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Posts posted by Infernosage4

  1. Ok, I'm trying to decide.




    Ape Atoll Gorilla's?


    Skeletons in Marim Dungeon with Chinchompa?


    Blue Dragons in Ogre Enclave?




    You guys tell me which ones. No more suggestions, just telling me what one you think.




    I think Red Chinchompas. Best Range xp in the game I think. But Blue Dragons if you want money.

  2. Questions:




    1. What is respect to you?


    2. How can you earn respect?


    3. Because youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¹Ãâhigh rankedÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ should you automatically be respected?




    1. Respect to me is being courteous and polite to people no matter who they are as long as they are also respectful to you.




    2. You can earn respect by respecting others.


    Treat others the way you wish to be treated




    3. No, just because you are 'high ranked' that doesn't mean you hould be respected. Top rank players gain respect from their peers by playing the game with a respectful manner.

  3. So we're saying 99 strength versus 78 range comparison ? doesn't look like an argument to say melee still owns range lol. Even though I'm sure it still does.




    But to muidumees699:


    Nope, I'm not a melee guy, I'm a mage




    who just undestand that some ranger noob(99ranger 44 prey )can k o you in wild.Hey melees have 4 dds spects




    You mean, who doesn't understand ? And yes, I understand KOing, I encourage KOing, but seriously no weapon ingame should be able to 1 hit people with 80hp :S That's just idiotic, I can imagine the people with whip protecting item 24/7 now because a ranger could come out and 1 hit them before they knew that someone even wanted to fight them....




    I'm sorry, but as you being a mage doesn't that make you a little biased here? Especially now that range actually stands a chance against mage (Who they are supposed to have an advantage over anyways).




    Jagex are going to nref it because of all the little, whiney melee pures and mages.




    Z0MG! N0w w3 c4nt 0wn d4 4rch3r in wildy n0wz! J4g3x n3rf this 0r i g0nn4 quit!




    J4g3x! N3rf d4 d4rk b0w n0w cuz i c4nt pwn r4ng3r5 4nym0r3!




    Pretty much exactly whats going on here. You're either with the Dark Bow or you're not. I'm with the Dark Bow. It's only fair that range finally got a decent update and what is Jagex going to do? Nerf it. Jagex needs to stop listening to the little kids over there in the rants section. One day it's "Range is underpowered!" and the next it's "Range is overpowered now because of the Dark Bow/Dragon Darts!". Jagex needs to just leave things as they are.

  4. Most of them don't annoy me so much. I don't like most of them that replace syllables with numbers (i.e. W8, pl8, l8er, etc.). A few others that just randomly make me cringe are:




    - IMO


    - TBH


    - O (It annoys me when you say something and the person replies with just "O.")


    - ?


    - Plz


    - IDK




    Same for me. I can't stand it when someone says "O"

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