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Posts posted by pkr_92

  1. Granted, But after signing it he kills you since he is the best gun man... he steals the bullets and leaves the gun at the crime scene... since he is the best gunman the police cant chase him because he woud kill them








    I wish fishing was fast and i could do it easily with no sacrifices once or ever and you couldnt corrupt this perfect wish( hey its a wish its supposed to be ridiculous)

  2. Granted, but he eats you when he becomes older






    I wish that i could tame(with a forcefield around me that makes me not die and everything go right) and keep a school of kbd and kill them for thier drops which is actually what they collect at school from bullying the other dragons

  3. we talking about guns not cars.... and you wouldnt know it wus terriost becuase they would sell them to the leading gun companies and since your gun was recently stolen you need a new one






    I wish some1 would trade me and addy legs for addy skirt and 9 swordies i just got.... ill even throw in some trout or something

  4. This wish would come in real life but the terriost made special guns that DO backfire and sold them at 10 bucks a piece...... since you bought them it does make sense and your still dead....






    I wish that i had the best clothes in the world and that i could afford membership to rs

  5. your horses poop all over your house and on your shoes so you tried to shoot them but your gun backfired n now you dead..... your dead and the horses poop on you and your found decomposed into the poop so your used as fertilizer all over my lawn and since i have a cat she pees on your decay.... so sry but i cant stop her from doing it






    i wish that you would not corrupt my wish next time combining aliens,tables,mice, and smiley faces

  6. I make a goldmeta account name and since silver beats gold you must give it to me. but u dont because you dont wanna so since im gold i trick the bankers into putting me into the bank take the phat and walk out wearing it then tele in your face to a strange island in the carribean... karmja

  7. trolls are stupid... so even being the smartest you are still pretty dumb.... too bad your not as strong, smart, or lucky as any human and i when to the stronghold and kicked your butt.... along with the rest of those trolls....






    I wish that I could get my fishing to atleast 30 already.... I want salmon!

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