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Posts posted by TeamBloody

  1. Doesn't this promote players trying to max damage over a short period of time then bank as opposed to camping at a location?


    What about tanks?


    How does this balance out? If 1 player does 75% of the damage the first kill and gets a 1m item on ls does the next player have the 25% of the item 0.25m added to there pot for the next kills or is it pure based on a kill per kill rate?




    1. Does the currently ls/cs promote players trying to summon fruit bats then eat as many fruit as possible without attacking?? Obviously, theres no perfect ls system that support every situation.




    2. If a tank is needed in the monster hunt, then we will use the current lootshare.




    3. If the player does 75% damage and the unique loot is worth 1m, he will receive 750k and the other 25% player will receive 250k. If the loot is 1.25m, the 75% player will takes 1250k(0.75) = 937.5k and the 25% one will receive 1250k(0.25) = 312.5k.




    Thank you.

  2. Hi everyone,




    I am not sure if this has been suggested but I never seen any idea like this:




    I myself enjoy monster hunt with friends a lot. The Current Ls/Cs system is great but I somehow think of an alternate way to share.








    1. Damage Share


    2. Damage Coin Share


    3. F&Q






    1. Damage Share




    Under the current Ls/Cs system, players share their loots based on the lootshare point they earnt. The damage share does not rely on lootshare points but will still distribute loots in a fair way. Here is how the damage share system works:




    The chance of receiving loots in damage share is depended on damage that done by each individuals. Take an example, if a team of 5 players is hunting a boss that has 250 hp:




    Player A does 100 damage.


    Player B does 50 damage.


    Player C does 40 damage.


    Player D does 59 damage.


    Player E does 1 damage.




    Therefore, the chance of receiving loots of each player will be:




    Player A: 100/250


    Player B: 50/250


    Player C: 40/250


    Player D: 59/250


    Player E: 1/250




    This way of share seems to be more comfortable (for me) because it encourage everyone to do their best in the monster hunt. For example, we often see players leeching in Corp or teams complains their mates welfaring.






    2. Damage Coin Share




    The Damage Coin Share has the very same concept of the current cs system but just combine with the damage share:




    So we go back to the previous 5 team monster hunt example. Lets say now the boss drop something unique thats worth 250k ge price. Thus, each player will receive:




    Player A: 100k


    Player B: 50k


    Player C: 40k


    Player D: 59k


    Player E: 1k










    Q: Okay noob, we already have a damage share system, just get your team and go to non-ls world, dont it?


    A: The non-ls world's one is not really what I am sugguesting here. First, we do not know what is being drop in non-ls world. Second, the chance of getting drops for each player are either 100% vs 0%. Which is, whoever inflicts the most damage will 100% get the drops. In this damage share system, player who does 1 damage on 250 hp boss will still have a 1/250 chance of getting that drop. Third, you do not be able to share coins in non-ls world, dont it?




    Q: Omg noob, the current Ls/Cs share is fine enough, why would we need to change it to your damage share??


    A: Sorry, I guess I do not mean to remove the current Ls/Cs share but just want to add the new DS into game. Would runescape be ruined if we have Ls/Cs/Ds(Dcs) at the same time?








    Guys, I am sorry for the bad formatting because I do not really make thread in any forums.




    I am not a smart person so I would like to have more suggestion and criticism from you guys. Thank you.

  3. Why do free players always do this? SOME of them are like wild animals...you feed them and they want more.




    You are getting something that has taken many people ages to perfect...and you are getting it at NO cost whatsoever. So stop complaining.




    =D> Wild Animals and F2p players. I love your theory. Good Job!!


    But how to wild animals related to this topic??


    I don't think you understand marketing either, if F2Pers have nothing to do then they are more likely to consider members than if they are completely absorbed into a free version that offers them so much that they can never finish it all. Personally, it isn't about Jagex making money or how many members we have. I pay for my membership, therefore in my opinion those that don't shouldn't get updates unless it is things like Bounty Hunter or the SoS. You do realise as well, that the ads are only there to subsidise some of the costs of F2P servers?




    Sort your arguments out, it was hard enough to understand what you were writing...




