advice and get my voice trained, because I now sound like a bag of drowning cats (as anyone who has been unfortunate enough to hear me can clarify) *sigh*

  3. I don't really understand why you would want something expensive as a first car. In fact, I don't see the point in getting an expensive car at all when you're not paying for it yourself. I'm not judging you though, it's your choice. :)




    My first car was one of these old things:








    She only cost me about ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã500 and regardless of how crappy she was, I loved her. Sadly, she now resides in the big car-park in the sky.




    As for the two you posted, I'm afraid I don't really like either. I guess I shouldn't have bothered posting. Women, eh? :P

  4. No, no, no! This is a thread of nice things, not arguing. :(




    @Powman3 - The Bubsa is a very rare breed of animal which needs special care and attention. It has to to be treated with love and kindness, and above all else, whatever you do don't anger it.




    Now please, let the pleasantries recommence...

  5. The Ladies Bras




    The ladies bras, the ladies bras,


    the ladies knickers and the ladies bras.


    The ladies bras, the ladies bras,


    the ladies knickers and the ladies bras.


    The ladies bras, the ladies bras,


    the ladies knickers and the ladies bras.


    The ladies bras, the ladies boobs,


    the ladies bodies and the ladies bums.


    The ladies bras, the ladies bras,


    the ladies knickers and the ladies bras.


    The ladies bras, the ladies bras,


    the ladies knickers and the ladies bras.

  6. Does anyone else miss Striker6 or is that just me?




    I don't think I've been here long enough to do any proper reminiscing, although I did love: [hide=Spider-catcher]spidercatchersp1.png [/hide]


    especially when Somnambulism altered it to this:




    in this thread earlier this year.

  7. I think that is awful. Hugs are a good thing - I, for one, love them! We encourage the children in our school to give each other cuddles when they are needed. ::'




    I'm not a big PDA fan either. No more than 2 kisses in a public place at a time and hugging to a minimum.


    Do I spy a little hypocrisy here, hm?

  8. the work we put in


    Yes, it was very hard work. About three minutes before we threw him off the cliff we decided we needed a name with P and S in it and the only thing that came to mind was Paperclips. Well done us. :P




    Also, I've just noticed a couple of points:




    Later I drove us to the Devils Bridge and waterfalls where I took about a bazillion pictures and it was such an amazing sight.


    Yes, you drove us there, but who drove us everywhere else?




    I also took Suzi to a nice restaurant where you had to choose what food you wanted to eat by pointing it out rather than by having a menu which was odd but very nice.


    You took me? Who chose the restaurant? Who made the reservation? Who drove us there?




    Bloody men, twisting things to make themselves sound good.

  9. That fudge looks awesome! Is there like a recipe or something?




    Glad you had fun ^-^


    No recipe, it was all cheating. :P We melted two bags of fudge and one bag of toffee together in the microwave, poured it into the mould and left it to set. Once that was set, we melted some chocolate and poured it onto the base and once again left it to cool. The next stage was to remove it from the mould, melt some more chocolate and pour it over the top of the fudge. Then we used cling film to help it keep its shape while it was left to set again.






    So true.






    Sounds like you had fun. Still jealous you got to see Poultergeist. And you got to meet Lloyd Kaufman!


    Poultrygeist was great and Lloyd Kaufman was really lovely. Such an interesting character. I want to be in one of his movies. ::'




    From what I understand, Suzi's parents are pretty alright. Her mum is addicted to Spyro for one :P


    Absolutely correct. :D




    Did you make a move suz ;)






    I think Suzi is taller than Mad :D
    I think they need to get together so we can see *giggles*


    Yep, just me and Mad ........and a cheesecake :P




    And... I'm 5'3", I don't know about Suzi :P


    I'm...umm.... 4'11 and a half (the half is important!)




    I can has fudge?


    I think maybe you should have one, yes. There are discussions on the subject.




    Niceness, but really does Wales have chavs?


    Sadly, yes, they get everywhere. Little bastards.




    Next time I'll be sure to post some off to you. ^_^


    What is this "posting" nonsense? We'll make one especially for him and take it to him ourselves!

  10. <3: Wow, that sounded like an awesome week you two. It's so good to hear that you both got together, as it seems a rare occurrence between tip.it members.




    Question: How long did it take to eat the fudge bar :P




    It was awesome. ::' And the fudge bar has is still in existence - there's a lot of it!




    Oh, and Mr Kaufman signed my book:








    And I was not too scared to hold the snake and the cayman at all, pfft. I just didn't want to steal all your man-glory.

  11. I absolutely love reading, but that doesn't stop me being as thick as ten bears though.




    Are we going to pick apart every social group known to man? I'm seeing a fair amount of seemingly undeserved hate directed towards for example emo's, nerds, goths...etc, and now people who read? *Confused* What's going on? Are people that insecure that they have to criticize others to give themselves a boost of self-esteem? Get over it. Live and let live.




    (Not purely directed towards the OP)

  12. Woo! I think you're the second person I've seen who's Welsh on these forums in the past 3 years. ('part from Rhys, a close friend of mine).




    *Points to location*




    Beth am fi, te? :(






    English and Welsh. I did learn French and German in school, but not using either of those languages on a regular basis means that I have forgotten most of what I was taught. *sigh*

  13. Just got back from watching Poultrygeist. Having explained to Mr Kaufman earlier that I was a Troma virgin, he said he was happy to de-flower me and sat next to me during the movie (much to Matt's disgust, as he wanted to sit next to him). It was very bizarre but totally enjoyable. Lots of nudity, blood, guts...etc - everything that makes a good movie.




    We took advantage of a photo opportunity:






    Also, Matt managed to catch a Black Sheep stress toy which I'm sure will keep him entertained for hours.




    Hopefully, Matt will post a thread next week with some of the details of our week of fun. ::'

  14. I'm lucky enough to have one of tip.it's greatest sitting next to me right now. ::' Merc has come to stay for the week and we've been having lots of fun. :D




    We carved a pumpkin and also made a pumpkin pie which was scrumy yumptious mmmmmmm




    Seen a few films at the Abertoir festival, see the film thread in M&M for that.




    Today we have been making a supersized Fudge bar which we will post pictures of soon.




    Been for lots of walks some nice some looooooooong but still nice. Matt will post a big thread soon with pictures.





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