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Posts posted by benfr

  1. Omg I was mentioned :D








    Anyway, after reading your thing I just wanted to mention: after laying a trap, the 'attraction zone' doesn't kick in until 5 or so seconds after the trap was laid, so even if they spawn in the attraction zone they may escape due to the attraction zone not being activated yet.








    Also, chinchompa prices is stable at about 600-700 from what I've seen (might be wrong) so you still make good profit, but not as good as me and you who sold ours 1k each :P








    Incest is wrong by nature, Darwin did alot of research on it. He found out all living things do the best they can to avoid inbreeding since it leads to defects, not passing on genes and infertility. So incest is both technically and morally wrong.








    Not entirely true. In ferret families the adult males breeds with all female offspring in the nest while still growing to ensure next generation. Thats the only example I can think of, but I'm sure there is more, so the "Its wrong by nature" view isn't entirely valid.

  3. You cant get in two weeks, seriously...








    At 80 I was catching about 250 an hour - 65kxp about




    At 90 I was catching about 320 - 80k about




    At lvl 98 Hunter I was catching 400 per hour - 100kxp about.












    The xp at 98 hunter would still take you 120 hours, or 5 an a half days non stop at all. I find it unlikey that its really possible...












    It too me 3 1\2 weeks, about 6 hours a day




















    And I'm sad now cause I sold 5k for 400 each :( Its a real toss-up whether to get range up or the 30M for rest of them lol.

  4. Err, I think this is true, however I'm not sure :P . You know the guy who sells you climbing boots @ 12gp ea? He's calling "Sherpa Tenzing" and hes a mountain climber (i guess..?) and I think that the name of the guy to climb Mt. Everest first was called Tenzing Sherpa (lol sounds wierd) or it may be the two guys second names...Idk...








    His name was Tenzing Norway, he conquered it first with Sir Edmund Hillary, and yes its a very obvious one :)

  5. I'll join, will not be able to come though for 9 days (when exams finish and I'm FINALLY able to go member again).








    (I meet all requirements and am not with any official DK team...only have one friend whom I go with and anyone i can find on RS forums)








    However...just out of curioisty...why are you against Leesters?

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