    Cool, I guess you will just freaking quited P2P when a F2P boss monster came out, according to your marketing behavour.




    If I got a whatever game demo and it just no no content at all, then I think I wont be concerning paying the game nor even looking it.




    I am sure Monster Hunting has now be a big part in runescape and why not just give a demo version of Monster hunt to f2p??

  5. God damnit.. why can't they wait until December to release PK worlds? I want those losers to suffer as much as they can.




    If theres really winners and losers in this incident... I guess now that you are the true loser. =D>




    I like mess massing so much. Probably the update this time will be even better than the old wildiness for me. ^^

  6. mage recently got some decent gears which give them like 4x defence bonus than the old set.




    melee.... powerful B shield gives them str, super rune gloves gives them like 10+ def on most stats.




    range has its powerful green dragon coif which has no difference then a normal coif except the +2 range attack bonus...




    I am a tank range and will always be happy when better range gears are in.


    And again, I am a P2P (So many little boys tell me: go to P2P to give your yell bow -.-)


    And people who get free things but whine over it mess me up as someone who receives a birthday present and then is arguing with the person who gave the present because it's not what they wanted.




    Mr. Jsboutin2 is the first person who mention about the birthday present stuff. Somehow I wanna ask him how he come up a birthday idea thingy to compare with runescape.




    I'm sorry but when were there no ads in the game? I honestly can't remember a time when F2P didn't have adverts, why did you suddenly get all up in arms about a couple of adverts?




    Maybe theres already ads since the beginning of runescape. However, Jagex did not force F2pers to watch their ads in the past. But now... the creation of rule15 somehow implies that F2pers have to watch ads in order to play their games.


    It really is free though, you don't pay to watch an ad, do you?




    This topic really doesnt care if you like the Ads or not. It doesnt care if the Ads bother you any or not. Its not about rants nor talking about the content of the Ads. This topic is just for discuss whether the current free world is F2P or watchAds2play.




    Yes, you dont pay to watch an ad, but you are supposed to watch the ads in order for the ads to pay the game for you.




    Just think of a birthday present example here:




    On your birthday party, a guy came to give you a present for free. However, you have to watch his Ad in order to receive that 'free' present. He was claiming that if you dont watch his Ad, then hes not giving you the present.




    In this case, is that present really 'free'?? or not??

  9. wtf jagex u stupid u ruined the game. we cant pk anymore! gf jagex everyones gunna quit ur [kitty] game. Wtf 60 ooo people played jus for pking, and pay [bleep]ex they should have their say. Nobody cares about rwt anywayz. jagex is crap lieing, so stuupid... Haha rs is going to die now, [bleep] noone like revenents. R.I.P. runescape jagex are pretty stupid just thinkthey are like oh we make this update to lose 30 million pounds?!¤%"@ !"" just for some real world [developmentally delayed]!@@@@[bleep] you




    Isn't it hilarious how EVERY rant about it sounds just the same? I composed the above :lol:




    This kind of people make wildiness supporters look evil -.- Something I wonder if they are just supporting the old wilderness or a spy from the people who dont want wilderness back -.-

  10. :lol: This topic fails. I mean, if you aren't happy with something you don't pay for, then quit. You won't have lost anything except time.




    The game is still free for you.The ads don't pay for the servers at 100%, members pay for about 25% of it (totally made-up %, but close to reality I think), so, in my opinion, you freeloaders shouldn't complain about anything in the game, but rather for your inability to pay (for whatever reason). :roll:




    I dont know how I mess you up but just sorry for messing you up anyways. I was a P2P and been quited rs for few months. So the Ads are not really bothering me.


    Anyways, your questions are a bit rude to all F2pers and I dont even know why F2pers/P2pers make a matter on this topic -.-


    Huh... you say the game is still free for F2pers and you know Ads are the groups partly paying for the 'F2P' servers. So I guess you will agree that 'F2P' is not really free; Jagex just not charge F2pers money, but their time to watch the Ads.

  11. what doomy said + most of the ranters are very, very immanture. Perhaps they simply don't understand that runescape isn't the only MMO out there?




