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Posts posted by leinfo

  1. my parents dont know i play rs. :-$ they probly get freaked out if they knew i talked to strangers lol. i think ill tell them soon cause i wanna be a member so bad. :wall:




    ? im confused by you're signature, u have a character wearing varroks helm, and torags, and dhaoks(sorry if spelling is bad)


    hmm, thats kool tho, lol i just notices,


    could u show me where you get something like that?


    as in url?

  2. well, in some rare occasions, this is how i got my what some would call "small" "fortune"


    so i was working on my theiving on the wine stall when i was lv 20 in drynor, and there was a guy there, and we talked for a while, he said food please, i tried quote me "tried" to give him some wine, but before i could trade, he was dead


    he had dropped the following




    full green dhide, and other stuff,


    and the weeek b4 was my first day as a member, and i being a noob at the time, announced it in the middle of the wildy, so some guys tried to kill me, i ran to lv 1, and they dropped 500k and said good luck


    nothing i have said was a lie, real, true event of my luck

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