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Everything posted by Ripsauce

  1. It's bug abuse, because it's an unintended action in the game that the designers did not want. Obviously, if Jagex wanted players offing each other at the barrows, they'd have allowed players to attack each other directly. Teleother spells were intended to allow other players to assist one another getting around, not to allow some less than honest folk to steal from more well-off players. Bug abuse isn't always elaborate, as in actually hacking the game. It is exploiting a loophole that isn't supposed to be there.
  2. Noted. Accept aid is always "off" when I barrow. But that isn't really the issue - there will be the one time when you forget and leave it on. If players are bragging about making more money working this scheme than actually barrowing, then it is a real problem.
  3. Hey all, I felt kind of strongly about this issue, such that I registered here just to post this. Hope you give this a fair shake. I've seen people try to get other players killed at the barrows. They do this by waiting until other players are fighting a brother (usually Dharok), and then repeatedly casting teleother spells on them, rendering them unable to take any action. As a result, they die, and lose many valuable items. Now, to me, this is flat-out bug abuse, not to mention one of the n00biest things one could do (seriously, they're too scared to fight the brothers themselves?). Jagex never intended for other players to be able to deliberatly and directly get other players killed outside of the wilderness and designated mini-games, much less a risk-fraught area as the barrow tombs and tunnels. So, this action should technically be reported as abuse. What are your thoughts?
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