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Posts posted by Haddman

  1. Hey, i'm Caradinor, welcome to RuneScape, and Tip It.




    Since your new and if you need help with something, a quest or something else, just ask.








    PS. I'll make a small donation tomorrow








    be careful when you are buying anything of value, and I personally do not trust anyone's name that starts with or is like: "o0o0ooo000o" Or like"hifgherm4jsk8" My reasoning is that they scam and they have wierd\logn names so it is hard for people to remeber their full name, so the 60 secs has passed and they can't report them for scamming. I may just be paranoid though.




    Not completely true, it could be that people are just to lazy to find a cool name so they just write something down, well, that people are probably more likely to do something bad.








    PS2. Do you play magic?

  2. The best place i would say is in the stronghold of securite, second floor, the best place is to fight where there are both zombies and flesh crawlers, don't worry the FELSH crawlers aren't dangerous though their name could sound like it, that's where i've done most of my training and it works good, if you work hard you could with your stats maybe 45-50k+ exp per hour wich is very good.

  3. Indeed the word noob is overused.




    I'm cmb 80, total 870 and i was fishing the other day and this guy comes up to me and calles me a noob because i'm wearing full guthix, he was around level 45-50, then i asked him if he even knew what the word noob means, and he said: "yes, you", this is always happening to me with players that are maybe level 50 and under.




    Another funny example is when i was killing dark wizards, wearing full green d hide, anti-dragon shield and my scimmi, and there was a guy there about level 70 and i ask him why he's wearing full rune, then he says it's for protection against magic, then he says that i'm a noob and he knows a lot more about RuneScape then me, lol.




    I think that people shouldn't use the word noob so much, unless there's a high level that just doesn't know anything. Noob a player that doesn't know anything(very little) about the game? And a newbie is a new player, that's atleast what i've seen the words are.

  4. I'm a pure f2p, and what i hate the most about it is the smal bank space, what i would like to be added to f2p is capes of achievements(everybody wants that and i would like more bank space, just maybe 5-7 more slots, that would change everything, what i ofcourse would want is a that one of the old skills would be made f2p, like fletching, but i know that's not gonna happen :(

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