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Posts posted by hiiiiiiiiiiii

  1. wow! ok a lil weird of me but i saw some guy with a bandos? godsword in barrows.. he basically 2 hitted kharils with like 2 50s it was sick.. just thought yall should know that if i ever get a godsword i will also be flying and p'oed cause my house just froze over

  2. one day walkin along.... and i see something on the ground mind you i was lvl 60 but.. it said "abyssal whip" and i'm like wtf it looks like sausage links so i was like... selling sausage links 2.5m! and to my unbenownst knowledge someone bought it! (at the time) so... i forgot what i did with the money... oh well... i probably bought a magical fruit of power and tried tos ell it for 5m.... hahahhaaa :wall:

  3. thnx guys...... but i think i'll just stick to no ring because it's like wearing a dead cat on my finger.. it's useless it scares people and when i throw it at someone they get disgusted and run away hahahahhahaha :ohnoes:

  4. i'd have to say this is the funniest gr8est moment in my rs hitory... ok so... im on zamorak and jsust about the whole saradomin team is killing my friend with teh flag.. obviously they do so when he dies i took the flag and ran.. well it just so happens that they all followed me and were you know on the space of one guy basically looked like one guy was following me... i ran past the rocks and made the explosion the amount of red splotches and numbers was amazing! it was like fire works wish i would screened it but.. idk oh well... it was hilarious sadlyt they all came back and basically repeatedly stomped on my head and soiled my perfect dignity.. not! i scored and they lost! mwuahahhahaa :notalk:

  5. wow! i could imagine what pking is like.... in rl rs woot!... i went into the wild which makes absolutely no sense because what allows me to kill other players is a boundary lookin like a movie with r.lee ermie... haha.... if only i could kill ppl in towns like on 6/6/6 that would be more realistic but instead i walked 50miles to get to lvl 50 wild and got owned by a chaos elemental the end...( also substitutable is annoying pkers) mwuhahahahahhaa :wall:

  6. no d pl8 for you! no soup! for you! dragon items will become door stops for the al mighty torag! hahahhahahaha no rellly they're gonna get really cheap i believe i think people are tired of paying out the wazoo for item sthat give worse defence than barrows yeah yeah i know you don't have to repair dragon but maybe they should make barrows items indestructable when you hit lvl 99 def? ideas? i have them haha :-w

  7. :shock: as much as it may come as a shock i like to hunt.. especially hunting razor backed kebbits just because it's the fun of watchin your work of finding the lil' critter then noosing him.. and i love that animation mwuahahhahahahaha ok seriously besides that sick way of loving hunting i kind of like training would be cookin for sane reasons purely just cause it's fast xp...

  8. it currently occurs to me that the ring of wealth is in the category of....... well being horribly bad... haha :-k and i was just wonderin' what's the need for it? it seems my luck is worse with it on.. i know this has been a hot topic for a while but i still want to know.... use it or don't? :-s

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