    I dont know how to define a 'ranter' but I rant some few time so I guess I can be a ranter. I rant because I see the game having something wrong. I browse this forum but I dont play rs anymore since the bad updates. For me, having discussion on rs issue is not much more fun than actually playing the game.




    'Why even play??' Lol, I dont even play RS so its hard for me to tell.

  12. The adverts shown with the free-to-play versions of our games are what enable us to keep the free games running! The sponsors who show their adverts there are the ones paying for you to enjoy a free game in the first place, so please don't block them.





    Maybe, at the surface level, the current free world is a F2P. However, its not really free at all. Even F2pers are not really paying Jagex to play the game, the sponsors are the ones paying for them.


    Back to the past, when theres no Ads at all, I would say free world was a real free game. Before the rule 15 came out, things are just fine and it was still a real free game.


    But here, please look at the quotes in details, why aint those companies just pay for their Ads?? Instead, they have to pay for the game for F2pers?? Yes... Jagex doesnt charge F2pers but they charge the Ads company for the f2p game.


    I try not to tell why Jagex is making the Ads companies to pay for F2pers because the reason is just too simple. Anyways... F2p and watchAds2play look similar but they are not the same at all.

  13. Sorry everyone.... this topic is not a rant about Ads nor discussing how the Ads affecting players.




    No rantings on this topic please.




    It is a topic to discuss whether Free to Play now is still Free to play or watch ads to play. Please tell if you think Free World Runescape is Free2Play or watchAds2Play -.-

  14. If theres any players play long enough, they should know there used to be no Ads in the F2p games because it is a Free to play game.


    I forget since when Jagex imposes their ads on all F2pers. Something is free means that one has not to pay any cost to have it. But now, All the F2pers are required to watch the Ads as a cost to play Jagex's F2p game.


    So... Is F2p now still a F2p game?? or watch Ads to play game?? Discuss.

  15. Oh yes, it's all Jagex's fault that players break their rules.




    Why do you say that?? Give me proof??




    Too bad naive people just having their own statement but not even having their proof.


    If someone told you 'Jagex has perfect customer support' without any proof, would you even believe of it??




    Back to the topic, too many 'fanboys' tell ranters that Jagex been working for better PvP games and so they should be patient and wait for those new updates. Its been 8 months but most of them still doesnt see any 'decent' PvP games.....




    May I ask 'fanboys' that how many more months ranters should be patient until they start rantings?? 12 months later?? 120 months or 1200 months later??

  16. I can't understand why people are so impatient and rude. Just think about it from Jagex's point of view, due to many rule breakers (RWTers) they had to remove some good elements of the game, not because they wanted to, but because they had to, to keep the game alive. They promised they would work hard to make the best replacements, they brought out some replacements, listened to feedback, made further updates (with many still to come) and still all they get in return are pathetic rants with no gratitude.




    Here is my personal view on Jagex and Runescape and I wanna tell why I insist my rants. Its okay if you guys wanna blame because theres no point you guys not blaming those pathetic wilderness supporters.




    1st, as a true wilderness supporters, I really love runescape and appreciate the work of Jagex (no Jagex --> no rs --> no wilderness) and thats why I dont leave things off but keep telling people what I am purchasing on runescape.




    2nd, I extremely hate RWTers and bots. My hate on RWTers and bots probably much deeper then all other runescape players because the removal of wilderness affected Pkers the most.




    3rd, I never say BH, FoG 'sucks' because its just not my cup of tea. I would tell how I feel on wilderness.




    For me, the wilderness pking is a truely excited adventure place in runescape. Its so unique that no other games can compare with it. Wilderness is just so free that you can do anything you want. People inside the wilderness can have choice to team, fight or keep netural with each others. They can do so many things they want and theres no restriction.




    Wilderness is also for real adventure as it is full of excitement and danger. Like once you stepped into wilderness, you will never knows whats gona happen in the next second. You may find your target to kill. You may encouter a fight with another clan. You may got killed by other people. You may looted a RunePl8 on the floor. You may got bsed by your teammates. You may encounter into a super huge clan wars. Anything may just happen in anytime and thats what adventure for me. All the players/pkers inside are real human and its always excited.




