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Posts posted by everfreefire

  1. 9, I believe








    Everfreefire, my main








    Cleric Rust, was supposed to be a character from a book, never play him much...








    Axe4axe, pure woodcutter, don't use him much for risk of random macro reporting...








    Lady Quenti, a mage pure that wandered a little...








    Yumi Eryuha, same as above but for range








    Muja H Micd, made to make fun of those "looking for bf/gf" people...








    Fujin Ame, liked the name, rarely on, and had more money than my main at one point...








    And Oedo Cowboy, named after a song, a potential backup if my main gets banned for some reason

  2. There's a rather funny comment from a quest that applies to this idea...since I have no idea how to get the picture here, I'll just quote it.








    Ava: "Don't be silly, everyone knows that true warriors don't ever sleep...or perform many other bodily functions, for that matter."








    The point being, there's no need to hinder us with complicated problems that limit our gameplay.








    P.S My name is Nick and you dont know what Sex am I, WOW.
    Offtopic: Either Nicholas or Nicolle could be called Nick, so that really doesn't tell us anything
  3. The first two really don't mean much to me...I do quests for the fun of it, for the most part.








    It's the third point that i agree with the most...When a quest just cuts off (Slug Menace), it bugs me that the next installment hasn't come out yet for me to try and get through yet. It makes me feel like i had to stop reading a good story and burn the rest of the book, then wait for the author to rewrite it so that i can finish it...

  4. This is an interesting idea, but I'll be the first to admit that I'd never do it...8k just to fight the things, and who knows how many runes just to survive the time spent there...the lava and water protections are too random for making sure you have enough runes to survive.








    A better idea for that would be an extended trip to find talismans/rings/whatever that will help you survive constantly (it could easily cost plenty of runes, like making 50 of the carved runes from Slug Menace and having to bring them somewhere, and costing runes of the element ot make the final item).








    Of course, there's problems with this idea as well, as there is with every idea ever made...



    Great idea!! Just there'll be people saying "selling present box with santa hat!! Only 100k!!!!!!!!!!!!"




    Then there'll be people reportign for item scamming because they traded a present and didn't make a profit.




    There must be a solution though.








    Exactly, you could easily scam with present boxes, theres gotta be another way :-k








    how about...you can only trade em for absolutly nothign!








    Wouldn't it be easier to just 'use' the present on the person you want to give it too? Or, like the rubber chicken, have a 'Give present' option when you right click on the person and you have a present in your inventory?

  6. I see one problem with this.








    The entire purpose of these holiday events (or i shall assume the purpose of them) is to allow everyone a chance to get them the same way regardless of level or skills. Getting to the boss elf is based on your stats, and even if stat pures get the 'easy' way through, what will help the low level go through if the elves were stronger for the higher levels, or make this a challenge for the higher levels if the elves were weaker?








    The best solution (in my opinion) would be to have everyone use the "X-mas card shooter" (or similar item) throughout the whole thing, and (you'd have to take out the the boss elf for this, which is the only problem i have with this) when you release santa, you get the elf clothes.








    Other than that small problem, the idea is good, it just doesn't work well for everyone who plays.

  7. I can see the arguements from both sides, and i agree with many of the points. allowing F2P to use some of the P2P skills and abilities (not all. That would be near impossible) could help with the arguements, and keep some F2P people who would have quit playing, because there would have finally been something new for them to do, and a potential way to earn more gold in-game.








    The problem with that arises when members begin to complain that they have lost part of what they pay for. If, say, fletching became F2P, members would lose one of the major advantages they had over F2P, even if all the options weren't available to F2P players.

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