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  1. Hello, I need some help with merchanting. I cannot find good thing to merchant on P2P. I tried ranarr and snapdragon seeds, but not many people sell them. I tried mage pots but not many people buy this. Please, write what is very good to merchant. Thanks for helping and reading this.
  2. After reading this advices, I will try making natures. Big thanks for you tripsis -> you helped me so much and your advices convicted me to try RC :) .
  3. I have 44 RC, but should I get pouches? I don't know what monsters in abyss drop it. And one question -> what I should use to back from abyss - teleport to varrock with runes or buy some glories?
  4. Hey guys. I am searching for very good method to earn big cash. Anyone know a way to earn about 3 millions in few days? I have 70 fletching but isn't so good -> I am looking at method which let me earn 300k+ on one transaction. I very need this cash. I know there are very experienced players and I'm waiting for their advice. PS Sorry for my bad english. Thanks for help
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