    Its unlike god wars where you just keep fighting a computer-progarmmed monster where you doing the same thing again and again....Its unlike you doing a quest which you just purely following a guide that can ensure you can have the quest done successfully. Its unlike you spend your money to buy logs and burn them until you got enough exp to get 99 firemaking. There is no wilderness pking guide to ensure your success in wilderness. Theres just too much variations in the old wilderness which I see rs as a true adventure game.




    Heres another thing to tell. I really know how serious that RWT is affecting Runescape. I know that RWTers are botting with those stolen credit cards. I know certain actions should be taken so that Runescape can maintain and have a flourish future. But same questions, at what cost?? Are wilderness pkers really necessary to be sacrificed to save the future of runescape??




    I dont mean Jagex ignore people's opinion. (I cant disprove this because Jagex can just listen what they want to listen) But certainly, Jagex ignores those wilderness supporters' opinion and just do thing in the ways they want. Some wilderness supporters (okay.. I am one of them) also say they dont care of 'kill and loot' but just wanna keep the excitement. But Jagex dont care any but just do things in their own way. They just simplely did a little 'fix' on BH and telling the universal people: "See!! We listen to people rants and we fixed the problems. If you guys do any further rants then you will be regarded as unreasonable!!'' But to be honest, the BH update isnt much meaningful to most ranters but just a kind of techique Jagex made to Shut their mouths up.




    Of caz, Jagex would keep updating and fixing problems by itself. But somehow they should slow down adding new features and take more serious of fixing the wilderness issues.

  17. I heard an interesting comment on Gravestones; that they are item sinkholes.


    The argument is that obviously Jagex knows people can lag out and die, thus losing their gravestones and items. This would in essence take out some items that can be expensive, therefor not bringing in more money into the game, or something like that.




    I kinda see the point there, but I'd still like to see gravestones that don't disappear when you log out.




    Your guess maybe true. But is it right for Jagex to make gravestone a sinkhole?? Its not player's fault to lag out but Jagex still impose punishment on them.


    For me, its too ridiculious for Jagex to make a lame sinkhole to balance the economy #-o

  18. Thank you to the few people on here that realize Jagex aren't a bunch of gods that can do no harm... I am simply asking them to stop updating and start fixing.




    There are so many people got confused of your word 'updating'. Maybe just change it to 'adding new features' so they can know what you mean better. :thumbsup:


    I know this game, I know all the changes that were made, big and small, I remember them since I've started playing. So don't worry about that.




    You want to know why they removed the ability to contact them? Because it's flamers and complainers that kept contacting them after the big Wilderness update that they had to remove it so that they'd stop getting hate mail. Now they chose to see what the players want through reviewing polls and the forums.




    Sweet, you tell us you know all the changes in runescape. But you tell me you never heard of the farming poll.




    To be honest, you tell us theres huge amount of complainers. I wonder if you think all complainers are mad or something. Or else there wont still be huge amount of complainers after more than 6 months. Do they really complain for no reason?




    When the wilderness pking was removed, Jagex once promised they will try making some better PvP games to cover the wilderness pking. The result come out theres still a huge amount of 'complainers' dont like the BH and FoG. Rather than fixing those PvP games, Jagex just choose to do other updates 'skills, quests, graphics' and not even care about those complainers.




    Obviously, Jagex is no longer to care about PvP after the FoG. Since 9th April the FoG come out, theres no more further PvP updates or any information on the news development diary. This really disappointed me. Complainers wont stop complain until Jagex really did some meaningful updates to them.

  20. Noobification... really not a good word for putting into a debate thread.




    Other than that, I do think that Jagex is trying to get more young little children to play runescape. Everyone should have their own answer in their mind as they also see how runescape is changing. Of course, Jagex will still do some updates for mature players but general speaking, the rs world is going to be more safe. 'Please dont tell me GWD is always dangerous and exciting. Yes, its pretty dangerous if you are going for your 1st time. ^^ But what about your 10th times?? 20th times?? or even 50 times?? Basically monster hunting in runescape is just players repeating very similar ways/methods to fight some fix progarmed monsters.




