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Blog Entries posted by Fresi

  1. Fresi
    Lately I have taken time to look back at my time in rs, I started playing at the age of 14-15, thats 7-8 years ago. I had a hard time understanding the English used in the game, as I speak Swedish in real life. This didn't bother me that much at the time, I actually had leas complaints about my spelling and grammar back then than i do now. I assume this is due to it being easier to determine I was not from a English country back then, and they simply accepted it.
    As time has passed, I have learned more and more English, thanks to school, this and other games, TV, movies and books. I make fewer errors when writing, both grammatically as well as in ways of spelling. This however have however had a huge impact on my communication in game player to player. All of a sudden it is as if everyone who don't know me from before thinks I'm a kid, a 10-14yo who still has to learn how to write. No longer do they start by asking from where I am. Instead i get snappy comments about being a kid, or get told grow up. Mostly i tell myself in my head that i should not care, its probably a 15yo who wants to play mature. But it dos get to me, I'm concerned others ignore my opinion, or completely ignore me for these reasons, honestly, if your talking to a 13yo, you don't treat them the same way, you don't give them the same respect you would give a mother, father, hell even grandpa/grandma. Well at least i don't.
    The easiest way to cope with this has been to stay in Small communities a longer time, letting players get to know you, telling your age, and that I'm studding my third year to becoming a math teacher, or that I have been in th military. But every time i join a new community, its the same thing over and over again.
    This is a problem i know i will never ever get rid of, weather its new runescape/other game communities, or anything else in the form of writing, even if its in Swedish.
    Th fact is, I'm not going to get much better than this at English, my grammar will probably improve, but my spelling will not change much. having 4/5 dyslexia (5 being the worst there is) i can not spell in Swedish, even after having for years re written essays over and over till they are correct, having someone close to me underline words I have misspelled
    So next time you see someone miss spell a word, or notes he/she has a bad grammar, try to ignore it and concentrate on what he/she has to say.
    After all, the words of Jay Leno aren't less fun just because they are misspelled, and the work of Albert Einstein is still what is important, not his spelling.
    Written by a ragging Fresi who have had 1 to many spell corrections in-game today :P
    Ty for reading.
    (25mins to spell correct this)
  2. Fresi
    have resently been taking more and more time to play around with blender, and finaly decided to start making a 3d human that i have named Avillia, a character from my fantasy world.
    I still got a few things to work on tho, the feats are far from perfect, the eyes need painting, hands and ears (they have proved difficult to make).
    And hair... damn I'm having problem with hair in Blender, the particles seam to not respond to collision with the body, no matter what i do. This making her hair going threw her skull :/. Might have to make her hair without particles and just add some bones to it to get it to move :/
    The rigging is fun, been enjoying animating her, cant wait to get some facial and hand rigging to play with :)
    she currently only got 16bones, so pity easy to play around with :D
    Her clothes, are based on something I drew a few years ago, sadly they don't like being part of animations (making my computer crash) but i have attached them to the body to make animating with them on possible,
    but i can't wait until I manage to have animations that include that lovely cloth physics applied, looks so nice when playing around with wind :)
    There is still much clothing hat remains, but i decided i would solve some other problems before i continued creating clothes, so that i don't have to recreate them later :).
    To day i finally also solved a problem that was causing black lines going all the way from her back up to the neck and across her throat. and her clothes where covered with these lines. apparently my normals where facing the wrong way, such a easy mistake to fix, but did take me long to figure it out, just showing what a noob i am at 3d still. But damn i enjoy it, and I'm learning something new every day.
    Such a great activity to combined with runescape, when i bake physics or render animations, i play :) not that it takes long for my computer <3 getting some more memory for it tho =P currently got 8gb, getting another 8gb in about a week, need it as my currently memory is getting overrun with my multitasking :D
    Might add a rs dragon for her to fight ;D should not be to hard to make a dragon mesh ;P
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