    New Graphics: Its a pretty good thing because I suppose mature players play content more than graphics and the new graphics would propably attract more little kids to play runescape and so Jagex would earn more $ from the children's parents.




    For players who disliked the current updates of runescape probably dont wanna play with little kids and perchaps a bit mean. In fact, theres nothing wrong for little children joining runescape because they will be the pillar of our society in the future. So lets welcome our little kids in the future and support the 'safety updates' and why not turning runescape into an educational game which make the game become more mainstream. lolz ::'




    Even Jagex is trying to get more little kids to play rs, I dont see anything wrong from their point of view.




    A personal comments on GE: grandexchange is a great update for every players but I am a bit lame. I am not a merchant at all but I just dont really like it. Its because I like a 'real life' game better. Just think of whats inside Capitalism and Communism and you may know how I feel. Also, I dont really like to watch a perfect competivie market because it never happens in real life. Anyways, this para is just off topic and whether agree with me or not, please dont do any reply on this thread and just focus on the topic of this thread. Thankz.

  21. They released the skill. That was the important part. Then they got feedback from players and it turns out a lot of people weren't satisfied. Jagex already said they would release Summoning 2, so this gave them a chance to work out all the bugs and improve the skill. You're telling me that if opportunity knocks, you don't answer?




    If you are here talking about opportunity, then you will know theres always an opportunity. Say like if now Jagex suddenly find a bug in summoning skill, they would just change it instantly rathan than having problem fixed when 'batch 3' comes. Here just wanna tell you Jagex can just fix any bugs in whatever time in their game. Batch 2 came out doesnt imply that summoning will no longer have further changes.




    Somehow think about to see if theres anymore possible reason that so many people are not satisfied with summoning 1 ??? Would it possible that because Summoning 1 was an unfinished product and thus having so many errors to make players not satisfied ??? ^^ Please try think of issues in multiple ways but not just one cause one consequence. ^^





    No matter what Jagex does, Eatrunearrow's just going to find a way to bash them. If Jagex didn't release Summoning 2, they would be considered liars and uncaring. If they do release Summoning 2, they are "covering something up". Maybe it's unwise of me to argue with people who view everything Jagex does in a negative light. The point of this thread: "I have a suspicion that Jagex is trying to make us happy!"


    I can't wait to see your rant about the new graphics. -.-




    This few lines you said already implied that you been impose a deep bias on certain types of people. Things as you predicted were not even happen and not gona happen. Rathering discussing an issue, your lines here are just to blaming some certain types of people.




    What if the new graphics were really good to the game and I agreed so much the new graphics?? What if Eatrunearrow found the new graphics really cool and open a thread to praise Jagex?? What if something about the new graphics turned really bad and you become the one who rant about the new graphics??




    On a forum, we should issue about the issue. If we update is good, we praise. If the update is bad, we rant.

  22. Oh, you said "Hasn't everyone noticed everytime Jagex makes a stupid move they try and hide it with an update?




    Overall, Jagex is doing a great great job. Just look at how many people playing runescape then you know how great Jagex is doing.


    And of course, Jagex did not try and hide with an update everytime. Sometimes, they would just change their stupid move in secret without any announcement. EG. Sara GWD bugs. They just fix the bug without any cover up nor announcement .


    Therefore, maybe the speaker should say "Hasn't everyone noticed SOMETIMES Jagex makes a stupid move they try and hide it with an update." So this statement will be better.




    And isn't it fun how every ranter/flamer retaliates as soon as everyone disagrees with him? Claiming them to be fanboys, standing up for Jagex or being "dumb skillers". Tip.it used to have a huge PK-based community, not just skills. I don't see them complaining...




    I am a pker. Now its the time too late to complain but I would just discussing with you all on this forum. :)





    So please sir eatrunearrows... put down the drugs and step away from the computer.




    To be honest, I am not sure hows drugs are related to this thread?? What do you mean by 'put down the drgus and step away from the computer'? Or you just wanna tell me its another kind of personal attack to some person??

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